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  SAVE the United States of America
by giving Democrats 250 US House Seats

SAVE the United States of America
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2014 by Dale Lee Harris
Democrats can copy and use this information

I can PROVE to Democrats that ONE Speech and Radio Ad CAN WIN 250 US House Seats AND Turn KEY States BLUE!

I, Dale Lee Harris, am the INVENTOR of the MOST ADVANCED form of Spiritual Psychology in existence, and I am an Expert at using advanced psychology and Proof of the Truth to CHANGE Beliefs to CHANGE Votes to WIN Elections to WIN Control of Congress!

My PROOF is based on Advanced Psychological Science that explains how human behavior works. My Psychological Model explains human behavior, including the human behavior of voting. It explains the dynamics of human behavior by showing the Causality Control Flow between the elements of the Psychological Model.

My speech uses the following Advanced Methods to WIN the HEARTS and MINDS of Voters!

  1. Motivational Psychology to DE-BRAINWASH Voters and give them the FREEDOM to THINK for themselves!
  2. Advanced Voter Psychology to OPEN the HEARTS and MINDS of Voters to the TRUTH that will HELP THEM!
  3. Advanced Theological PROOF to WIN the KEY Christian Voting Bloc, and therefore WIN 250 US House Seats!
  4. PROOF of the TRUTH to WIN KEY Voting Blocs and Turn KEY States BLUE!
  5. Capitalize on the VERY HUGE MISTAKE that Republicans made of SUING the President of the United States of America for Serving WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, and therefore making WE THE PEOPLE their ENEMY!

I advise Democrats to read this speech to the public at the national, state, and local level. I advise Democrats to quote from this speech to RALLY Voters to VOTE Democratic! I advise Democrats to LINK to THIS SPEECH on their web pages or quote key parts, then use phone calls and flyers to invite voters to Town Hall Meetings to discuss the ideas presented. The Town Hall Meetings can be VIRTUAL MEETINGS Online or using Phone Conferencing to save money. I advise Democrats to recruit Voters to Spread the Words and Ideas of this speech to family members and friends. Also, use a Radio Ad that highlights the key points of the speech and perhaps references a Web Page Link to the Speech.

Together, WE CAN SAVE The United States of America by giving WE THE PEOPLE the TRUTH that will give them the FREEDOM and the POWER to LIVE HAPPIER LIVES!!!

Hear is my speech on:
SAVE the United States of America!
Copyright © 2014 by Dale Lee Harris
Democrats can copy and read this speech to WIN Elections

I ask all Voters in the United States of America the following question. Do YOU LOVE God, the United States of America, and YOUR Family? Therefore, do YOU want to Serve God, SAVE the United States of America, and GIVE YOUR Family a Happier Life? IF you have that DEEP LOVE, THEN YOU WANT to KNOW the TRUTH that will help YOU to HELP God, America, and YOUR Family! I can GIVE you the TRUTH that YOUR LOVE WANTS and NEEDS!

I will first answer the following two questions.

  1. SHOULD people LOVE God, Country, and Family?
  2. HOW can YOU GREATLY HELP God, Country, and Family?

Most people agree that we should love our country and our family, because they are a part of our Extended Self. The more difficult question is: Should Everyone Love God? Many people do not believe in the existence of God due to how the word is defined. Many would define God to mean the First Cause of All existence and thus the force that caused the existence of Our Universe. Many believe that this First Cause has both Intelligence and Will. I have a theory that uses Logic to show how God could create Himself and then create Our Universe. However, there is not time for that in this discussion.

To get everyone to accept the idea of Loving God, I propose an alternate definition to the word God. I propose that one possible definition to the word God is: The collective good in all Life in Our Universe and beyond Our Universe. Another definition could be: That which allows and causes everything to exist, including your own existence. We will save the debate over Intelligence and Will for another day.

Jesus said that we should Love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and Love Others even as we love ourselves. The important thing is that we all LOVE the Collective Whole of society, nature, universe, and beyond, by what ever word label we may use.

Let me just say one thing about loving your Extended Self or Group Self. In some ways, it is a form of Group Selfishness, and we really need to Love the Group Other as much as we love the Group Self. Jesus taught that we should Love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and Love Others even as we love ourselves. Understand that this does not just mean love others as much as you love yourself, but it also means to love others that are different from yourself as much as you love those who are similar to yourself. We must love those of the other gender, other races, and other religions as much as we love those of our own gender, race, and religion. LOVE is THE WAY to WORLD PEACE.

The point is that YOU owe your existence, to God, Your Society, and Your Family. If God, Country, and Family Loves you and is Good to you, then out of appreciation, you should LOVE God, Country, and Family.

Next questions is: How can we help God? Everyone in the world is not a Christian. However the vast majority of people accept that Jesus was a Spiritual Teacher who taught Spiritual Truths and Positive Moral Values that are helpful to live by. In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus taught that the way to help God is to help the Needy! As you have done it unto the least, you have done it unto me.

Next Question: How can we help God by helping the needy, help our nation, and help our families?

Fully understand this: It is NOT ENOUGH to LOVE others and WANT to help others! IF you WANT to save the life of a loved one and you have the FALSE BELIEF that draining most of their blood will help them, then you may KILL them! FALSE Beliefs turn GOOD intentions into BAD actions that GREATLY HURT those that you LOVE!

UNDERSTAND THIS: LOVE DEMANDS of us FAR MORE than just Good Intentions! LOVE DEMANDS that we KNOW THE TRUTH so that our Good Intentions result in Good Actions!

IF YOU HONESLY LOVE God, Country, and Family, THEN YOU will do EVERYTHING in YOUR POWER to KNOW THE TRUTH, so that YOUR Actions to try to Help God, Country, and Family, will HONESTLY HELP, rather than HURT, God, Country, and Family!!!

Also understand this. A KEY part of YOUR HAPPINESS is YOUR FREEDOM to think for yourself and make decisions based on logic and evidence, rather than being a brainwashed Mind Slave of others! In my books I explain that FREEDOM is one of the types of Happiness. To be FREE to THINK is to Be Happy.

For the sake of Your Happiness and those that You Love, you MUST be FREE to THINK and KNOW the TRUTH!

IF you HONESTLY LOVE and want to HELP God, Country, and Family, THEN you MUST be a Free Thinker rather than a Mind Slave. Your Self Respect must NOT come from believing what Your Mind Slave Masters ORDER you to believe, but MUST rather come from believing the TRUTH! You MUST do the following.

Let me take this one step further. Those who are devoted to LOVE and TRUTH seek to understand the GREATER TRUTH. Do not love Your Truth more than you love The Truth of Others. Rather, embrace and merge Your Truth with The Truth of Others to obtain Enlightened Understanding of The Greater Truth, which encompasses both your truth and the truth of others. For example, Liberalism has the Virtue of what I call Micro Humanitarian compassion for people while Conservatism has the Virtue of what I call Macro Humanitarian compassion for society. The Greater Truth is to seek the greater well being of both people and society. Rather than being a Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative, be a Utopian, who combines the virtues of all three. I am not asking you to discard Your Truth in order to follow Another Truth. I am asking you to follow the Greater Truth which includes both Your Truth and The Other Truth.

I will PROVE the following. IF Voters LOVE God, Country, and Family and are Well Informed, THEN the vast majority of Voters will Vote Democratic. It is the responsibility of voters to want to know the TRUTH. It is the responsibility of candidates to Educate and Inform Voters, so voters can and will make well informed decisions.

I will PROVE the following to you.

Question: How is Voting Democratic Morally Right?

Even non-Christians agree that Jesus is a Spiritual Teacher who taught Spiritual Truths and Positive Moral Values that it is good for people to live by. What are some of the Positive Moral Values that Jesus taught?

Please read the following Bible versus. Matthew 22:21, Luke 18:22, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 6:24, and Mark 7:7. JESUS taught that the rich must Pay Taxes and provide for the poor. JESUS taught that God considers providing for the Needy to be the same thing as providing for God. JESUS taught that we can not both serve God and serve mammon. JESUS taught that if you follow the doctrines of men, rather than the command of God, then your worship of God is in VAIN!

According to the Moral Values that Jesus taught, it is Moral Right to tax Billionaires to finance government spending that not only provides an economic service to the people of the nation, but also creates jobs for the Needy. It is Morally Right for Billionaires to pay taxes in order to provide for the needy. According to Jesus, providing jobs to those who need jobs is morally equivalent to providing a job to God when God needed a job. Creating jobs for the poor is far better than giving food to the poor, because you give them the ability to earn money to buy their own food, and society gains from their work.

Democrats want to tax Billionaires in order to finance government spending to create jobs. When businesses hire workers to provide products and services to the government, it creates jobs directly. The money that those workers spend also creates more jobs, as well as increasing business income. Thus Job Creating Government Spending helps the Needy, workers, businesses, and the United States of America!

Democrats want to spend money to create jobs. Therefore, Democrats are Morally Right! Republicans OPPOSE the commands of JESUS that Billionaires should pay taxes and OPPOSE the Moral Values of JESUS that jobs should be created for the needy. Therefore, Republicans are Moral Wrong and REJECT the COMMANDS of JESUS!<

Some would argue that people should NOT vote based on the COMMANDS of JESUS, but should rather vote based on the Doctrines of MEN. However, JESUS said that following the Doctrines of MEN rather than the commands of God means that your worship of God is in VAIN!

Understand that the idea that a Zygote is a person is both a Doctrine of MEN and is in fact FALSE. Both a Placenta and a Zygote are Human Life, but neither is a person because neither has a developed brain that is capable of thinking and making decisions. Shall some say that discarding the Placenta is Murder because it is killing human life? Just as JESUS rejected the church leaders of his day for teaching the Doctrines of MEN that you must wash your hands to be Holy, JESUS would reject some church leaders of today for teaching the Doctrines of MEN that a Placenta or a Zygote is the same thing as a fully developed person.

JESUS would say that if you follow the Doctrines of MEN regarding the personhood of Placentas and Zygotes, rather than the commands of God that Billionaires MUST PAY TAXES, then your worship of God is in VAIN!

For those wanting a deeper moral discussion that fully explains WHY it is Morally Right to help the needy with jobs, I could explain the Essential Nature of Good and Evil. I will just say this: It is GOOD to act to promote the WELL BEING of people, society, nature, and Our Universe. Also, I can give a talk to more completely explain things.

By reading the teachings of JESUS and understanding the Essential Nature of Good and Evil, it is very clear that Voting Democratic is Morally RIGHT!

Question: How is Voting Democratic in Your Self Interest?

That is a somewhat easy question. No matter what Major Voting Bloc you are a member of, it can be shown that the work and efforts of the Democratic Party is to HELP the people of YOUR Voting Bloc, while the work and efforts of the Republican Party is to OPPOSE work to HELP the people of YOUR Voting Bloc! There is so much that can be said, but a few examples should prove the point.

Question: How is Voting Democratic the ONLY WAY to SAVE the United States of America?

There is a TABOO TRUTH that those in power DO NOT WANT WE THE PEOPLE TO KNOW!!! That TRUTH is that there is a WAR against WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America to DESTROY WE THE PEOPLE both politically and economically! The TRUTH is that there is a REAL DANGER that our Political Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE may soon be DESTROYED and REPLACED with an Economic Dictatorship of MAMMON!

Some in the Democratic Party believe that WE THE PEOPLE should not be told the TRUTH or they may not even themselves OPEN THEIR EYES to the TRUTH! It is like in the days of Patrick Henry, when he said: Men cry PEACE, PEACE, but THERE IS NO PEACE! The WAR has ALREADY BEGUN!!! The ONLY WAY that our Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE CAN be SAVED is for THE PEOPLE to be TOLD the TRUTH and then to RISE UP and FIGHT BACK!!!

The TRUTH is that the HOLY BIBLE reveals that the Anti-Christ wants to create a Global Economic Dictatorship! The TRUTH is that Radical Billionaires in the United States of America want to DESTROY the Political Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE and replace it with an Economic Dictatorship! There is a REAL DANGER that there will be a Global Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ and the United States of America will be RULED by the Anti-Christ! The TRUTH is that Radical Billionaire Rulers of MAMMON and Republican Party Servants of MAMMON are AT WAR with WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America!

Fully Understand This: A Radical Billionaire does NOT have to be elected President of the United States in order to rule the United States of America. He only needs to have the Economic Power to ORDER the President and members of Congress to do what he wants them to do, rather than what WE THE PEOPLE want them to do. WHEN the President and members of Congress do what a Radical Billionaire ORDERS them to do, rather than what WE THE PEOPLE want and need them to do, THEN OUR Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE has been COMPLETELY DESTROYED! Thus, the United States of America could be RULED by the Anti Christ!

For the Spiritual and Material well being of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, it is absolutely essential that voters elect candidates who are Servants of WE THE PEOPLE and God, rather than Servants of Mammon and a Global Economic Dictatorship!

The Political WAR between the Economic Dictatorship of MAMMON and the Political Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE is a part of the Spiritual WAR between God and Mammon!!!

Are YOU on the side of WE THE PEOPLE and God, or are YOU on the side of MAMMON and the Anti Christ?

It is easy to PROVE that Democrats are Servants of WE THE PEOPLE. Democrats serve WE THE PEOPLE by working to create MORE JOBS, HIIGHER WAGES, and BETTER HEALTHCARE. It is easy to PROVE that Democrats are Servants of God. Jesus taught that helping the needy is the same thing as helping God. Democrats work to create programs to help the needy in America. Job creating government spending is the best way to help the needy. It is easy to PROVE that Republicans are Servants of Mammon. Republicans want to cut taxes on Billionaires and give tax payer money to rich corporations. Jesus said that if you are a servant of Mammon, then you are not a servant of God.

Understand this.

When Servants of Mammon Republicans ATTACK the President of the United States for Serving WE THE PEOPLE, they are ATTACKING WE THE PEOPLE! Well, guess what, WE THE PEOPLE will FIGHT BACK!!!

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America will kick out of office EVERY Servant of Mammon Republican who voted to SUE the President of the United States for Serving WE THE PEOPLE with More Jobs, Higher Wages, and Better Health Care!

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America will SAVE America from becoming an Economic Dictatorship of Mammon, by kicking every Servant of Mammon Republican out of office!

Democrats need to understand that humans vote based on their perception of what is Morally Right, what is in their Self Interest, and what is in their Collective Self Interest. Therefore, the key to winning the United States House is to prove to voters that voting Democratic is morally right, in their self interest, and is in the interest of the United States of America. Public speeches, flyers, radio ads, and other messages to the public need to focus on that. Radio Ads should focus on the key messages of the speech. For example, say something like the following in a Radio Ad.

Some Democrats will ask: Should we reference the Christian Bible in a political Ad? My response is this. Do you WANT to WIN 250 US House Seats, or NOT, by WINNING the Christian Voting Bloc through the words of Jesus Christ? Even non-Christians recognize Jesus as a Spiritual Teacher who taught Positive Moral Values, that the vast majority of people understand as Good! If we have a National Debate on The Moral Values Taught by Jesus Christ, then Democrats Win 250 US House Seats! When Christians follow Jesus, rather than following men, then Christians vote Democratic! A Dramatic and Spiritually Inspiring Reading of the following Ad, that touches the hearts and minds of voters, can WIN the Christian Voting Bloc through Theological PROOF of the TRUTH!

Suggested Radio Ad.

Voters of America should know that Voting Democratic is Morally Right, is in Your Self Interest, and is the KEY to saving the United States of America. Jesus taught that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor. Matthew 22:21, Luke 18:22, and Matthew 25:31-46. Jesus taught that helping the needy is the same thing as helping God! But, Servant of Mammon Republicans reject the commands of Jesus to tax the rich and provide for the needy. Follow the commands of Jesus, not the Doctrines of Men. Matthew 6:24 and Mark 7:7. Democrats serve God by helping the needy. Democrats serve WE THE PEOPLE by spending to create jobs, raising wages, providing better health care, protecting farmers from toxic oil in ground water, and protecting YOUR Social Security Income. When politicians serve Mammon, rather than serving WE THE PEOPLE and God, then OUR Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE is destroyed! Vote Democratic to save OUR Democracy!