Voters for Jesus - Web Site  
  Voters for JESUS
and White Male Workers
will Elect Bernie Sanders.

IF you LOVE JESUS and LOVE America

NOTICE: to Bernie Sanders Campaign Staff.

I can PROVE that I CAN give Bernie Sanders the following.

  1. The Democratic Party Nomination.
  2. Winning the Presidential Election.
  3. Winning the United States House of Representatives!

The WAY I would do that is by TEACHING a CLASS to the Campaign Staff in Every State on the following.

As an EXPERT, I can PROVE to the nation's leading Experts in Voter Psychology, Theology, and Logic that my method is the MOST EFFECTIVE method in existence for winning elections! It is NOT ENOUGH to be on the side of TRUTH. You have to present the TRUTH in a way that gets people to ACCEPT it as a part of them to CHANGE their Value-Belief System, because it is the Value-Belief System that directly controls the human behavior of Voting! I KNOW how to do that, and I can TEACH others the MOST EFFECTIVE way of doing that! THAT is THE KEY to giving the Democratic Party control of the United States House!

I CAN TEACH Advanced Voter Psychology to EVERY Campaign Staff Member, to WIN the Election! For example, EVERY staff member MUST understand the following principles of Voter Psychology.

THEREFORE EVERY Campaign Staff Member MUST know HOW to persuade the MAJORITY of voters of TWO things.

  1. WHY Voting for Bernie Sanders will get them what they LOVE and CARE about the MOST.
  2. WHY they absolutely HAVE to turn out and vote, to avoid some GREAT LOSS or GREAT LOSS of opportunity.

Republicans tell voters that if they do NOT vote, THEN someone will take away their guns, so the strong emotion of FEAR drives strong Republican turn out. Their FEAR is based on a LIE, but as long as they believe the LIE, they turn out in large numbers to vote Republican.

HOW can Bernie Sanders and Democrats WIN the House, Senate, and White House? How can WE WIN Votes and DRIVE massive turn out? With LOGICAL and THEOLOGICAL PROOF of the following TRUTHS!

To WIN we MUST do the following.

  1. Have a Public Lecture Meeting where we EXPLAIN the URGENCY of WHY Bernie Sanders MUST be elected, and the GREAT LOSS if he is NOT.
  2. Post that meeting on the internet and direct voters to that web site, to fully EDUCATE, INFORM, and MOTIVATE the VAST MAJORITY of Voters.
  3. Tell EVERYONE to JOIN the Revolution AGAINST
    • The SLAVERY of WE THE PEOPLE to Global Economic KINGS
    • The LAWS of the United States of America SET by Economic KINGS and the Trans Pacific Partnership Global Court of Economic KINGS, thus DESTROYNG WE THE PEOPLE Democracy!
    • Replacing Jesus-Values with the Anti Christ Religion of Money.
    • Forcing Americans to OBEY the Religion of Money and be Servants of Money rather than Servants of God!

ATTENTION ALL VOTERS in Iowa and America!

I can PROVE the following to EVERY VOTER!

Hillary CAN NOT WIN the MALE Vote nor the Christian Vote, therefore she CAN NOT WIN Congress and MAY LOSE the Election!

ONLY Bernie Sanders CAN WIN BOTH the White Male Christian Vote AND the Minority Female Other Vote to WIN Congress and PASS Bills to Create MILLIONS of JOBS and SAVE MILLIONS from Poverty thus helping both sexes, all races, and ALL Voting Blocs!

PEW research PROVES that 2014 was a LANDSLIDE LOSS because Democrats LOST the MALE Vote, Christian Vote, and White Vote.

The following FACTS PROVE that!


PROVEN FACT: Democrats can NOT WIN Congress without WINNING MORE VOTES from Men, Christians, and Whites! Without WINNING Congress a Democratic President can NOT Pass Bills and therefore can NOT create MORE jobs and therefore will have a FAILED Presidency!

Bernie Sanders Will WIN the Votes of Both Sexes, All Races, Christians, and others to WIN control of Congress! By having an INCLUSIVE STRATEGY to WIN Men AND Women, Whites AND Minorities, and Christians AND Others, Bernie Sanders WILL HAVE a LANDSLIDE VICTORY of CONGRESS and a VERY SUCCESSFUL Presidency!

Bernie Sanders will WIN MALE VOTERS by Supporting Men's Issues, such as LONGEVITY EQUALITY. Men DIE SEVEN YEARS younger than women, so research must be done to PROLONG the LIVES of MEN! Bernie Sanders is also a champion of Women's Issues and will do FAR MORE to help Women than Hillary, in part because he will WIN CONGRESS by fighting for BOTH Men's Issues AND Women's Issues! WNINING BOTH Voting Blocs means WINNING Congress and doing FAR MORE to help BOTH sexes!

The JESUS VALUES Voting Bloc will ELECT Bernie Sanders and ELECT Democrats to Congress. Jesus COMMANDED that Billionaires PAY TAXES and Provide for those in Need. Bernie Sanders will WIN the JESUS Voting Bloc by OBEYING the JESUS VALUES of TAXING Billionaires to provide JOBS and INCOME to Students, Farmers, Workers, and Seniors. Most non-Christians also support the JESUS VALUES of TAXING BILLIONAIRES and COMPASSION for the Needy!

Bernie Sanders will WIN the White Worker Voting Bloc by LEADING a REVOLUTION against the SLAVE MASTERS of WHITE Workers, who OFF SHORED the Factory jobs of White Workers and DENY high wages and retirement income to White Workers! Bernie Sanders WILL TAKE BACK FIVE MILLION Factory Jobs, create MILLIONS of Construction Jobs, and create TWENTY MILLION other jobs from the resulting CASH FLOW. This will create over Twenty Five MILLION JOBS with Higher Wages and retirement benefits for the White Male Workers of America, and all other workers of America.

Bernie will also WIN the minority vote by fighting for a FIFTEEN DOLLAR minimum wage and other issues that help minority workers as well as low income white workers!

America began as a REVOLUTION against KINGS. The NEW Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION against the Economic KING SLAVE MASTERS of WHITE Workers will Elect Bernie Sanders and Democrats! By OFF SHORING FIVE MILLION High Paying FACTORY JOBS of mostly WHITE workers, the UNELECTED Economic KING RULERS of America have made WHITES their SLAVES and thus made WHITES and BLACKS BROTHERS in a COMMON STRUGLE against ECONOMIC SLAVERY to the UNELECTED Economic KING RULERS of America!

The Republican Party WAR Against WHITE WORKERS MUST END, and WHITE WORKERS WILL FIGHT BACK by KICKING out of office EVERY Republican who supports the FREE TRADE Off Shoring of the MILLIONS of Factory JOBS of WHITE WORKERS!!! The WHITE WORKERS of America DEMAND that WE TAKE BACK our FIVE MILLION Factory Jobs from Communist China!!! The WHITE WORKERS of America will KICK OUT OF OFFICE EVERY Anti-White-Worker Republican who supports the Free Trade Off Shoring of FIVE MILLION Factory jobs of the WHITE WORKERS of America!


By WINNING ALL Voting Blocs, Bernie Sanders WILL WIN Congress and then have the POWER to pass bills to create over TWENTY FIVE MILLION JOBS and greatly increase the income of Students, Farmers, Workers, and Seniors.

WE MUST have a campaign of INCLUSION! We must FIGHT to WIN the VOTES of BOTH men and women, BOTH whites AND other races, and BOTH Christians AND others. ONLY THEN can we WIN control of Congress and give President Bernie Sanders the POWER to SAVE AMERICA from Unemployment, Poverty, and SLAVERY to Unelected Economic KINGS!

The Economic KINGS are DESTROYING our Political Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE through Divide and Conquer. They want to DIVIDE Men's Issus versus Women's Issues, White Issues versus Minority Issues, and Christian Issues versus Other Issues. However, WE THE PEOPLE will TAKE BACK AMERICAN by UNITING behind the VOTER REVOLUTION of Bernie Sanders!

Iowa Farm-Christian Voters MUST ELECT Bernie Sanders !!!
WHY Helping Farmers and Following JESUS
means ELECTING Bernie Sanders.

Women MUST ELECT Bernie Sanders !!!
WHY Hillary MAY HURT Women.
HOW Bernie WILL HELP Women.

In the debate Hillary said: 60 percent of my donations are from women. What she did NOT say is: while 60 percent of her DONARS may be women, 60 percent of her DONAR DOLLARS do NOT come from women!

IF Hillary is beholding to Big Banks and International Corporations, will she act to HELP Big Money rather than protecting women from Big Bank Economic Abuse and International Corporations OFF SHORING of American Jobs?!!! For Example, does Hillary support the TPP Trade Deal, which will HURT women workers in America?!!! HAS Hillary spoken out AGAINST the TPP Trade Deal?!!!

By having an INCLUSIVE Strategy to WIN ALL Voting Blocs, Bernie Sanders will WIN CONGRESS! THAT will give him the POWER to DELIVER on campaign promises to HELP WOMEN.

A shorter Ad for the Radio would focus on key points important to the VOTERS! Consider the following Radio Ad, to be run in Iowa and New Hampshire. WINNING the Farm-Christian Vote is KEY to WINNING Iowa and New Hampshire!

*** Radio AD in Iowa and New Hampshire ***

Hillary CAN NOT WIN the FARM Vote, the Christian Vote, nor the Male Vote, therefore she CAN NOT WIN Congress and MAY LOSE the Election!

ONLY Bernie Sanders CAN WIN ALL Voting Blocs: Farmers AND Labor, Christians AND others, whites AND minorities, men AND women, with his INCLUSIVE campaign to HELP ALL Voting Blocs!

ALL Farmer in America MUST ASK themselves WHICH candidate will DO FAR MORE for the Farmers of America and the Children of the Farmers of America? ONLY Bernie will INCREASE FARM INCOME with Wind Mill Farming! ONLY Bernie will give FREE College Education to the CHILDREN of Farmers.

EVERY Woman Voter MUST ASK herself ONE question. IF there were a BILL that Helped the Big BANK donars of Hillary, but HURT women, THEN HOW would Hilary Vote and HOW would Bernie Vote?

EVERY VOTING Bloc MUST ELECT Bernie Sanders!!!

*** THE SECRET ***
and WINNING Control of CONGRESS!!!

The ONLY WAY Democrats can WIN Control of Congress is to WIN the White-Male-Christian Vote while keeping the Minority-Female-Other Vote. That means NOT having Party Leaders who TELL Voters that they are anti-MALE anti-WHITE and anti-CHRISTIAN by IGNORING and OPPOSING the issues of those Voting Blocs.

The SECRET is to WIN EVERY Voting Bloc by becoming the CHAMPIONS of EVERY Voting Bloc! That means telling voters the following.

from Satanic ISIS Terrorism!!!
by Dale Lee Harris

I, Dale Lee Harris, CAN ELIMINATE Satanic ISIS Terrorism in the FREE WORLD, IF AND ONLY IF the Nations of the World and the People of the world FOLLOW MY EXPERT ADVICE!

MY EXPERTISE on Eliminating Satanic Terrorism is based on MY EXPERTISE in the following.


Further SECRETS to Eliminating Terrorism,
and ENDING ALL Human Suffering on Earth!

In general, the way to debrainwash people is to use Motivational Psychology, Value-Belief Psychology, Logic, and Theology to help people to first be FREE to THINK for themselves and then use evidence to get them to SEE the TRUTH. However, my methods are FAR MORE EFFECTIVE! I would use my Superior Complete Psychological Model and also Fundamental Questions.

To CONVERT Muslims, EVERYONE needs to UNDERSTAND the following. Muslims CLAIM that they worship the SAME GOD that Christians and Jews worship. To PROVE they worship the SAME GOD, they CLAIM they honor JESUS as a prophet of God and therefore BELIEVE the teachings of JESUS. They CLAIM that Mohammed recognized JESUS as a prophet of God. One could ARGUE that the JESUS and MARY that Mohammed referred to are NOT THE SAME JESUS and MARY that Christians honor. However, we can give them the benefit of the doubt.

The important points are the following. IF Muslims do NOT believe in the teachings of JESUS, THEN it PROVES that they do NOT worship the SAME GOD, and therefore they worship a FALSE God, ISLAM is a FALSE religion, and Mohammed is a FALSE prophet. Therefore, to PROVE they worship the SAME GOD, Muslims MUST PROVE that they ACCEPT the teachings of JESUS. Therefore, Muslims MUST ACCEPT the teachings of JESUS as a VALID Theological argument for deciding what is TRUE and what is FALSE. Muslims MUST PROVE they ACCEPT the WORDS and teachings of JESUS, otherwise they worship a FALSE God, Mohammed is a LIAR, and EVERYTHING they believe is a LIE!

To ELIMINATE ALL Terrorism, Murder, Rape, and Violence in the world, EVERY PERSON in the world MUST live by POSITIVE Value-Beliefs that tells them to LOVE others and act out of LOVE for others! It does NOT MATTER what God people believe in or even if people do NOT believe in a God. ALL that matters is that EVERYONE lives by the Moral Values of LOVING others and acting out of LOVE for others. THAT is HOW WE CAN ELIMINATE ALL Terrorism, Murder, Rape, and Violence from the world!

To help to END ALL HUMAN SUFFERING in the world, based on individual human actions, EVERYONE in the world MUST TAKE the National Ethics Class developed by me, Dale Lee Harris. I in fact have a plan for ENDING MOST Human Suffering in the world, by positively changing the Political-Economic-Social-Environmental Ideology of EVERY nation on planet Earth! We as a world MUST have a PLAN for ENDING Human Suffering and also for PREVENTING the Extermination of the Human Species!

A part of the way to POSITIVELY CHANGE people to live by POSITIVE Value-Beliefs is to ask everyone certain Fundamental Questions. Those questions include the following. WHAT is the ESSENTIAL nature of Good and Evil? WHAT makes a human action either Good or Evil? IF there IS a God, THEN what Moral Values should He or She live by? WHAT makes the actions of a lessor god or the True God either Good or Evil? Would YOU act to do Good, even if there were no God or you did not believe there were a God? What Moral Values do you live by, which go beyond doing what some Cleric tells you that God says you must do? If there IS a God, THEN do you believe that He or She is GOOD and wants people to LOVE one another and act out of LOVE for one another? By getting people to ASK Fundamental Questions they can be positively influenced to CHANGE their CORE Value-Belief System. WHEN people live based on LOVING others and acting based on LOVE, THEN we END Terrorism, Murder, Rape, and Violence!

NOTE: While Psychology teaches that people act based on their Value-Beliefs, I, Dale Lee Harris, INVENTED/DISCOVERED the idea that people rather act based on what I call the Loyality-Value-Belief System.

I, Dale Lee Harris, have a plan for SAVING the WORLD from almost all Terrorism, Murder, Rape, and Violence by using the MOST ADVANCED form of Positive Change Spiritual Psychology in existence, to TEACH everyone in the world to live by the COMMAND of God, LOVE others as much as you LOVE yourself. I have a plan for ENDING almost ALL Human Suffering in the world, including Slavery, Poverty, Disease, Natural Disaster, etc. I have a plan for helping to PREVENT the EXTERMINATION of the Human Species. I have a plan to TEACH people how to Spiritually Evolve to Being Born Again, Becoming ONE with God and Others, and Obtaining Enlightenment. I have a plan to SAVE the WORLD!

from Terrorism and other Human Suffering
to TELL the NATIONS of the world
to follow MY ADVICE.


HOW to END ALL Terrorism and Rape!
ADVICE to France and the WORLD
on ENDING ISIL Terrorism and Rape.

The ROOT CAUSE of Terrorism is the EVIL Theological SATANITC LIE that Terrorism is GOOD and God REWARDS Terrorism in Heaven. EVIL SATANIC LIES can ONLY be defeated by GOOD SPIRITUAL TRUTH! Only IDEAS can DEFEAT IDEAS. Only GOOD will DEFEAT EVIL. Only GOOD IDEAS will DEFEAT EVIL IDEAS. The ONLY WAY to DESTROY Terrorism is to DESTROY the ROOT CAUSE of Terrorism, which is the SATANIC LIE that Terrorism is GOOD and is sanctioned by GOD. The ONLY WAY to DESTROY THAT SATANIC LIE is with the TRUTH that it IS a Satanic Theology that is taught by Satanic Clerics.

To REMOVE the ROOT CAUSE of Terrorism and Rape, we must UNDERSTAND and DO the following.

To END Rape and Terrorism, EVERY citizen of EVERY nation must be taught the following.

  1. The Theology of Rape and Terrorism, that teaches that God says it is OK to be a Rapist and Terrorist, is a Satanic Theology taught by Satanic Clerics.
  2. EVEYONE who either teaches or follows the Satanic Theology of Rape and Terrorism is EVIL and will be PUNISHED by God in HELL!
  3. The ONLY WAY to escape from HELL is to REPENT of your belief in the Satanic Theology of Rape and Terrorism, and rather OBEY the COMMAND of God to LOVE OTHERS even as you love yourself.

UNDERSTAND the following TRUTHS.

I CAN END ISIS Terrorism and Rape!
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2015 by Dale Lee Harris

I CAN END Almost ALL Terrorism and Rape in the world, IF the Nations of the world take MY ADIVCE! I can PROVE what I say is TRUE. I AM the LEADING EXPERT in the world on HOW to use Advanced Positive Change Spiritual Psychology to END the ROOT CAUSE of ALL violence, murder, terrorism, and rape! I AM THE INVENTOR of the MOST ADVANCED form of Positive Change Spiritual Psychology in existence in the entire world!

UNDERSTAND THIS psychological PROVEN FACT. Human Value-Beliefs TRIGGER and CAUSE ALL human behavior. People DO acts of Terrorism and Rape BECAUSE they believe it is GOOD to do acts of Terrorism and Rape. IF you STOP people from believing it is GOOD to do acts of Terrorism and Rape and STOP people from teaching others that it is GOOD to do acts of Terrorism and Rape, THEN you END Terrorism and Rape!

The QUESTION THEN becomes: HOW do you STOP people from believing Terrorism and Rape is GOOD, and HOW do you STOP people from teaching others that Terrorism and Rape is GOOD?

EVERY Nation in the world MUST Teach EVERY person a National Ethics Class, based on MY system of Spiritual Psychology, which will effectively CHANGE people to no longer believe that Terrorism and Rape is GOOD. Also, it MUST be ILLEGAL to CAUSE Terrorism and Rape by ORDERING others to be Terrorists and Rapists by TEACHING others that Terrorism and Rape is GOOD.

WHY must the class be based on MY system of Spiritual Psychology? Because MY systems is the MOST EFFECTIVE system in EXISTENCE for Spiritually Transforming students. My class teaches the following.

We can NOT END Rape and Terrorism unless we teach people that Rape and Terrorism IS EVIL and IS NOT sanctioned by God! Therefore WE MUST teach EVERYONE that the ideas that Rape and Terrorism is GOOD and is sanctioned by God, are EVIL LIES! In order to END THE CAUSE of Rape and Terrorism, EVERY person in EVERY nation MUST be taught the following TRUTHS. It is a Satanic LIE and blaspheme to say that God is EVIL and wants people to be EVIL. It is a Satanic LIE and blaspheme to say that God WANTS people to be Terrorists and Rapists. It is a Satanic LIE to say that God will REWARD people for the EVIL of Terrorism. It is a Satanic LIE to say that God says it is OK for men to Rape women as long as they first capture and enslave those women. Those Satanic LIES about God is a Satanic Theology that is taught by Satanic Clerics. The ONLY WAY to ESCAPE from the damnation of HELL is to REPENT of your belief in the Satanic LIES that Rape and Terrorism is GOOD and is sanctioned by God!

WHY MUST it be ILLEGAL to CAUSE others to RAPE and KILL by teaching others that it is GOOD to RAPE and KILL? We must BALANCE the RIGHTS of individuals with the RIGHTS of Society. People have the RIGHT to do what they want to and to believe what they want to. People do NOT have the RIGHT to HURT others with acts of Terrorism and Rape. People do NOT have the RIGHT to CAUSE acts of Terrorism and Rape by believing and teaching others that Terrorism and Rape is GOOD!

To PROTECT society from the THREAT of Terrorism and Rape, EVERY person, especially Muslims, in EVERY nation MUST take a National Ethics Class Against the Satanic Theology of Rape and Terrorism and MUST SIGN a certificate of CONDEMNATION of the Satanic Theology of Rape and Terrorism. The Affidavit will be worded as follows.

I CONDEMN ANY religion, theology, or cleric that SAYS it is OK for a man or woman to do acts of Terrorism or Rape under some conditions. I CONDEMN such as a Satanic Theology taught by Satanic Clerics. I SWEAR before God that I will do everything in my power to expose and destroy everyone who advocates the idea that it is OK for men or women to do acts of Terrorism or Rape under some conditions. Any act of forcing sex on a man or woman against his or her will is rape and must be punished. As Jesus taught, doing unto others is doing unto God. Therefore acts of Terrorism and Rape against others are acts of Terrorism and Rape against God. Killing a woman for being a victim of rape is the same thing as killing God for being a victim of rape.

To END ALL THREATS of Terrorism and Rape, we must completely DESTROY the Theology of Terrorism and Rape. We must also CONVERT EVERYONE to the Philosophy of LOVING OTHERS as ourselves. WHEN that is DONE, then Terrorism and Rape will END!