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Advice to Women and Unions End of Days Message to Christians New Christian Reformation Movement Follow Jesus, not Doctrines of Men Forced Pregnancy is Rape Churches that Respect Women |
End of Days Message to Christians
New Christian Reformation Movement
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2013 by Dale Lee Harris
In 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 we read regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ: ... for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition ... Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. What is this End of Days Falling Away? I believe it is the Spirit of the Anti Christ, which will corrupt the church even before the Anti Christ sits and rules in the temple of God.
What is the nature of the Spirit of the Anti Christ that will infect even the church? We read in Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Thus, two major traits of the Anti Christ are that: (1) he will deify himself by putting his doctrines and teachings above the commands of Jesus Christ, and (2) he will work to establish a Global Economic Dictatorship. He will in fact establish a global Religion of Money, so that even church leaders will become servants of money rather than servants of God. Jesus Christ taught: Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Matthew 6:24. Note that the definition of the word mammon is money or wealth. I believe that even now many Christian churches are falling away by both (1) opposing the commands of Jesus and exalting themselves above Jesus by teaching their false Doctrines of Men, and (2) following the Economic Dictatorship Religion of Money that values wealth over the teachings of Jesus regarding compassion for the poor.
Is there evidence that some Christian church leaders have fallen away and are now following the false Doctrines of Men and a Religion of Money and are rejecting the commands of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ taught that the rich should have compassion on the poor, pay taxes, and provide for the poor. Read Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 22:21, and Luke 18:22. But some Christian church leaders reject the commands of Jesus Christ by rejecting the ideas of taxing the Super Rich to provide for the poor. Some reject the idea of taxing the Super Rich to finance Massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending to give the poor what they need the most, namely good paying jobs. Some Christian church leaders follow the Religion of Money and serve money and the Golden Calf of Wall Street, rather than God, by supporting tax cuts for the Super Rich. In these End of Days even many church leaders have fallen away from the commands of Jesus and now follow the Doctrines of Men and the Religion of Money.
What can True Christians do in these End Times rise to power of the Religion of Money? We need a New Christian Reformation Movement to return the churches back to the teachings of Jesus Christ, rather than to the Doctrines of Men who are church leaders who serve money and the Super Rich. At one time the Catholic church tortured and killed anyone, including other Christians, who would not convert to the Catholic church. When a man puts himself on the throne of God and puts himself in place of God and his teachings above the commands of Jesus Christ, then he is of the Spirit of the Anti Christ. When the Catholic church had false teachings, there was the Protestant Reformation Movement, which led to the rights of Christians to have Freedom of Religion and follow their faith in Jesus Christ. Today many Christian church leaders have fallen away and are following the Religion of Money by opposing the commands of Jesus Christ that the rich must have compassion on the poor, pay taxes, and provide for the poor. In these End Times, more than anything else, we need a New Christian Reformation Movement to reject the Doctrines of Men and the Religion of Money and return the churches to the commands of Jesus Christ.
With God's help, true believes can build a New Christian Reformation Movement. In Joel 2:28-31 we read the following End of Days prophecy. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. These Old Testament versus were referenced in Acts 2:16-21.
The important message is that there will be dreams, visions, and prophecies which will reveal the truth. It will come from ordinary people, not church leadership. I believe when ordinary people begin to read the Holy Bible for themselves and prey to God for revelation, then many will see that much of the established church has been corrupted by the Religion of Money of the Spirit of the Anti Christ. This will lead to a New Great Christian Reformation Movement.
The Religion of Money rejects the commands of Jesus Christ regarding taxing the Super Rich to finance Massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending to create jobs for the poor and middle class. It teaches church members to follow the false Doctrines of Men who are church leaders who serve money interests, rather than serving God by helping the poor.
What are the false Doctrines of Men that they teach people to follow? They teach that a Zygote is the same thing as a baby. Jesus Christ never said that a Zygote is a baby. Believing that is following men, rather than following God.
It is very easy to PROVE that the idea that a Zygote is a baby is a false doctrine. In one case toxic pollution from an oil company caused cancer, other diseases, and birth defects in a community. In one case a woman gave birth to a baby without a brain. It had a brain stem, so the heart and lungs worked. But there was no brain for memory, emotion, thinking, and making decisions. The Soul is the ability of a life form to think and make decisions. If there is no brain, then there is no ability to think and make decisions, and therefore there is no soul. Similarly, a Zygote has no brain, and therefore no soul. Because a Zygote has no soul, it is not the same thing as a baby and is clearly not an Independent Living Human Being.
There is a big difference between Human Life and an Independent Living Human Being. Cancer tissue or an organ in the body is Human Life. Only when a baby is born does it have a fully developed brain that is capable of thinking and making decisions and is that life form independent. The soul does not enter the body until birth. Therefore, having an abortion is similar to cutting out cancer or removing an organ from your body.
A simple proof that a Zygote has no soul is as follows. Your soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions. A birth defect baby born without a brain can not think and make decisions and therefore has no soul. Likewise, a Zygote has no brain and therefore has no soul.
When a woman is forced to give birth to the baby of a rapists, it is an emotional trauma that continues the rape. Forced control over a woman's body against her will is rape. Therefore, not allowing a woman to have an abortion is a form of rape. Those who act to prevent women from having abortions may be guilty of a form of rape and may go to Hell for that.
I believe that forced pregnancy is a form of rape. Forcing women to have the babies of rapists is a form of sexual slavery and rape. I believe that Anti Choice is sexual slavery and rape.
As a tangent from the main subject line, one may wonder what is meant by the prophecy of the sun being darkened and the moon turning to blood. This same prophecy of Joel, referred to in Acts, is also given in the Book of Revelation. We read in Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth ... One may wonder if one prophecy given by Jesus is a reference to the same event or a different event. Jesus said, Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matt 24:29,30.
What could possible cause a massive earthquake followed by global aftershock earthquakes in different places, the sun being darkened, the moon looking reddish in color, and a large meteor shower? One possibility is if a comet with a large tail almost collides with the Earth. A comet can be a few miles in size but have a tail that is millions of miles long. The tail might partially block the sun and darken it. The tail might cover the moon and give it a reddish color. A pass that is close enough might cause some large earthquakes, or the comet might collide with the Earth. And there would be meteor showers. Or it might rather be a super natural event where the place that Jesus went to prepare for his followers comes close to the Earth and believers see Jesus in the clouds calling them to come to their new home.
There are other possibilities other than a comet. A more scary thought would be if the dwarf planet Eris, formally known as Xena, came close to the Earth. Since it is larger than the dwarf planet Pluto, with a diameter of over 2310 KM or 1435 miles, and one sixth the mass of our moon, a gravity pull on the moon could cause the moon to crash into the Earth. However, it is unlikely that a dwarf planet from the Kuiper belt would impact the Earth or moon. The only way that would be possible is through Super Natural action. Is God preparing Eris for human habitation for the elect to live on during the seven years that the Anti Christ rules Earth? God could easily position Eris in an orbit around Earth and make Eris the new second moon of Earth. Other than divine action, it is more likely to be a near miss from an asteroid. In fact scientists have discovered that the asteroid Apophis will have a near miss to planet Earth on 13 April 2029 and again in 2036. Since it is one fifth of a mile in diameter, it may not be large enough to fulfill the prophecy of Daniel, Jesus, and the book of Revelation. Would there be enough space dust to dim the sun, discolor the moon, and create a meteor shower on Earth? To fulfill the combination of predictions of a darkened sun, a dark reddish moon, a large earthquake, many earthquakes all over the planet, and a meteor shower, I am guessing the more likely event is a large comet with the tail passed Earth and the moon and then the comet nearly missing the Earth or perhaps even impacting the Earth or the moon.
In terms of the prophetic order of events we should read a few chapters in the book of Revelation. The four horsemen are the first four seals and are predicted in Rev 6:1-8. The fifth seal is about the persecution and killing of Christians and is predicted in Rev 6:9-11. The sixth seal prophecy includes the moon turning to blood and the return of Jesus in the clouds and is given in Rev 6:12-17. Many believe that Jesus first comes to Earth in the clouds to rapture the saved into Heaven, and then after the seven years of rule of the Anti Christ Jesus returns to the surface of the Earth to defeat the Anti Christ with his army of angels. Consistent with that interpretation is the fact that Rev 7 is the sixth seal and is all about Jews and Christians being safe in Heaven. The seventh seal is in Rev 8:1 and speaks of silence in heaven.
The first four trumpets sound in Rev 8:2-13. The fifth and sixth trumpets sound in Rev 9. The seven thunders occur in Rev 10. The two witnesses is covered in Rev 11:1-14. The final seventh trumpet occurs in Rev 11:15-19 and seems to be about the rule of Jesus over the Earth.
There seems to be a move backward in time in Rev 12 to give a historic view of the struggle between Satan and the church. The prophecy of the Anti Christ is in Rev 13 and continues in Rev 14. The seven vials of wrath is covered in Rev 15 and 16.
So, what does it all mean? While there seems to be a time sequence order in first the seven seals and then the seven trumpets, the seven vials of wrath are probably events that occur in a time that overlaps the seven trumpets. It seems to me that great suffering on Earth with occur in the first four seals, followed by the tribulation of Christians in the fifth seal, followed by the rapture of the chosen in the sixth seal. A near Earth impact or actual impact of an asteroid, comet, or dwarf planet seems to occur just before the rapture of the sixth seal. After the rapture, it seems that God punishes evil with the seven trumpets and probably also the seven vials of wrath. At least that is the way it looks to me by doing a high level overview of the four sevens, namely the seals, trumpets, thunders, and vials of wrath.
Some of the punishment of evil humans is God allowing evil to harm humans who have chosen to follow evil. For example the fifth trumpet is an angel opening the bottomless pit where Satan has been kept. Rev 9:1-12. Note that the name of the King of the scorpions is Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek. Rev 9:11. The meaning of his name is the destroyer. The sixth trumpet in Rev 9:13-29 is about Communist China killing one third of the population of the world. It is clear that it is Communist China because the size of the army is given as two hundred thousand thousand Rev 9:16 and only Communist China can have a 200 million man army. Note that the Battle of Armageddon is covered in Rev 16:16-21.
Reading the Book of Revelation is very scary. Kill one third of the population here, one fourth there, etc, and pretty soon the vast majority of the people on Earth are dead. I wish someone would make a movie about that prophetic book, that does not try to interpret the prophecy but rather just portrays the vision as given with a narration of how many are being killed. If people have a vision in their mind of a future near extermination of all humans on Earth, then some may be moved to repent of following the Doctrines of Men and the Religion of Money of the Anti Christ, rather than following the commands of Jesus Christ that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor.
There is differences of opinions about pre-rapture and post-rapture even among theologians who have studied prophecy for years. Both may be right to some degree but be interpreting things in a different way. There may be two things that are interpreted as tribulations. There is great suffering on Earth which will include the persecution of Christians. There is also great suffering under the rule of the Anti Christ for seven years. Perhaps the seven seals includes the Anti Christ or someone else as the first horseman going out to conquer, which leads to great suffering and the persecution of Christians followed by the rapture. But the Anti Christ may not actually begin his seven year rule until after the rapture. Thus the rapture may occur after a period of suffering on Earth and the tribulation of Christians but before the seven year rule of the Anti Christ and tribulation of the entire world. If the seven seals are in time order, Christians will be persecuted before the prophetic sign of the sun being darkened and the moon turning to blood, which is the sign of the coming rapture. But, they would not be on Earth during the seven years of the rule of the Anti Christ. Just some thoughts on what it might mean. It is interesting that the seven thunders occurs after the first six trumpets and before the two witness and the final trumpet. Since John was told to not write down what the seven thunders were, it will be interesting to find out. I am curious about the future and what the time events will be.
The bottom line is that Christians may have to experience a time of suffering on Earth and persecution before the sign of the sun darkening and the moon turning to blood just before the rapture. Christians may be saved from being on Earth when the Anti Christ rules for seven years, but may experience suffering just before that time. I was hoping we could be raptured out of here and avoid a great deal of suffering, but we may have to endure a few years of suffering before we get to be raptured to safety in Heaven. As of now, we really do not have a real good clue as to when the rapture will occur.
Advice to Women and Unions
Churches that Respect Women
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2013 by Dale Lee Harris
Dale Lee Harris saves women from Rape, Unhappiness, and Slavery
It is the negative social value-beliefs that is a major cause of the human behavior that is responsible for the rape, unhappiness, and slavery of women. When men Rule over Women and believe it is God's will for men to dominate women, it contributes to the rape of women. A religion that teaches men to rule women is a religion that teaches men to rape women, ignore the happiness of women, and enforce the sexual slavery of women. When the male rulers of the church seek to rule over the bodies of women in the church by denying them their right to make choices about their own bodies, they are acting on their Religion of Male Rule. Unfortunately even women members of the church have been brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing the Doctrines of Men, rather than the commands of Jesus Christ.
The only way that women can end their rape, unhappiness, and sexual slavery is to remove from society the social values and beliefs that cause their rape, unhappiness, and sexual slavery. Since the organized Religion of Male Rule is a major cause of the suffering of women, women must change the religious beliefs of society for their own protection. The best way to do that is with a New Christian Reformation Movement. But, how can that be done?
I have spent years of my life doing psychological research to invent a system of psychology that includes Spiritual Psychology and Relationship Psychology. As a telepath, empath, and inventor of a psychological model, I know how people think. As someone who has read the Holy Bible, studied insights from other religions, and is a philosopher, I know how to use logic and theological arguments to show people the truth.
As an example of my expertise, I can explain how to debrainwash people from the theological indoctrination of the Religion of Money and the Religion of Male Rule. The method of conversion is as follows.
Women should fully understand the following. If my psychology class is taught to millions of people and women take my advice on ending the sex slavery of women, then women will be saved from rape, unhappiness, and sexual slavery. I can easily prove that is true. The question is, do women want to be saved from rape, unhappiness, and slavery, and is female society willing to politically and financially support my work to save them?
IF women do NOT listen to me, believe me, and follow me, THEN women will NEVER EVER be SAVED. This is YOUR CHANCE at salvation from rape, unhappiness, and slavery. Do not make the worst mistake of your life by missing out on your ONE CHANCE. If you do not listen to me now, and you suffer and die in the future, then blame yourself for not listening to me, believing me, and following me. It will be your fault.
If women do not appreciate men who have love and compasion for women, and women do not respect men who make women happy, and women do not support men who help women, then women do not appreciate love and compassion, so why the hell should men have love and compassion for women?
Unfortunately, there is a cancer in the Women's Movement that threatens to kill the heart of female society. Militant lesbians have said in print, in the SCUM Manifesto, that they want to kill all men and they want to break into mixed male - female couples and bust them up. Killing all men and beating up heterosexual women for public displays of love for men, is their stated goal. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, they join the Women's Movement and claim to be on the side of women, but act to stab female society in the back and cut out the very heart of female society. They have started a joke against all men by saying things like all men are rapists and all heterosexual sex is rape.
Their joke is their philosophy that there is a WAR being men and women and therefore ALL MEN, including men working to save women from violence, rape, and sexual slavery, are the enemies of women. That joke seeks to deny men appreciation, respect, and support for work to help women, and therefore stop men from ever working to help women! IF women do NOT appreciate, respect, and support men, who work to save women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery, THEN why the HELL should any man work to help women? By starting a joke against men who help women, they are stabbing female society in the back. By opposing work to end rape, that puts them on the side of rape and rapists and makes them the enemy back stabbers of all women. Some militant lesbians have raped other women. Female rape victims are told to not complain about being raped by militant women, because it would hurt the Women's Movement. Why do they hate women so much that they oppose work that would save women from rape, just because it is a man doing the work? Why do they hate women so much that they rape other women?
Perhaps I have a degree of anger in me. But, what I have experienced has affected me. I have devoted my life to a Life Mission of working to help save the world from all human suffering. That includes the human suffering of violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery. I wrote a book and developed a psychological class to teach value-beliefs that would help to end the psychological root causes of violence, rape, murder, and sexual enslavement of women. My work has included teaching men the motivation for loving women and making women happy, as well as the psychological skills for being better at making women happy. Ending the suffering, enslavement, and death of women is of great service to female society. Teaching men both the motivation to make women happy and the skills for being better at making women happy is of great service to female society. As a result, I would expect great respect as well as financial reward for years of my life being spent to help female society. When I instead experience evil militant women slandering me, attacking me, and punishing me for my work to save millions of women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery, then it does in fact make me angry. It makes me angry that evil militant women cause millions of women to suffer from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery, by opposing work to save women. It makes me angry that evil militant women greatly harm millions of women and stab female society in the back while lying through their teeth and claiming that they are on the side of women. Someone who is on the side of women does not oppose work to save women from rape and sexual slavery. It makes me angry when evil militant women destroy the lives of millions of women by their attacks on my work to save women from rape and sexual slavery. When I see the suffering of millions of women and know that evil militant women are responsible for that suffering, it is difficult for me to not feel anger. I am sorry for letting my anger show through, but I am not very good at not showing my emotions and feelings.
I would advise women and female society to do the following. Respect, support, and reward men for helping women and ending the suffering of women, whether evil militant back stabbers like it or not. Never believe the lies of evil militant women. Prove to men and male society that when a man works to help women and save women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery, then he is respected, supported, and rewarded for his work to help women, not slandered, attacked, and punished for his work to help women. Prove to men and male society that helping women does payoff and is in fact appreciated by women and female society.
Why do evil militant women attack and punish men for helping women? There may be several psychological factors. If a man has a far superior plan for saving millions of women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery than any woman does, then they may be afraid that a grateful female society will follow him and make him a male leader of the Women's Movement or some organization that helps women. The idea of a male leader of the Women's Movement strikes fear in the hearts of some militant women, because they believe it might cause the movement to become polluted with male ideas, like compassion for men's health, protection of men from sexual harassment, and promotion of men's rights to be fathers to their children. Some certainly would not want the Women's Movement to have compassion for men who suffer from health issues, men who suffer from sexual harassment, and men who suffer from being denied expression of their love for their children. Having a male leader of the Women's Movement would subvert the whole idea of seeing men as the enemy in a war against men and male society. So, if a man does have a far superior idea for saving millions of women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery, then his ideas must be discredited and he must be punished for working to help women in order to make him stop helping women and female society.
I can respond to their psychological problems in many ways. One response is that the Women's Movement should not be on the side of women and the Men's Movement should not be on the side of men. At least not completely. There is value in having both a Men's Movement and a Women's Movement, because it gives men and women the opportunity to meet together to get in touch with their emotional feelings in a safe environment to more deeply understand the male or female viewpoint on issues and justifications for those viewpoints. A more in depth understanding of the male view and the female view has merit. However, one must never be on the side of one gender or race, to the point of being against the other gender or other races. A war between the sexes or a war between the races is just plain evil.
Rather than a Men's Movement and a Women's Movement I prefer an Egalitarian Love Movement that promotes greater love, understanding, and equality between both genders and all races. When people of both genders and all races unite together under a banner of Love and Equality, we can better remove sexual hatred and racial hatred which causes sexual violence and racial violence. And if millions of women leave the Women's Movement to join the Egalitarian Love Movement, then those women have seen a far superior plan for saving millions of women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery. I am not on anyone's side, because I am on everyone's side. I am on the side of Love for all people and Equality for all people. Those are the banners that I march under.
My years of work writing and teaching ideas to save millions of women from violence, rape, loneliness, and sexual slavery is something that can help millions of women. An attack on my work to help women is an attack on female society and millions of women. Evil militant women should not be allowed to attack millions of women. Should they be punished for hurting millions of women by attacking work to save women? Men should tell good and loving women that militant women are hurting them and asked to decide if militant women should be punished for destroying male love for women and for promoting the social values that cause rape.
While there is some merit to having a Men's Movement with male and female leaders who are champions of men and a Women's Movement with male and female leaders who are champions of women, what we really need is an Egalitarian Love Movement with male and female leaders who are champions of Love. We need to fight for stronger love, understanding, and compassion between men and women, as well as between people of all races.
Advice to Pro Choice Movement - Churches that Respect Women
To be stronger, the Pro Choice Movement should recruit as many members as possible and form as many political coalitions as possible. It must also recruit and hire the best minds possible to effectively fight back against the WAR being waged against the sexual freedom of women to make choices about her own body. Some will say that they are doing a good job by using their current strategy, because they have psychological or emotional reasons for favoring the current strategy. However, ask yourself the following question. Do you honestly want to help women to end their sexual slavery and want it enough to question your most cherished beliefs and listen to the best way to end the sex slavery of women?
I have the expertise needed to give the most effective advice for winning the WAR of Liberation. The attack against the freedom of choice is rooted in False Christian Theology. Therefore, it should be obvious that the most effective way to fight back is with Egalitarian Christian Theology, effective moral arguments, and logical proof of what is true. It is also true that any effort to win the hearts and minds of people requires an understanding and use of human psychology. I have read the Holy Bible from cover to cover and have studied the spiritual truths of other religions. I have also invented a system of psychology, focused on Relationship Psychology. I can explain why my advice will mean being stronger and more effective. Do you honestly want to save women from sexual slavery enough to listen to the best advice available, even if that advice comes from a man?
First some general advice. Recruit more men to join the Pro Choice Movement and take a leadership role in the movement. If more men are on the side of the freedom of women, then that is more voting power. You should hire the best person for the job, without any sexual discrimination, because the best talent means the best work done to save women. If you hold men back and keep them from taking a leadership role, then you are telling them that you do not appreciate men who help women and in fact do not want their help and support.
The Pro Choice Movement should seek to form political alliances where ever possible, even in cases that some may feel uncomfortable with. The Pro Choice Movement should reach out to and seek a political alliance with parts of the Men's Movement. The Men's Health Movement wants Medicare, Medicaid, and Obama Care to help protect men from heart disease, prostate cancer, and other issues. The Pro Choice Movement wants medicare, Medicaid, and Obama Care to protect women from heart disease, breast cancer, and others issues. Other issues includes birth control pills and reproductive choices. That makes for a natural political partnership. So, if you are really good at forming political partnerships and overcoming barriers and differences, then you can have a very large segment of male society working hard for health care issues that are mutually beneficial for members of both genders.
Let me let you in on a little secret. Do you want to know why the vast majority of men vote Republican? Men know that an evil militant segment of the Women's Movement are at war with men and insult men with sexually harassing sexual slander like all men are rapists. Perhaps men should say in response all militant women are rapists. When male society sees itself being hated, slandered, and attacked by an element of the Women's Movement, and the Democratic Party has the appearance of being on the side of the Women's Movement, many men feel that the Democratic Party is at war with men and male society. Why is there a Violence Against Women Act but no Violence Against Men Act despite the facts that about half of all domestic violence is against a male and the vast majority of the victims of murder are male? Over ninety percent of the death of soldiers in war is the death of men in combat. Men are expected to be tough and take it like a man and not complain about being killed in war, being killed in street violence, and being hated, slandered, and abused by women. Because men are taught that real men do not show their emotions and never cry, they are afraid and ashamed to express their emotional hurt and so some women do not think that men feel hurt. Because women have no understanding nor empathy for the suffering of men, many men can not feel any great love and compassion for women who seem to have no love nor compassion for their suffering and inner pain. The problem is, women do not really understand men. If the Republican Party were really smart, it would propose a Violence Against Men Act to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party of caring about female victims but having complete lack of sympathy for male victims. It would make the male gender gap for Democrats far greater than the female gender gap for Republicans and would guarantee that Republicans would win every election.
On the other hand, the Egalitarian Women's Movement could recruit more men to vote Democratic by forming a political coalition with the Egalitarian Men's Movement. If the Pro Choice Movement had a large number of male members and male leaders and worked with the Men's Health Movement on health related political issues that are in the mutual benefit of both groups, then more men would be more understanding and supportive of the Egalitarian Women's Movement.
The biggest enemy of the Pro Choice Movement is the Religion of Male Rule. When men are told that being a real man means ruling over women, then men are more inclined to batter women and rape women in order to prove to themselves that they are real men who rule women. When priests and pastors of the Religion of Male Rule teach that it is God's will that husbands rule over their wives similar to the way that Christ rules over the church, then the Male Rule sexual role model is reinforced. Male church rulers like to prove to themselves that they are real men by ruling over the lives of others and ruling over the bodies of the women church members. When they can order women what to do with their bodies, then they are real men who rule women. Banning abortion is one way to make women sex slaves who are forced to have the babies of rapists and are forced against their will to have babies that they do not want. If women are ever to be free to make their own decisions about their own bodies and end their sexual slavery to male rulers, then they must find a way to defeat the Religion of Male Rule. That should be the number one priority of the Pro Choice Movement.
The best way to defeat them is on their own turf of theology. The reason is that they are hypocrites and are guilty of grave sins. Strong theological arguments, moral arguments, and logical proof can utterly defeat and destroy them. If I could preach sermons on TV, I would destroy them.
Catholic priests who condemn women for being prostitutes or for getting pregnant are themselves guilty of sexually abusing boys. One popular TV Protestant preacher who loved to preach on how evil homosexual was, was discovered to have paid a gay male escort for sex. One popular TV Protestant preacher who loved to teach morality was discovered to have visited a prostitute. Jesus Christ told the church leaders of his day: Prostitutes will go to heaven before you. Matt 21:31. They reject the commands of Jesus Christ regarding the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor ( Matt 22:21 and Luke 18:22 ) Jesus Christ spoke of the church leaders of his day when he said: they are blind leaders of the blind. Matt 15:14. One can destroy the male leaders of the Religion of Male Rule with the words of Jesus Christ. What are they going to do in response? Crucify you or burn you at the stake, like they did to Joan of Arc?
I advise the Pro Choice Movement to hire people who are skilled at theological, moral, and logical argument to construct the best arguments against the false doctrines of male rule. Then get those arguments to millions of women and men in rural farmland to have them reject their false doctrines and endorse Egalitarian Theology. Use flyers, radio Ads, TV Ads, TV shows, films, public meetings, and what ever means possible to get the message out. Form an organization, named Churches for Women to help convert women and men away from the false Religion of Male Rule. The organization needs workers in every county of every state in the nation. It can advise women and men on what churches to go to that respect the equality of women. If there are no such churches available, then the organization could meet in people's homes and provide Bible study, discussion, and worship.
If there are not enough churches that respect women, then perhaps women need to start a new church. In the Protestant Reformation Movement there was a leaving of the Catholic Church and the formation of new Protestant churches. Perhaps there must be a similar Women's Christian Reformation Movement to get women to leave churches that do not respect women and form a new church, the Resurrection Church that respects a woman as being the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus. Face and deal with this truth. Women will never be free until they defeat the Religion of Male Rule. That will in the least require a New Reformation Movement. That may require a New Church.
Here is some tactical advise. If the Anti Choice Movement can protest at Planned Parenthood Clinics and hold up offensive signs to motorists, then the Pro Choice Movement can protest at Religion of Male Rule churches and hold up offensive signs to motorists.
A simple proof that a Zygote has no soul is as follows. Your soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions. A birth defect baby born without a brain can not think and make decisions and therefore has no soul. Likewise, a Zygote has no brain and therefore has no soul.
When a woman is forced to give birth to the baby of a rapists, it is an emotional trauma that continues the rape. Forced control over a woman's body against her will is rape. I believe that forced pregnancy is a form of rape. Forcing women to have the babies of rapists is a form of sexual slavery and rape. I believe that Anti Choice is sexual slavery and rape.
I suggest that the Pro Choice Movement
do everything in its power to get these
short and effective messages out to the public.
It can include Radio Ads and flyers.
It can include public demonstrations
with signs that carry the message
in a short sound bite that the News Media can cover.
Carry some protest signs that read:
NO Brain, NO Soul
and other protest signs that read:
Anti Choice, is RAPE.
Some in the Anti Choice Movement have adopted the legal strategy of making it illegal in states to have an abortion, while trying to not technically violate the Supreme Court ruling on Roe vs Wade. They have passed laws in states that require that doctors at clinics that provide abortions have a residency at the closest hospital, which seems to be an impossible task. This information was given on the Rachel Maddow Show. Thus, deny women their Constitutional right, while not technically doing so.
Here is an idea for a strategy to combat their tactic. Push to have the City Council in every city in the state pass a law or ordinance that says something like the following.
Given that women have a United States Constitutional Right to have an abortion, all hospitals and health clinics must support and not impede the Constitutional Rights of women. Therefore, any Hospital or Health Clinic that operates in the City or is registered with the City must either provide abortions to any woman who seeks that procedure, or refer the woman to another Hospital or Clinic in the city that does provide those services. Those services must be available at the Hospital or Clinic or the referred Hospital or Clinic at least eight hours every day of the week. Any Hospital or Clinic that fails to provide such support for the United States Constitutional Rights of Women will not be allowed to operate or must pay a one million dollar fee to the City for each violation. The money collected may be used by the City to fly women needing an abortion to another hospital or clinic in another state that does provide for such services, as well as pay for the woman's living expenses and health care costs for one month or the time it takes to have an abortion, which ever is the longer period of time. Therefore, the United States Constitutional Rights of Women to have an abortion shall not be infringed upon and will be fully supported and provided for by all Hospitals and Health Clinics in the city.
Advice to Unions and Workers - Unite with Pro Choice Movement
The Religion of Money is at war with unions, workers, and the United States of America. The Religion of Money serves their false god, which is the Golden Calf of Wall Street. It is ruled by the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America and is served by their Corporate Republican Political Puppets and their army of Brainwashed Zombie Mind Slaves. The Radical Super Rich are seeking to subvert and overthrow the Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE and replace it with an Economic Dictatorship of Anti USA Corporations that off shore and destroy tens of millions of USA factory jobs. The Holy Bible says that the Anti Christ will establish a Global Economic Dictatorship. It is obvious that the Radical Super Rich and the Anti Christ want the same thing, and it should be obvious that they are working together. If the unions in America can not defeat the Religion of Money then the United States of America will become an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ.
Just as the Religion of Money is at war with unions, the middle class, and the United States of America, the Religion of Male Rule is at war with women. A political coalition has been formed between the Religion of Money and the Religion of Male Rule. Therefore, labor unions and the Pro Choice Movement have a common set of enemies. For the mutual protection of both the middle class and women, there must be a political coalition between unions and the Pro Choice Movement. I would suggest expanding the coalition to include groups like Men's Health care. This nation was founded upon the principles documented by Thomas Jefferson that people have a God given right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. To support the political coalition, each group should share with each other the distribution of educational films and flyers that explain both the God given right to life for workers to have living wage jobs and the God given right to liberty for women to have abortions.
Once the Labor Movement and the Pro Choice Movement have united and work together, it is time to build a larger political alliance of organizations working together for their common good. We must also form new political alliances to form a stronger force for our common causes.
Corporate Republican Puppets of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich win in part because they have used the Religion of Male Rule to indoctrinate farmers in rural America to vote for Anti American Corporate Republicans. We need to win over the hearts and minds of rural America. To do that, we will form an alliance with the Environmental Movement to help recruit American farmers to form a Progressive Farmers of America.
All we need to do is tell farmers the truth, so that they will understand that Corporate Republicans are against America, against God, and against farmers. Republican use of Free Trade to off shore and destroy millions of American jobs is proof that they are Anti USA. Republican reject rejection of the commands of Jesus, that the rich must pay taxes and provide for the poor, is proof that they are Anti God. And Republican support of Oil Companies killing children with their toxic waste in ground water and destruction of the family farms through climate change produced droughts prove that they are Anti Farmer. The building of wind mills on family farms can help to irrigate family farms. It is Environmentalism and Green Energy that can save the family farms that are being destroyed by Big Oil.
And if we take away the Religion of Male Rule vote from Anti Christ Republicans and we take away the rural farm vote from Anti Christ Republicans, then we destroy the Anti Christ Republican Party and save the United States of America from being ruled by the Anti Christ. Only the Democratic Party was here since the foundation of the United States of America. At one time the second party was the Whig Party. Maybe America needs a two party system, and maybe it should rather have a three party system. But, the Anti USA Republican Party does not have to be the second party. When the Republican Party dies, a new party will rise up to become the second party. We can sing dirges at the funeral of the Republican Party, and rejoice that the new second party will also be loyal to the well being of the people. The Republican Party must die in order to save the future of the United States of America. Have faith. A new and far better second party will rise. And a new third party will also rise.
Advice to Democratic Party - Take Back the House
Gerrymandering gives Religion of Money Corporate Republicans an advantage in congressional elections. However, that advantage is easy to overcome if you think outside the box of traditional political strategy. Rather than framing a presentation to appeal to a voting group, use theology and logical proof to change the hearts and minds of voters to win them over to your cause.
Christians do not want the Anti Christ to rule the United States of America. When they understand that an Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich can evolve into an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ, then they will not vote for Religion of Money Republicans. When Christians understand that the commands and values that Jesus Christ taught regarding the rich having compassion for the poor, paying taxes, and providing for the poor are in fact Progressive Christian Values, then they will vote based on the Progressive Christian Values of Jesus Christ. When Christians understand that the view of women as second class citizens, was the Doctrines and Traditions of Men and not God's will, Christians will learn how to respect women more. When Christians understand the logical proof that a Zygote has no brain and therefore no soul, then Christians will reject the false Doctrine of Men that a Zygote is a baby with a fully formed and functioning brain that thinks and makes decisions. When church goers change from Churchanity worship of the Doctrines of Men who are church leaders, to the Commands of Jesus Christ, then they will vote base on the teachings of Jesus.
In one of my books I explained that church doctrine and even doctrines in the Holy Bible may be the false opinions of humans, rather than God's will. One Holy Bible verse in fact admits that some things written are human opinion. Now concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord: yet I give my judgment ... 1 Corinthians 7:25.
Do you honestly believe that God wants women to remain silent in church? Do you honestly believe that women pastors of churches must also remain silent in church? The Holy Bible says: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Do you honestly believe that is a dictate from God, or rather the human opinion of the male author who was trained into Jewish Laws and Traditions at the time, and so still favored his training? Need I quote Jesus Christ when he said, The law and the prophets were until John... Luke 16:16. Need I reference the great debate between Peter and Paul regarding whether new Christians should be required to still live under Jewish Law, in particular the practice of circumcision? Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed ... I said to Peter before them all, "If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews? ... for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain." Galatians 2:11-21. Paul went further on denouncing the idea that new Christians should follow Jewish Law. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. Gal 5:4. The disciples were not perfect, like Jesus Christ was. They were still learning. At times they still clung to Jewish Law, but as they thought and prayed about issues, they came to realize that they were wrong and more fully understood the truth.
The Catholic Church calls Peter the first Pope. I have heard that they consider the Pope to be infallible. Since Paul proved that Peter was wrong on an opinion about doctrine, that disproves any idea that the Pope is infallible! Jesus Christ certainly did not consider Peter to be infallible when he said to him: Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. Matthew 16:23. When Popes in the past approved of the torture and killing of millions of people, they certainly were not infallible. When Popes look away when priests sexually abuse children, they are not infallible. Since Paul said that Peter was wrong and should be blamed, we must say that any Pope is wrong and should be blamed, when he makes human errors.
If you were a woman and toxic ground water pollution from an oil company caused you to give birth to a baby without a brain but with a brain stem that allowed the heart to breath and the lungs to work, would you consider it a human life and therefore would you keep that brainless human body alive? Be honest. Would you keep a brainless body alive? If someone that you loved became brain dead, then would you keep their body alive?
Some people believe that humans may reincarnate as animals. Thus, killing and eating an animal may be viewed as murder. You may not believe that, but their religion may teach them that. If you lived in a nation with a large number of vegetarians and they passed a law making it illegal to eat meat, would you be offended that your right to eat meat was being violated? What if your religion taught you that you had to eat fish on Friday, but their religion and their law said that eating fish is murder, then should you be free to obey your religion or rather be forced to live by their religion? If you were a Christian living in a Muslim nation, should you be forced to live by the religion of ISLAM? If you do not like the religious viewpoints of others being forced on you, then do not force others to live by your human opinions. The idea that a Zygote has a human soul inside thinking and making decisions, is a false human opinion.
If a woman belonged to the new Christian Church of Women that believed it was morally wrong to NOT have an abortion if the pregnancy was unplanned, then denying her choice would be a violation of her Freedom of Religion. In fact, even if there is no official church with that viewpoint, but it was her viewpoint, then it would also be denying her religious freedom.
If there is no brain then the body can not think and make decisions and therefore there is no soul. Likewise, a Zygote has no brain and therefore no soul. The soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions and is your conscientiousness. No brain means no decision making and thus no soul. The soul does not enter the body until the brain is fully developed and is triggered to fully function, which takes place at birth. Forcing women to have the babies of rapists is a continuation of the emotional trauma of rape and is a form of rape. Opposing a woman's freedom to choose is rape.
Through theological, moral, and logical argument, we can convert followers of Churchanity, who blindly follow the Doctrines of Male Church Leaders, into followers of Christianity, who follow the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ. Through a New Christian Reformation we can assure that the vast majority of Christian voters in the suburbs and in rural farm country will vote for the Progressive Values of Jesus Christ. Then, regardless of how Religion of Money Republicans have Gerrymandered districts, Progressives will have a huge majority in the United States House of Representatives. That is because Gerrymandered districts that were sixty percent Religion of Money Republican will become sixty percent Christian Progressive. With an effective theological and logical message preached on TV on Saturday and Sunday, we can change America and save America.
Advice to Oprah Winfrey
I believe your Spiritual Life Mission is to promote racial and gender equality in America. Your TV Network gives you the opportunity to fulfill your Spiritual Life Mission and greatly impact the future of the United States of America. I propose that you add a program that airs on Saturday and Sunday with a title similar to the following: The Theology of Equality and Compassion. Some people view Saturday as their day of worship, while others view Sunday. So, it would be good to air on both days.
I propose that the program run for 30 minutes on Saturday and be rerun on Sunday. I propose that the program consists of a 15 minute sermon followed by a 15 minute panel discussion. The sermon and panel discussion will be on the same subject and will be drawn from a wide range of topics. The topics will be near and dear to the hearts of people that we want to help and gain support from. We must be politically savvy and seek the support and help of groups that may not be traditionally viewed as allies. There may be a guest pastor each week to give a sermon on a topic. The panel should include people from several groups that include: Pro Choice, Men's Health, Labor Unions, Environmentalists, Farmers, Psychologists, Doctors, Economists, and Scientists. We will discuss theological, moral, and logical arguments. We will discuss ideas for building a better future for America and all Americans.
The Road to Enlightenment, Oneness, and Liberation
We can only liberate America from the Religion of Money and the Religion of Male Rule if those seeking liberation change from being on the side of self to being on the side of good. Only when we have become Enlightened and become One with Others can we look into the hearts and minds of others and understand the hearts and minds of others. Only foolish women believe that the struggle is between Male Rule and Female Rule. Only foolish women believe that men, who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by society into being Real Men, honestly find peace and freedom inside their minds and really want to play the role that parents, peers, and society have chained them to. They only play the role because they think it gives them social respect and they are afraid of what will happen if they stop playing the role that they have been chained to.
If people were telepaths and empaths who could hear the thoughts of others and feel the emotions of others, then people would gain a greater understanding and appreciation of the sad slavery that many people live under. Traditional Sexual Role Models enslave men, as much as they enslave women. While Male Ruler makes women the ruled class, Male Protector makes men the sacrifice class. If men must always risk their lives for women and children and must never complain about being killed in war, being killed on the job, and being injured for life in a sports game, then has society had compassion on the suffering of men and the pain of men? If you have not been inside the mind and body of those that you hate, then you have not begun to really understand them. If you were reincarnated to be the person that you hate, then you would have a whole different view of the world. Only when you have felt the deepest pain of others, do you really understand others for the first time. Both men and women need to be liberated from the Cave Man Days sexual role models of Male Ruler and Male Protector. When women learn how to be protectors of men from sexual harassment, then men will learn the value of strong and loving women rulers. Rather than dividing the sexes into roles, we must be co-rulers and co-protectors. Can women learn how to protect men from domestic violence, street violence, and sexual harassment? When men are respected by society, even if they do not rule over women or protect women, then men will be sexually liberated.
Let me address some false beliefs in the minds of many. Some mistakenly define the word strong to mean abusive. When a man abuses his wife or a wife abuses her husband, it does not mean that person is strong, but it rather means that person is emotionally weak. Physical or verbal strength is not true strength. The emotional strength to have love and compassion for others is true strength. When evil militant women verbally abuse, sexually slander, and sexually harass men, that does not make them strong but rather makes them very weak. When evil militant women scream at a man to try to verbally bully him into believing what they want him to believe or doing what they want him to do, they are showing the same kind of weakness that a male rapist of women does, the weakness of sexual selfishness. I believe that good and loving women at bars who appreciate men who love them and respect men who make them happy are the strongest women and deserved to be the sexual leaders of female society and all of society. They have the kind of true strength, the strength of love and compassion, that I respect.
From my study of the Jewish Bible, Christian Bible, Zen Buddhism, and other spiritual teachings, as well as meditation and contemplation on greater spiritual truths, I have learnt a great deal that I can teach others. From years of personal psychological research, leading to the invention of the most advanced form of positive change psychology in the world today, I have discovered secrets that I can teach others. If I taught my class on Spiritual Psychology to millions of students, then I could lead the world to love, peace, enlightenment, oneness, and true liberation. How many people believe I am my body or I am my self? Until you let go of your body and let go of your self, then you will not be truly free. Unless you die to the world, then you can not be spiritually born again as a new spiritual being with true freedom and eternal life.