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  Radio and TV Ads
Psychology and Morality

The Psychology and Morality of Media Ads
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2012 by Dale Lee Harris

*** NOTE: Example Ads are shown below. ***

To all of the dis-in franchised voters in America, I have a message to you. We do not have to choose between Evil Corporate Republicans, who off shored and destroyed twenty five million American jobs, and the Wimpy Democrats, who did not fight hard enough to create enough America jobs. There is a third choice in this election. That choice is to Elect THE PEOPLE, by putting THE PEOPLE in power with Real Power to the People, which is Economic Democracy and Popular Rule of Government. If we elect Progressive Democratic Servants of The People, rather than Corporate Evil Republican Servants of Money, and form a powerful Progressive Voting Block, then we can order politicians to establish Economic Democracy and take actions to quickly create Fifty Million American Jobs. Read my main web page for more information about this Third Choice!

The psychology of media ads includes understanding things like Motivational Psychology, which explains how to motivate people to act or vote the way you want them to. Since the Corporate Media uses Brainwashing Psychology, the People's Media must understand how to De-Brainwash people. It is a matter of understanding and influencing what people want, and convincing them that you are the answer to what they want. Psychology is used to help target audiences and tailor ads to win the hearts and minds of a given target group. Good psychology is a major key to winning any election.

The morality of political advertising examines the question of what is a fair ad that plays by the Rules. Is it OK to lie, cheat, steal, and destroy democracy in order to win an election and gain power over the nation? Republicans obviously have no morality, since lying, cheating, stealing, and destroying democracy through Voter Suppression is a well known Republicans strategy.

Some say people should not run Negative Ads, and say Progressives are just as bad as Republicans because Progressives run Negative Ads. That is a False Statement! Negative Ads are NOT bad or Evil, due to being Negative. A Positive Ad complements and promotes your candidate. A Negative Ad criticizes or attacks your opponent. Complements are NOT Good by nature. Criticism is NOT Evil by nature. The quality of Honesty is Good by nature. The quality of Dishonesty is Evil by nature. When a Republican complements himself or herself, and the complement is a LIE, then that is an EVIL Ad. When a Progressive condemns a Republican and that condemnation is the TRUTH, then that is a GOOD Ad. When Jesus Christ harshly condemned the Church Leaders in his day, it was a GOOD message, because it was the TRUTH.

It would be VERY GOOD for progressives to run Hard Hitting Ads Against Corporate Republicans, to educate voters about the real Evil nature of Republicans.

However, Honesty must be a TWO Edged Sword! We must be honest and admit the faults of Democrats, who are not Progressive enough. We must not seek to Elect Democrats, but rather seek to elect honest Servants of The People.

Rather than, or in addition to, donating money for the Democratic Party, to run ads to Elect Democrats, we should donate money to Labor Unions and Progressive Organizations, that will run the Ads that Both Parties refuse to run, namely being for TRUTH and THE PEOPLE before any other loyalty. Progressive Ads can WIN the HEARTS and MINDS of the American people, by offering them a THIRD CHOICE of giving THE PEOPLE the POWER to force politicians to SERVE THE PEOPLE!

My advice is for Labor Unions, Progressive Organizations, and The Occupy Movement to UNITE and form a National Coalition to run their own Ads. Ads should send the message that, OUR goal is NOT to elect Democrats, but is rather to put THE PEOPLE in power! We will elect Progressive Democrats who promise to Serve the People and give Power to the People. Media Ads should be run that promotes the issues that THE PEOPLE care about, even if the Democratic Party is not on board, and should pressure Democrats to support those issues. Rather than helping to elect Democrats, we want to Lead the People through education on what can be accomplished, and then let THE PEOPLE Lead Politicians by demanding positive change!

I advise that we Think Outside the Box, and Think Above the Box. Traditional strategy is to: turn out your base, try to win independent voters, and do not waste time on voters in the other camp. I say: for a Mega Landslide victory, we must win the hearts and minds of voters in the other camp! Most people seek the victory of their side over the other side. I say: higher morality demands that we rather seek the victory of good over evil, which includes condemning the evil in ourselves and praising the good in the other camp . Better yet, is to merge the virtues of Self with the virtues of Other to arrive at a Greater Truth that incorporates the truths of Self and Other.

Also, with a basic understanding of Cognitive Psychology and how a human listener parses to understand the emotions and ideas of a message, a good Voice Actor can give an effective delivery. Focus on Pre Parsing and delivering the emotions and ideas into the brains of others. It can also help to be a Telepath and hear how ideas and thoughts are processed.

As far as targeting goes, we need to win the Jobs Vote, the Christians or Jesus Vote, the Brainwashed USA Vote, the Southern White Vote, and any other group we can reach. The right message should win each of these groups. We only need to prove that Progressives are Pro USA Jobs, while Corporate Republicans are Anti USA Jobs. We must use the teachings of Jesus Christ to win honest Christians. We must expose the truth that Republicans chant USA, while fighting an Economic War against USA Workers. Racist Southern Whites who think blacks should still be slaves, live in an Us verses Them World, where the them is blacks. It is just a matter of redefining the Us and Them, so they can see that those playing the Let's You and Him Fight psychological game from the book Games People Play by Eric Berne, are playing them as fools and are secretly their real worst enemies. These are some of the Strategies and Tactics for using psychology to win over people's hearts and minds in a very effective Media Ad.

If I had the time and the millions of dollars needed, then these are some of the Radio and TV Ads that I would run. If I can afford it, I may run a Radio Ad. But, if I had the time and the money, then I could GUARANTEE a Mega Landslide Victory, because the Ads are based on sound Psychology and advanced Spiritual Political Philosophy.

The major issue is that of jobs. Going after the Jobs Vote means targeting Democrats, Independents, and Republicans. The goal is to change people from voting Republican to voting Progressive on the Jobs Issues. Here is an example Ad.

Anti-USA Republicans off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs and oppose massive job creating government spending. For 50 million USA jobs, kick out Anti-USA Republicans, and demand Economic Democracy. Voters For Jesus dot com Voters for Jesus dot com.

Click to Listen: Anti-USA Republicans

Here is a longer and more hard hitting Ad.

Totalitarian Communists will own and rule America. Anti-USA Republicans off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs and oppose massive job creating government spending. Republicans are LIARS who chant USA, USA, USA, while stabbing America in the back with a Communist dagger, by helping Totalitarian Communists to enslave the USA. For 50 million USA jobs, kick out Anti-USA Republicans, and demand Economic Democracy. For USA Jobs and Your Freedom, elect Pro-USA Progressives. Voters For Jesus dot com.

Click to Listen: Totalitarian Communists

Here is a modified version that focuses more on adding 50 million USA Jobs, than on Republican Anti-American support for Totalitarian Communism.

Did you know that 25 million USA jobs were off shored and destroyed by Anti-USA Republican Free Trade? Progressives would have created 25 million additional USA jobs through massive job creating government spending, but Anti-USA Republicans blocked it . Republicans are LIARS who chant USA, USA, USA, while stabbing the USA in the back with a Made In China dagger. For 50 million USA jobs, kick out Anti-USA Republicans, elect Pro-USA Progressives, and end the Senate Filibuster. Voters For Jesus dot Com, Voters For Jesus dot Com.

Click to Listen: 50 Million USA Jobs

Here is an Ad that goes for the Jobs Vote and the Jesus Vote. Here I mention both of my web sites.

Anti-USA Republicans off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs. Anti-Jesus Republicans reject the commands of Jesus to the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. Voters for Jobs and Voters for Jesus, vote Progressive. Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jobs dot com

Click to Listen: Anti-USA Anti-Jesus

Here is an Ad that is a more strong sell to the Jesus Vote.

Jesus commands the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. Republicans reject the commands of Jesus. Jesus will reject Republicans on Judgment Day. Jesus will reject False Pastors who serve Money. Followers of Jesus elect Progressives. Voters For Jesus dot com Voters For Jesus dot com.

Click to Listen: Matthew 25:31-46

Here is an Ad that reveals a Taboo Truth, that many may not be spiritually ready to receive. The Anti-Christ is alive and well in the United States of America. In fact, the Anti-Christ is one of the political leaders of the Economic Dictators of America and one of the rulers of the Corporate Republican Puppets. Right Wing Republicans want to think that they are on the side of God, but they are in fact at war with God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus told the church leaders of his day, "The Harlots will go to Heaven before you will", "You blind leaders of the blind, who strain at a gnat and swallow a camel", and much more. He would say the same things today to pastors and priests who tell their church members to vote Republican. Republican pastors and priests are working against the teachings of Jesus Christ. By helping Republicans to establish a global Economic Dictatorship, which will be ruled by the Anti-Christ, Republicans pastors and priests are working for the Anti-Christ. There was in fact a prophecy that the next Pope will be the False Prophet, who will tell people to worship the Anti-Christ. Voting Republican increases the odds that the Anti-Christ will be the Economic Dictator of the United States of America. People need to be warned, so they can defeat and destroy Corporate Republicans, to save American from being ruled by the Anti-Christ. But, people may not receive the Taboo Truth that must be told. Perhaps an Ad like the following can help open some hearts, minds, and eyes to the truth.

The Holy Bible says the Anti-Christ will be an Economic dictator. Republicans are serving the Anti-Christ by working to establish a global Economic Dictatorship. The Anti-Christ will be the political leader of the Radical Super Rich in America and ruler of the Republican Party. To save America, elect Progressives. Voters For Jesus dot Com.

Click to Listen: The Anti-Christ

Is the Anti-Christ alive and well in the United States of America? The Holy Bible says the Anti-Christ will be an Economic Dictator, who will have the power over the Economic System to grant people the right to buy or sell. The Radical Super Rich in America are Economic Dictators. Corporate Republicans are servants of their Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters. Given that Republicans are helping the American Radical Super Rich establish an Economic Dictatorship, and the Anti-Christ will be an Economic Dictator, it logically follows that the Anti-Christ may be the political leader of the American Radical Super Rich and will rule the Economic Dictatorship established by Corporate Republicans. Republicans are trying to destroy American democracy, to make way for the American Economic Dictatorship. One way they are doing it, is using Voter ID Laws to deny American citizens their right to vote. There is prophecy that the next Pope will be the False Prophet, who tells people to follow the Anti-Christ. That is not surprising, since Corporate Pastors are already serving the Radical Super Rich by telling church members to vote Republican. If church leaders in America, along with Corporate Republicans, are working to establish an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ in America, then especially Christians must be warned that their own pastor may be leading them to serve the Anti-Christ by voting Republican. TRUE Christians do not want the Anti-Christ to rule America, and will reject pastors who serve money, rather than serving God. We must warn America to save America from being ruled by the Anti-Christ.

We need an End of Days Christian Revival in America to teach Christians to follow the doctrines of JESUS, NOT the doctrines of men, who are servants of money! Jesus taught compassion for the poor and the rich paying taxes to provide for the poor. Jesus NEVER said that a Zygote is a baby. TRUE Christians vote Progressive.

Voters for Jesus dot com Will the Anti-Christ rule America? Are you a follower of Christianity and the doctrines of Jesus, or a follower of Churchanity and the doctrines of men? False Pastors serve money not God. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. TRUE Christians demand raising taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million USA jobs and to irrigate family farms. If Republicans steal the election with their voter ID laws, then America will be an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ. Voters for Jesus dot com

Click to Listen: Anti-Christ Rules America

The evidence is very clear that if the Radical Super Rich and their Corporate Republican Puppets manage to destroy American democracy by denying American citizens their Constitutional Right to Vote with their Voter ID Laws and steal the election from the Will of the People, then America will be an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ. If the election is decided by the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America, rather than by the Will of the People, determined by the Freedom to Vote of The People, then the Economic Dictators of America will also be Dictators of the Political System as well. That will make America at least an Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich.

Let me explain what should be very obvious. The Holy Bible says the Anti-Christ will be a Global Totalitarian Economic Dictator. The Radical Super Rich and their Corporate Republican Puppets have been slowly moving the United States of America away from political democracy, where elected politicians serve the people, to an economic dictatorship, where the politicians are bribed the the Economic Rulers to rather serve the Radical Super Rich. They obviously want America to become a National Economic Dictatorship. If you can add "2+2" to get "4", then you can see that the American National Economic Dictatorship will be a part of the Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship, ruled by the Anti-Christ. Thus, if Corporate Republicans destroy democracy in America with their Voter ID Laws, America will not just be a National Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich, but will also be a part of the Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ.

Do Republican Pastors and Priests understand that they have become servants of the Anti-Christ? They certainly understand that by rejecting the commands of Jesus for the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor, they have become Servants of Money, not Servants of God, in order to get larger donations of money from rich Republican donors. They have rejected the teachings of Jesus Christ, so they will get a higher salary from larger donations. But, do they realize that selling out to Satan will send them to Hell?

When False Pastors and Priests serve Corporate Republican who serve the Radical Super Rich who serve the Anti-Christ, then it makes the False Pastor Servants of Money also the Servants of the Anti-Christ. When they tell members of their congregation to vote for Corporate Republicans, they are helping the Radical Super Rich and their Anti-Christ Global Political Leader to make the United States of America a part of the Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship.

If False Pastors and Priests fully understood that they have become Servants of the Anti-Christ, and they may go to Hell, then hopefully they would fall on their knees, repent, and beg God for forgiveness. Jesus has a message to these Church Leader Servants of Money. That message is: Harlots will go to Heaven before you will!

To all False Pastor and Priest Servants of Money, I have one message. REPENT! so you will not go to Hell!

Is the Catholic Prophecy true? Will the next Pope call himself Peter the Roman and be the False Prophet? If the leader of the Catholic Church will serve the Anti-Christ, is it any wonder that in the Last Days many Pastors and Priests in America are already serving the interests of the Anti-Christ by serving the Radical Super Rich and their Corporate Republican Puppets?

MEGA Landslide God-USA-Farm-Male Vote

Progressives can have a MEGA Landslide victory with a Progressive Contract with America to win the rural God and Country Farm vote and to win the male vote. Here is a positive message Ad that promises voters what Progressives can deliver, IF voters give progressive organizations the power that they need.

It is not enough for voters to just elect Progressive candidates. They must also join Progressive organizations in very large numbers to create the voting block and political action block needed to force elected officials to serve the people, rather than serving the money interests. Do we have to raise taxes on the Super Rich to create a Extra Money for Congress Pay, to bribe those in the House and Senate to do what they are supposed to do, Serve the People, in order to overcome bribes from lobbyists? Maybe there should be a Merit Pay Fund, where voters decide if a member of the House or Senate has done a good job of voting the way voters want them to vote. Or, do we need to pass laws to make it illegal to take any money or favors from lobbyists, and end the temptation of bribes from the servants of the Radical Super Rich?

Another idea is to take the temptation of power out of the hands of elected officials, by giving direct democracy power to the people to override decisions by Congress. If members of the House and Senate can declare a bill to be "Controversial" and go to a direct vote of the people every 6 months to a year, then the corruption of bribery can be reduced. An active Progressive Voting Block can watch those in office and make sure they serve the people.

As radio talk show host Norman Goldman has said, after the election of progressives, the voice of millions of Americans must demand an immediate end to the Senate filibuster rule. With a powerful progressive coalition of tens of millions of politically active Americans, we can demand and force politicians to take the actions needed to create 25 to 50 million USA jobs within 2 years. We can do it, if we recruit enough people to not only vote Progressive, but to also join and be active in a Progressive organization.

Another issue that we must address is rape and murder. We have heard, "guns do not kill people, people kill people". If that is true, then why are we not teaching people to not rape and kill other people? If the Spiritual Psychology Class that I invented is taught nationally to millions of people, then it will end the root cause of rape and murder. Those who are on the side of rape and murder will oppose the teaching of my class. Servants of the Radical Super Rich may want to BAN my class, because rape and murder in the middle class prevents unity behind the Progressive Movement.

As long as middle class men and women are fighting one another and do not have love, compassion, and understanding for one another, men and women cannot be united in fighting back against the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America and the emerging Anti-Christ Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship. We do NOT need Hate Studies Classes in college that teach members of one gender to hate and ignore the suffer of the other gender, which in turn promotes sexual hatred and sexual violence. Love Studies Classes must be taught in every college and high school to teach members of BOTH sexes to have Equal Love and Compassion for BOTH Sexes. WHEN the Progressive Movement endorses Equal Protection and Compassion for Male Victims, THEN the majority of men will vote Progressive!

Following is an Ad to take away the Republican Voting Base from the Republican Party, namely God and Country Farm Voters and Male Voters.

Voters for Jesus dot com. We can create 50 million USA jobs in 2 years, save drought stricken family farms, and end rape and murder. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. That means raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance Job Creating Government Spending and to finance irrigation of family farms. A Spiritual Psychology Class can end Rape and Murder. To end unemployment and save family farms, elect Progressives and end the Senate filibuster rule. Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jesus dot com.

Click to Listen: SAVE America!


Labor Movement, Women's Movement, Progressive Movement, and all other Traditional Progressive Voters. It is NOT ENOUGH to just BARELY WIN by rallying our base and winning independents. To quickly end most unemployment, poverty, rape, murder, and other human suffering in America, we must have a quick dramatic fundamental change. That is only possible, if we have a MEGA Landslide Victory. I can GUARANTEE a MEGA Landslide Victory, IF AND ONLY IF you THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!

We must make the Republican Voting Base Mad as Hell against the Republican Party. So mad that, not only will they not vote Republican, but they will in fact vote Progressive. We must take the Republican Voting Base away from the Republican Party!

How can we do that?

We can take the God and Country Rural Farm Voters away from Republicans by educating voters to the FACTS that: Republicans are AT WAR with God, America, and Farmers! That is the TRUTH. If we tell voters that TRUTH, then we take the Republican Voting Base and have a MEGA Landslide Victory.

First I will show an example Ad to take Republican Voters away from the Republican Party. After that, I will explain the TRUTH of the Ad, with the arguments and talking points that we need to use to back up the Ads.

Voters for Jesus dot com When Republicans reject the commands of Jesus to the rich, to pay taxes and provide for the poor, that is a WAR against GOD. When Republicans off shore and destroy 25 million USA jobs, that is a WAR against America. When Republicans oppose helping drought stricken farms that is a WAR against Farmers. And when Republicans deny United States citizens their right to vote, that is a WAR against Democracy. Defeat the Republican WAR against YOU. Vote Progressive. Voters for Jesus dot com

Click to Listen: WAR against YOU!

Some believe that the Church speaks for God, and following the Church is following God. That is false. Jesus Christ would be the first person to say that the leaders of the Church can be At War with God. In fact, the harshest criticism of Jesus Christ was reserved for the Church leaders of his day. His words included: You blind leaders of the blind, You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel, and Harlots will go to heaven before you will.

Let me explain why an Authoritarian Church, that gives power to church leaders, is in fact At War with God. God wants people to worship God and follow the commands of God. Humans who are guilty of the sin of lusting after power, want humans to worship human leaders and follow the commands of human leaders. When the human leaders of a church tell their members to follow them and obey their commandments, they are turning their members away from following God and obeying the commands of God. That is an Act of WAR against GOD!

Jesus Christ taught that the rich should have compassion on the poor, pay taxes, and provide for the poor. Corporate Republicans, along with False Pastors and Priests, who serve Money, rather than God, have rejected the commands of Jesus Christ, and substituted in their place, the Doctrines of Men. That is an Act of WAR against GOD!

The off shoring and destroying of 25 million USA jobs, is clearly an act of Economic War against THE PEOPLE of The United States of America. Honestly. Do I even have to explain?

Similarly, opposing help for farmers in a drought, is acting to economically destroy small farms. If Rich Wall Street Banks get Bailed Out, but Poor Farmers do not, then Economic War against Poor Farmers is pretty obvious.

Denying United States citizens their Constitutional Right to Vote is an attack on the very core of democracy. When it is targeting voting groups who do not vote the way the Radical Super Rich want them to vote, then the election is no longer determined by The Will of The People, but is rather determined by The Will of the Radical Super Rich. That changes The United States of America, from a democracy of the people, to an Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. It is an Act of WAR against Democracy.

Since the Republican Party is at WAR with the Republican Voting Base of God and Country Rural Farm Voters, it becomes obvious that the Republican Voting Base should be Mad as Hell at Republicans, and should Vote Progressive.

American Farmers are being destroyed by Republicans. Honest scientists warned that fossil fuel burning can lead to global warming, severe weather, and droughts. Just as Corporate scientists said tobacco is good for you, Corporate scientists have rejected environmental truths. If we can Bail out Wall Street, then lets tax the Wall Street Super Rich to save farmers in the short term and long term. Jesus said the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor, so TRUE Christians will agree with that idea. We need to spend billions to aggressively convert to solar, wind, and bio, to prevent future droughts. We may need to use river water to irrigate farm land. Republicans are on the side of big oil and big money, so they oppose green energy and taxing the Wall Street Super Rich to help farmers. Those who want to help farmers, will vote Progressive Democrat.

Rural area farm towns tend to vote Republican. Why? Because Progressives have not been smart enough to target that voting block and take that voting block away from Republicans. Here is an Ad that seeks to effectively communicate the essential message in the time limit of a Media Ad.

Oil caused the Global Warming Drought. If we can Bail Out Wall Street Republicans that off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs, then we can tax Wall Street Republicans to irrigate farms. Save USA farms. Vote Progressive. Voters for Jesus dot com.

Click to Listen: Save USA Farms

Farmers in rural America tend to be God and Country Voters, who vote based on Christian Values and Patriotic Pro-American Values. It may be more effective to have a longer Ad that addresses all three core values: the teachings of Jesus, the Economic well being of America, and the survival of the family farm. This Ad seeks to address all of the things that most rural American farmers care about.

Republican Oil caused the Global Warming Drought. If we can Bail Out Wall Street Republicans that off shored and destroyed 25 million USA jobs, then we can tax Wall Street Republicans to irrigate and save family farms. True Christian Values are the values taught by Jesus, not the false doctrines of men who are servants of money. Jesus commands that the rich pay taxes and provide for the poor. Jesus would raise taxes on the Super Rich to create 25 million jobs for the poor and to irrigate drought stricken family farms. Followers of TRUE Christian Values Vote Progressive. Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jesus dot com

Click to Listen: Jesus would Save USA Farms

In the 60s, anti-War protest songs helped the movement. Sometimes songs can reach people better than a simple Ad. Since many country people like Country Music, it might be good to try to write country style song and use that for an Ad. Here I try to deliver the message that Southern White Voters are as much the victims of the Radical Super Rich who off shore their jobs as is the blacks who are being held back by lack of education and job opportunity. Unfortunately, I can not say all of that. So, I say what I can in a song that I hope may open some hearts and minds. The name of the Country Song that I wrote is White Mind Slaves.

White Mind Slaves. They believe what their masters say. White Mind Slaves. They vote their masters way. There was a poor white boy, who's job was off shored. He lived in a shack with only one door. His TV was in the bathroom, and that is a pain. When he watches Fox News, he washes his hands, while they wash his brain. White Mind Slaves. They believe what their masters say. White Mind Slaves. They vote their masters way. It was a white President, who freed the black slaves. Can a black President, free the White Mind Slaves?

Click to Listen: White Mind Slaves

The Christian Bible does not just teach Life After Death but also teaches Life Before Birth. Before Jesus was born on Earth, there were numerous prophecies about his life. When Jesus was still in the womb, angels told what he would accomplish in his life. How could they know? Because Jesus was alive in Heaven as a Spiritual Being, before he incarnated to the Earth Plain in a human body. His spiritual nature was already known and established. His planned life mission was already made. So, angles merely told the life mission that was already planned before birth, that the Spirit to be named Jesus had already proven himself capable of.

However, Jesus is not the only one who lived before birth. When John the Baptist was still in the womb, it was also foretold what his life mission would be. He too lived in heaven before birth, agreed to a life mission before birth, and had already proven himself worthy and capable of the mission he was chosen for. How had John the Baptist proven himself worthy and capable of his life mission, before he was born as John the Baptist? Because he was alive in heaven before incarnating to Earth as John the Baptist. Because this was not the first time that he had incarnated to Earth. In fact, Jesus referenced a prophecy that before the Messiah comes, Elijah the prophet must come again. Read Matthew 17:10-13. John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet.

I believe in reincarnation, and believe that we spiritually evolve through many incarnations to the Earth Plain of existence. Many of us have Life Missions, that are decided upon before we come to Earth again. I believe that one of my goals for this life on Earth was to offer the world the secret to ending all human suffering. I have in fact discovered the spiritual secrets to ending all human suffering on planet Earth. I have revealed those secrets in my books and writings.

The Spiritual Secrets to ending all human suffering on planet Earth, includes a Spiritual Rebirth of Human Society and Earth. At the individual level, the society level, and the nature level, there must be a Spiritual Transformation or Rebirth from what I call the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature. That was my key message in my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia, published back in 1983. My classes on Relationship Psychology, Utopian Political Philosophy, and Spiritual Enlightenment, can lead to saving millions from rape, murder, unemployment, homelessness, and other human suffering.

But, one can not teach the world a new great spiritual truth, which threatens the power of the status quo, without strong opposition from the current power structure in society. There were those who claimed to be on the side of women who opposed my book and work to save millions of women from rape. They were still gripped by their animal nature of seeing only their own petty lives and seeking revenge on anyone who they believed offended them or threatened their power.

I was trying to save the world from human suffering, and they were gripped by focus on petty You-Me Conflicts. In fact, ending human suffering requires people going beyond You-Me Conflicts, to understand Oneness of All. I tried to enlighten them by telling them, Life is Bigger than You and Me. It is bigger than a petty You-Me Conflict. It is about the well being of all of humanity and the survival of the entire human species. My message to them is, you are living your life on such a petty self centered level. I am dealing with the well being and survival of the entire human species. Life is Bigger than just You and Me. I do not think they understood. Maybe, they never will. I can hear their thoughts and I can read their minds. I see the selfishness, vindictiveness, and blindness within them. I am dealing with fools.

When people live on a You-Me level, their vendetta for an imagined offense does not just hurt the person being attacked. It can destroy those that they claim to love and it can destroy the entire human species. Those who opposed my book and work to end rape and murder, became guilty of causing rape and murder, and have the blood of rape and murder victims on their hands and on their head. Those who oppose work to save the human species, become guilty of destroying the human species. They become the rapists, the mass murderers, and the destroyers of the world. If telling a new truth to the world is the secret to saving the world, then silencing that truth is being guilty of destroying planet Earth.

I am not sure if I am effectively communicating. But, I would appreciate that my work to save humanity not be sabotaged and banned from book stores. Humans deserve the chance to be saved from their human suffering.

I am the inventor of a System of Psychology and a Spiritual Political Philosophy. My psychology class can end rape and murder. I have a plan to create 50 million USA jobs in 2 years. If you want to save America from rape, murder, and unemployment, Go To Voters For Jesus dot Com, Voters For Jesus dot Com.

Click to Listen: Life is Bigger than You and Me

It really is difficult to say what needs to be said in just 30 seconds. It often takes longer to just give a taste of the full message. Those who want to learn more can go to the referenced web site.

I know the secrets to ending all human suffering. I know that soon planet Earth will go through a period called The Great Travel, which will be like a woman giving birth, or in fact, like a child being born. The Placenta or Animal Nature of Humans must DIE, in order to Give Birth to the Spiritual Nature of Humans. That will be the Spiritual Rebirth of the Human Species. But, the death of the Placenta Animal Self will be very painful to the human species. I weep for the suffering of those in that time soon to come. I know that the great suffering of that time can be greatly reduced, if and only if humans are educated about the process of the spiritual rebirth of the human species. That is a part of my life mission. To be a kind of Spiritual Midwife for the human species by teaching the world the spiritual secrets to ending all human suffering. But how can I teach this great spiritual truth to millions of people nationally and billions of people globally? How can I save millions to billions of people from great human suffering? Only if I have help from others to spread my teachings to millions of people, so the world will know my Prophecy of the Rebirth of Humanity and the Spiritual Secrets to Ending All Human Suffering. People never listen to the words of prophets, so people always suffer far more than they need to. Still, one must try. People must be given the chance to listen and be saved. So, I only ask that my words be told to millions, so the world will at least have a chance to be saved.

You can not begin to imagine how painful it is to see millions of people being burnt alive by a Thermonuclear Mushroom from Hell, while you hear their Blood Curdling Screams of terror, anguish, and despair echoing in your mind like thunder. You can not begin to imagine that Hell. Hopefully my words will be heard by the nation and the world, or that suffering will not be reduced, and many will suffer great pain that could have been saved. I can not make people listen to the truth. All I can do is offer salvation from human suffering, and hope humans are wise enough to listen to words that can save them.

If my Prophetic Message on the Spiritual Keys to Ending All Human Suffering is not heard and believed by the nation and world, then billions of men and women will suffer and die, who could have been saved from suffering and death. The blood of the suffering and death of billions of men and women is on the hands and on the head of those who opposed my work to teach the world how to end all human suffering. People do not have to hear and believe what I have to say, but the cost of not hearing and believing is the suffering and death of billions of men and women. Maybe the world is not spiritually ready to learn the spiritual secrets to ending all human suffering. Perhaps people will not listen to the spiritual truth and believe the spiritual truth until after billions have suffered and died during the Time of Rebirth, when it will be far too late to save billions of lives. Words of if we had only listened and believed will be in vain. The time to hear my logical evidence and consider the pros and cons to my logical arguments, is now. The nation and the world must hear The Spiritual Keys to Ending All Human Suffering NOW! People must be warned that the only thing that can save the world, is a Spiritual Transformation from the Self Other Animal Nature to the Good Evil Spiritual Nature on all three levels of individual, social, and nature. Only that national and global change can save billions of lives during The Time of Rebirth.

Life is bigger than you and me. Life is about the well being and survival of humanity. Do you love America and want to save America from unemployment, poverty, rape, and murder? You can. I invented a Spiritual Political Philosophy and have a plan to create 50 million USA jobs. I also invented a Relationship Psychology System that ends the root cause of rape and murder and contains the Secrets to Happiness. If you want to help end unemployment, poverty, rape, and murder, Download and distribute a FREE Voters Training Class Voters for Jesus dot com. Voters for Jesus dot com

Click to Listen: The SURVIVAL of the Human Species

A Message to Women

Some believe that the Women's Movement is on the side of women and is working to help women. That is not entirely true. For one thing, as I have explained, you can not really help one side unless you work to help both sides and help the greater whole. And, those who are Group Selfish and would hurt other groups and the greater whole in order to help the Group Self are also Individual Selfish and willing to hurt the Group Self in order to help themselves. However, it is also true that some who claim to care about some social group, such as Women, may really be working for a Sub-Class of Women and not really that concerned about Heterosexual Women and their loving relationships with men. For many reasons, leaders who you believe are concerned about women, may not be at all. They may have their own Private Agenda, that means far more to them than the well being of women.

Evil Militant Women stab women in the back. When Evil Militant Women opposed my work to SAVE women from violence, rape, and murder, they prevented me from saving millions to billions of women from violence, rape, and murder. They may have claimed they were attacking me for making women at bars happy or for having an emotional problem or for some imagined reason based on their blind prejudice against all men or for some made up LIE, but the net result was that Evil Militant Women were PUNISHING MILLIONS OF WOMEN with violence, rape, and murder, by deny women SALVATION from violence, rape, and murder and were PUNISHING BILLIONS OF WOMEN with The Extermination of the Human Species by opposing work to Save the World.

Because Evil Militant Women have unjustly PUNISHED MILLIONS OF WOMEN with violence, rape, and murder, women will NEVER AGAIN listen to nor follow Evil Militant Women. Women will rather listen to me and follow me, because my work is their only hope of salvation. SHAME on Evil Militant Women for PUNISHING BILLIONS OF WOMEN with suffering and death.

Do you understand now? Do you get it? Life is Bigger than You and Me! Life is about the well being and the very SURVIVAL of the Human Species!

My class is the ONLY class in existence that works to end the Spiritual Root Cause of violence, rape, and murder. Millions of men and women can be saved from violence, rape, and murder, IF AND ONLY IF my class is taught to millions. Those who oppose my work to Save the World, are the DESTROYERS of the World and the People there in.

IF men and women want the nation to be SAVED from the ROOT CAUSE of violence, rape, and murder, THEN they need to make sure that my class is taught to MILLIONS.

Women, do you want to be saved, from violence, rape, and murder? There is only one way! Humans must be Spiritually changed, from what I call the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature. I am the INVENTOR of my system of Spiritual Psychology, and my class is your ONLY HOPE of Salvation! If you honestly want salvation then do everything in your power to make sure that MILLIONS of people take my class!. Otherwise, you will not be saved.

A Message to America and the World

I have offered the world Salvation from human suffering by applying the same individual, social, and environmental changes that I believe Jesus Christ will make, based on his teachings. It may be Destiny that TWO to SIX BILLION people will suffer and die within the next few years. However, the world can not say that it was not offered a way to avoid its suffering and death, because the offer of salvation from the Pain of Rebirth was in fact offered!

I have fulfilled the duty of a Prophet. I have delivered the Spiritual Message. If the world is not ready to hear nor act on that message, then the world has chosen to continue on its path of suffering and death.

IF you do NOT WANT to be SAVED, THEN you will NOT be SAVED, and you have LOST YOUR RIGHT TO COMPLAIN about your suffering and death.

Foolish humans. I can hear your thoughts, and they reveal you to be a fool. This has never been about who Wins and who Loses. Power is NOT the prize in the game. It is about RIGHT and WRONG and whether or not people have the wisdom to change and be saved. By seeking to win, you have lost. You FAILED God's Test. So, your suffering and death continues. When you stand before God, with the blood of the suffering and death of billions of people on your hands and on your head, what will you say to God? When God asks you WHY you EXTERMINATED the Human Species, what excuse will you give?

If prophecy is correct, and the next Pope will be the False Prophet, then we literally only have a few years left before the Prophecies of the Book of Revelations come true, when half of the world's population may be destroyed, or nearly the entire human species may die. I do not gain pleasure from thinking about the suffering and death of billions of people. Hearing tormented souls scream in terror as millions die, is not something that is easy to live with. But, we must see the future, no matter how painful, in order to prevent some of the pain of the future.

It is my hope that, even if the Anti-Christ establishes a Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship, that some nations may be spared from being a part of it. And it is my hope that if enough people are told the truth, then perhaps BILLIONS of people can be spared from suffering and death. It is critical that my message reach millions to billions of people in the very short time that we may have left.

The time of the Spiritual Rebirth of the Human Species, will soon be upon us. The Placenta Animal Self must die, in order for the Spiritual Self to be born. However, the great suffering and death of that time can be reduced and BILLIONS could be saved. People need to be told the TRUTH.

The TRUTH is that EVIL is the root cause of all human suffering. To end the root cause of human suffering, humanity must be Spiritual Reborn from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature. That must occur on all three levels of humanity.

  1. What I call the Life Orientation of people, which in turn controls the Value-Belief System, must change, in order to end Individual Based Human Suffering.
  2. The ideological system of nations must become True Popular Rule Political Democracy and Economic Democracy, in order to end Society Based Human Suffering.
  3. Humans must become One with Nature, in order to end Nature Based Human Suffering.
That simple message must be given to the nation and to the world. My psychology class and my political class can fill in the details. Oh, and by the way, much of what needs to be revealed is done so in my FREE Voters Training Class, that can be downloaded for FREE and distributed to others for FREE.