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The WAR Against Workers, Women, America, and God HOW TO SAVE America and SAVE THE WORLD: Voter Education and Spiritual Revival |
How to Save America and SAVE THE WORLD:
Voter Education and Spiritual Revival
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2012 by Dale Lee Harris
There is a WAR: against workers, against women, against America, and against God. The war against workers seeks to destroy unions, off shore good paying factory jobs to slave workers, and destroy jobs, wages, and benefits for American workers. The war against women seeks to make women sex slaves, who are forced to have the babies of rapists. The war against America seeks to destroy America's economic wealth and power, and give economic ownership of America to Totalitarian Economic Dictators. The war against God seeks to silence the commands of Jesus Christ and replace them with the Doctrines of Men, who are servants of money and the Totalitarian Economic Dictators, and thus not the servants of God.
All of these wars are a part of one war. The war against workers to destroy the American working class is a part of the war against America to destroy and enslave America economically. The war to enslave women is a part of the war against God to replace the Doctrines of God with the False Doctrines of Men who worship The Religion of Money and seek a Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich. The same war to impoverish and enslave American workers is also the war that seeks to enslave women, and enslave everyone to Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship. The same war against American democracy and the Rule of THE PEOPLE, is also a war against God's teachings on compassion for the poor and the need for democratic rule. All of these wars are one war that is being waged by one group, the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters, with their Corporate Republican Political Puppets, and their army of Zombie Mind Slaves.
It is Jesus Christ who said, You can not serve both God and Money. Thus the servants of Money and followers of The Religion of Money, are either secretly or openly at war with God, who commands compassion for the poor and the rich providing for the poor.
To save American workers from becoming slave workers, to save women from becoming sex slaves, and to save America from losing its democracy and freedom, we need to UNITE AND FIGHT BACK. I call upon Labor Unions, Worker Organizations, Women's Groups, Progressive Organizations, Progressive Christians, The Occupy Movement, and all who love freedom and democracy, to unite to fight to save workers, women, America, and religious freedom.
In fact, I have a plan for saving America and SAVING THE WORLD from almost all human suffering. If my ideas and plan is taught to tens of millions of people nationally, then the resulting changes will end almost all human suffering in America. If my ideas and plan is taught to tens of millions of people in other nations, then the results will be the same. I can prove that fact.
I will cover:
So, how can we change the vast majority of the voting public, so that:
We can save workers, save women, and save America, if we can Debrainwash Voters, win the Jobs Vote, and win the Religious Vote. But, how can we do that? We can do that by doing the following:
What are the Qualifications of Dale Lee Harris?
As the inventor/author of Self Transformation Psychology, the inventor/author of Jesus Christ's World Utopia, and a student of spiritual truths from many religions, I have expertise and have superior qualifications for teaching voters Debrainwashing Psychology, a basic Economic Model, the Utopian Economic System of Jesus Christ, and Spiritual Philosophy Truths that Transcend Religion. I believe the Voters Training Classes that I develop may be best to educating voters in psychology, economics, and spirituality, so as to help voters to have the freedom to think for themselves and the understanding to make the best voting decisions for helping themselves and the nation.
I, Dale Lee Harris, have advanced human knowledge and understanding by discovering and documenting new theories, which are superior to current popular theories. I have made discovers in many fields of study. When my advanced discoveries are taught to tens of millions of people, then human society will greatly benefit. In fact, I have explained that a KEY to ending ALL human suffering is to Spiritually Transform human society from what I call the Self-Other Life Orientation to what I call the Good-Evil Life Orientation on the individual, social, and nature level. I explain that when Jesus Christ rules planet Earth for 1000 years, he will end all human suffering by using three spiritual keys. I explain that if humans use one of the keys, namely Spiritual Transformation of Humanity, then almost all human suffering can end. To the degree that those who are On the Side of God work to educate the masses and move human society toward that Spiritual Rebirth, there will be a great reduction in human suffering. Yes we CAN, SAVE America and SAVE THE WORLD from most human suffering! President Obama has said, Yes we can, change America and change the world. I say, Yes we can, SAVE America and SAVE THE WORLD, from almost all human suffering, by Spiritually Transforming human society.
The discoveries and advancements to human knowledge by Dale Lee Harris includes the following. I advanced the field of Spiritual Philosophy by discovering a Spiritual Model of humans that includes the Self-Other Animal Nature and the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature in humans. I also discovered and documented the Core Nature of Good and Evil, a fundamental human question. I advanced the field of Spiritual Political Philosophy by discovering the Two Dimensional Political Spectrum, including my ideas on the underlying conflict between what I call Micro Humanitarianism and Macro Humanitarianism. My Political Ideological Model explains that the real division is not between Micro Liberal Socialism and Macro Conservative Capitalism, but is rather between Good and Evil. I explain how to reconcile Micro Humanitarianism with Macro Humanitarianism to form the Christian Utopian Ideology, which can help to End All Human Suffering on planet Earth. I advanced the field of Relationship Psychology and Sexual Relationship Psychology, by discovering a complete Psychological Model of human relationship behavior. I showed the Causality Flow in my Psychological Model that occurs when two people socially interact. While popular Psychology has said that the human Value-Belief System largely controls human behavior, I discovered and documented that it is rather the human Loyalty-Value-Belief System. In fact, the Loyalty System, is based on my discovered Spiritual Model. I discovered and documented that there are three primary forms of motivation, in Motivational Psychology. I discovered and documented that there are three forms of happiness, which I named Pleasure Happiness, Freedom Happiness, and Love Happiness. My discoveries in the fields of Spiritual Philosophy, Political Philosophy, and Relationship Psychology, are in fact KEYS to Spiritually Transforming humanity, in order to end almost all human suffering on planet Earth!
Download and watch the Voter's Training Class,
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I believe downloading my FREE Voter's Training Classes, going door to door to invite people to attend public meetings, showing my class at public meetings, and recruiting more members at those meetings, is one of the best strategies for a Grass Roots effort to educate voters on the critical Voter Skill Sets of Psychology, Economics, and Spiritual Philosophy. WHEN you watch my class for yourself, YOU WILL agree with me!!!
Voter Education and Spiritual Revival
Advanced Topics to SAVE THE WORLD
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2012 by Dale Lee Harris
Question: What is the best possible political system and why?
Thomas Jefferson argued that the purpose of government
is to secure the God given human rights of
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
and derives its rights from the consent of the governed.
Therefore, democracy is the best form of government.
However, what is the best form of democracy:
representative, direct, or some other form?
I would argue that best
should mean the system that best promotes
the short and long term
happiness, well being, and survival
of individuals, society, and the human species.
decisions should reflect both
the will of the people
and the interests of the people.
This has been solved by having
the people elect their leaders,
to reflect the will of the people,
and those leaders hiring experts in various fields
to help make the best decisions,
and thus best promote the interests of the people.
representative democracy is flawed when
politicians are bribed to rather serve private interests
and the people are brainwashed and misled
into electing corrupt politicians.
In my book I advocated for Pure Democracy.
The people need more direct rule and control,
and the people need the advantage of education
and advise from experts on how to vote
and what decisions to make.
We need Voter Training and Education Classes,
and we need Constitutional Amendments
for more direct popular rule.
Spiritual Psychology
Do you want to be free and happy? Are you honestly free to think for yourself and question the beliefs that others have taught you? Do you know the psychological keys to happiness? In my books and classes I teach those keys.
For voters to make the best decision for helping themselves and helping the nation, they must know how to think for themselves, use logic and evidence to arrive at the truth, and not be brainwashed by others into believing lies. It would be good to teach all voters The Scientific Method of arriving at the truth through experimentation and logical proof of ideas.
It is critically important for voters, and all humans for that matter, to understand the keys to happiness, freedom, and formation of the best value-beliefs for the promotion of happiness and freedom for all. Otherwise, how can people be expected to make voter decisions that best promotes the happiness and well being of people and the nation? In my psychology books and classes, including my Voters Training Class, I teach that Motivational Psychology can be used to manipulate people and install a Value-Belief System in people, which is in fact harmful to them, others, and society. By teaching people how their mind works and how they can be brainwashed, I teach them how to be free to think for themselves and have the power to never be brainwashed by manipulators.
I also teach that the deepest roots of psychology is spirituality. In the Loyalty-Value-Belief System, the Loyalty System is the Spiritual Root, and largely controls the other two members. That is why I teach people the fundamental question, which transcends religion: What is the true nature of good and evil? I say in my book and class: People judge things by their values, but how do people judge their values? If people have wrong values, then they will always make wrong decision, which are harmful to themselves, others, and society. But, how can people judge their values and determine if their values are good or evil? That is why it is critically important for people to be taught the Core Nature of Good and Evil, which is the deepest roots of ethics, morality, and human values.
Spiritual Philosophy
What is the Fundamental Nature of Good and Evil?
What makes something Good or Evil,
and what is the nature of good and evil?
The Clerics of Religion might argue that God is the source of all Good, and rebellion against God is the source of all Evil. They would say that it is good to obey the laws and rules of God in your daily lives. Thus, Good, is what ever God says. The False Clerics of Religion might argue that they are in place of God on Earth, and therefore people should follow the rules of the human clerics, and worship the human clerics. But is a rule good, because God and the clerics have endorsed it, or does God rather make a rule because He believes it is good? That is, does God serve humanity by making rules that help humans obtain their fundamental human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? If the spiritual being that rules over planet Earth were an evil, selfish, dictator, that made up rules that helped himself and hurt the people of the planet, then would His rules still be good? What really makes a rule or a value good or evil?
I propose that the word good can be defined accurately as the preferred or better state of being for conscience living or spiritual beings. What is the preferred state for beings that can think and are aware? I propose that it is good: to exist, to be free, and to be connected to others. That is very similar to the view of Thomas Jefferson of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It also reflects what I call in my book the three forms of happiness, namely Pleasure Happiness, Freedom Happiness, and Love Happiness.
By what shall people judge their values by? I propose that a social value is good, if it promotes the short and long term happiness, well being, and survival of people, society, the human species, and all life. Only when people in a society form Good social values which best promotes and supports Life, Liberty, and Love Happiness, will the people of that society act in ways which best promotes and supports Life, Liberty, and Love Happiness.
Thinking humans and the fundamental teachings of many world religions, reveals the importance of existence, freedom, and love connections. In the Christian Bible, when God created existence, it was declared to be good. The Jewish Bible documents the yearning of a people for freedom from slavery. Jesus Christ said that the two greatest commandments are to Love God with all your being and Love others as your self. Eastern religion teaches the pursuit of Oneness with God, which encompasses loving God with all your being.
Good can be defined as, that which promote the happiness and well being of living beings. Well being includes: connection, freedom, and existence. Evil can be defined as the opposite, or that which opposes the happiness and well being of living beings.
Humans are not always good. Humans are spiritually evolving from being primitive animals to becoming advanced spiritual beings or gods. Jesus Christ in fact said to humans, You are gods. An understanding of these basic truths led to my discovery of the evolution of humans from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature.
All voters and all humans should be taught this basic truth, if their voter choices and life choices are to best serve themselves and society. Consider the following four parts.
Divisions | Self | Other |
Good | Good of Self | Good of Other |
Evil | Evil of Self | Evil of Other |
When people look at the four parts of the Good and Evil of Self and Other, they must chose which side they are on. Some will draw the line between Self and Other, and say they are on the side of Self. Others will draw the line between Good and Evil and say they are on the side of Good. The Self-Other person seeks the victory of self over other, while the Good-Evil person seeks the victory of good over evil. Are you on the side of your race, gender, or social group, or are you rather on the side of the good, which can be found in all races, genders, and social groups?
What is the personality nature of a Self-Other versus a Good-Evil person? Consider the Loyalty-Value-Belief System of each.
System | Self-Other | Good-Evil |
Loyalty | Selfish Hate | Compassionate Love |
Value | Evil | Good |
Belief | Falsehood | Truth |
Do you seek the victory of your beliefs over the belief of others, or do you rather seek to know the truth, even when it means questioning your beliefs and discarding your false beliefs?
The question is, how can we help voters and all citizens Spiritually Evolve, from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature? By teaching them the concepts of Oneness with God and others, Enlightened understanding of the True Self, the interconnection of all things, and the need for Love Connection of All.
In my book and class I teach people that the Real Self is not the body, but rather the Good that is both in the body and outside the body. I teach for example that, your breath is not in your Lungs alone, but also is in the air all around you and in the environment. Therefore, nature and the air you breath is as much an essential part of You and Your Life as is your lungs. Similarly, death does not just come from attacks outside your body, but can also come from cancer within. Therefore, the Real You is the Good which is both inside the perceived you of your body and outside the perceived you of your body.
All voters and all citizens need to be taught to become One with God and Others, by Loving God with all their being, and Loving others as themselves.. When people understand that others are a part of them and God is an essential core part of them, then people will vote and act in Enlightened Self Interest.
We must not seek the victory of our religion over other religions. Rather, we must seek the victory of Good and Truth over Evil and Falsehood. I would ask people of all religions, including those who do not view Jesus as the Son of God, to view him as a spiritual teacher who taught spiritual truths that can help people live better lives. I would also ask all Christians to listen to the spiritual truths of other religions, since doing so can help you to be a better Christian. Christians accept the Jewish Bible, or Old Testament. Christians should endorse the religion of Melchizedek, whom Abraham gave tithes to. Christians should endorse the spiritual truths in the religion of the three Magi, who gave offerings to Jesus. And Christians should endorse spiritual truths, when they are found in other religions. That is not to say that we are not free to reject what evidence shows us to be false. But, we should have an open mind and be objective. And we must respect the rights of others to form their own opinions, based on their examination of the evidence. We should use logic, evidence, and experience to form our beliefs and to persuade others. But, we must also listen to the experiences of others. Recall The Fable of the Seven Blind Men and the Elephant.
A message to atheists. Everything that exists has a reason for existence or a cause of its existence. Scientists agree that the Universe was created by the Big Bang. So, it is not a question of whether or not there is a Creator. The question is whether the creator is An Intelligent Creator or rather The Laws of Physics. We can debate those two alternate theories. However, either way, I would argue that the Two Greatest Commandments of Jesus Christ, are still good for everyone to live by. Atheists may not want to live by the command, Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, because they do not believe in an Intelligent Creator. For them I would suggest rewording the command to say, Love the Good of the Universe or the Creative Force of the Universe, with all your heart, soul, and mind. I believe that if all voters and citizens were Love Connected To and At One With the Universe and others, then voter decisions and human actions would be far better than it is now.
Where did God come from? Some ask that, if God created the Universe and was the first cause of all that exists, then where did God come from? I first pondered this question when I was in High School and came up with the following answer. Before anything existed, nothing existed, or the Void. One can assert that if nothing existed to cause anything to exist, then nothing could ever exist. However, it is also true that nothing existed to prevent anything from existing, so nothing could prevent anything from suddenly popping into existence. Since everything has to have a cause, that which comes into existence would have to be its own cause or Creator. How can that be? In a positive time universe, cause precedes effect, separated by time. But, in a zero time universe cause and effect can occur at the same time. Therefore, God could pop into existence and cause His existence at the same point in time. Thus, first God created Himself, and then God created the Universe.
Later I did more reflective thinking and realized the following. All that exists or does not exist does so, not just by being causes or not being caused to exist, but by the rules of existence. That is, before anything existed, something existed, namely the logical rule that nothing can exist unless it is caused to exist. For anything to exist, first the rules of existence must exist. And in fact, for nothing to exist, the rules of existence must exist, or nothing would prevent purple dragons from suddenly popping into existence. Since nothing could either exist or not exist without the existence of the logical rules of existence, the logical rules of existence must have always existed as the foundation of all things. Before there was a physical universe of existence, there had to be a spiritual universe of logic, rules, and ideas, which always existed in possibility space of that which may or may not exist.
Thus, my new view was that the rules of logic, the foundation of the spiritual universe, always existed. The rules of existence allowed God to create Himself, and then was used by God to create the physical universe. I agree with current Cosmological theory to a point. One of the latest theories about the big bang is that two Branes, ie membranes of existence, collided to cause the big bang in our physical membrane. I would argue that while our brane may be physical, the other brane was our parallel spiritual brane, and thus it was the touch of God that caused the big bang.
There can be much debate about what is meant by God. Might God be the entire spiritual universe or spirit brane, with its foundation of the rules of logic, together with logical rules, which include the logical rules of existence, random rules of chance and probability, and randomly generated ideas of possibilities. Scientists experiment to discover the nature of the physical plane of physical reality. But how can we experiment inside our mind of thoughts to determine the nature of the mental plane of mental reality of imagination and possible existence? How can we experiment to determine the nature of the Spiritual Brane or Parallel Spiritual Universe?
Since the rules of logic must exist for the logical rules of existence to exist, the rules of logic must have always existed. The rules of logic, together with logical rules of existence, random probability, mathematics, and others, form the foundation of the Spiritual Brane, Spiritual Plane, or Spiritual Universe. If God is viewed to be the entire Spiritual Brane, then God always existed. But, God, the creator of our physical brane, may be just a member of the Spiritual Brane, that was allowed to come into existence by the rules of logic.
Was our physical universe created by in intelligent God, or by the rules of logic and chance? Thus, was The Creator intelligent, or merely logic and random chance? What is intelligence? An Artificial Intelligence Inference Engine uses the rules of logic and the laws of chance in a generate and test method, to come up with candidate ideas to solve logical problems. AI game software uses look ahead, logical advantage-disadvantage rules, and logical win-lose rules, to chose moves in a game. Game software can beat most humans in the game of Chess. AI Inference Engine Systems can be used for proof of advanced scientific theorems. Thus, logical rules together with rules of chance generation of options, is a form of intelligence. I would argue that the spiritual brane, with the foundation of rules of logic, logical rules of chance and probability, logical rules of existence, logical rules of mathematics, other logical rules, and ideas, together with random generation of possibilities, is in fact an Intelligent Inference Engine. That is, the Creative Force is intelligent. If you have the imagination to randomly generate new ideas from existing ideas and the logic to evaluate the validity of ideas, then you have intelligence.
Thus, there is not a choice between whether the Creative Force of the Universe is intelligent or merely logical rules with the laws of chance, because logical rules together with random generation of possibilities is in fact intelligence! That is, both choices are two ways of saying the same thing! The question is, is the Creative Force governed by the logical rules: Existence is Good, Freedom is Good, and Connection is Good, to Win the Game of creating physical universes which promote greater existence and intelligent life? Cosmologists tell us that the properties of a physical universe is determined by the values of the four fundamental forces, and that we are very lucky to be in a physical universe where the values are just right in order to allow the evolution of intelligent life. In a Mutiverse, where a Spiritual Brane can generate an extremely large number of physical universes, with properties determined at the time of creation, the question is the following. Is there random creation and blind luck? Or, is there an Inference Engine Rule with a goal of creating a physical universe with intelligent life? There may be an Intelligent Creative Force, but does it have a will, self awareness, and a goal or desire to create intelligent life? That has not been proven one way or the other. Some would say that there is very strong evidence to support the belief in a God. Some would argue that when Jesus rose from the dead, it was at least proof of the existence of a god with great power, who may or may not have had the power to create or help create our physical Universe. Those who believe in the common concept of God do so by faith and by feeling the presence of God in their hearts.
We can of course debate such theories and have a very long discussion on the nature of the Mental Plane of logic, chance, and ideas. How can we conduct experiments in the Mental Plane, to determine the true nature of the Spiritual Brane, just as scientists experiment in the Physical Plane to determine the true nature of Physical Reality? That is an interesting and provocative question, which could launch Metaphysics Scientists and philosophers on a whole new world of discovery.
Just as our Soul-Mind is connected to the physical world by our physical senses, are we also connected to the spiritual world by our sixth senses and psychic abilities? Just as we use our physical senses and scientific equipment to gather physical evidence to help determine the nature of the Physical Universe, can we use our spiritual senses to gather evidence to help us understand the nature of the Spiritual Brane, Spiritual Plane, or Spiritual Universe? Philosophers can imagine theories about existence and the foundation of existence. Rather than looking outside our selves and our body into the physical plane of existence, our first steps must be to look inside ourselves to the secret door passage to the spiritual plane. Descartes looked inside himself in deep logical thought to discover the truth of existence that, I think therefore I am. Since God is a spiritual being of the spiritual universe, to find God, we must first take the Journey Within. Through the spiritual practices of prayer, meditation, and out of body experiences, psychics and Psychic Research Scientists may obtain a spiritual state of being that allows them to find the secret door to experience the spiritual world and gather evidence that will help us to understand the nature of the Spiritual Brane, Spiritual Plane, or Spiritual Universe. Perhaps only through deep Prayer and Meditation can our Soul-Mind disconnect from physical reality, connect to spiritual reality, and talk to God. If you are looking for God in the physical universe, then you are looking in the wrong place.
Regardless of what is true about Intelligent Creation, I propose that we should all Love Good with all our being, because Good is that which promotes happiness, well being, and existence, so we owe everything to the quality of Good. I believe we should all love the Creative Force of the spiritual brane, which I believe is intelligent. I believe we should all love both our physical universe and our parallel spiritual universe of possibility space. Why is it Good for humans to Love Good? By being loyal to Good, humans act to promote Good, and thus are Good. That is, proof is by definition and logical inference.
Spiritual Political Philosophy
Like most people in our society, the News Media taught me that we have a Political Spectrum of Liberal-Moderate-Conservative. Those called liberals tend to be more for helping the poor, and those called conservative tend to be more for capitalism and the rich making more money. Some reflective thought led me to realize that the underlying basis for the conflict between liberal and conservative, was an underlying conflict between what I named in my book Micro Humanitarianism and Macro Humanitarianism. Thus, liberals have compassion on the poor or individuals, while conservatives have compassion on society and the human species. In my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia, I presented the following ideas.
There is both virtue and vice in all three elements of the Liberal-Moderate-Conservative spectrum. In fact, compassion for people and compassion for the species are both virtues. The vice is to ignore the other virtue. Moderates have the virtue of seeking surface compromise of the two, but have the vice of lacking a depth understanding of the two sides. One can view Liberal-Moderate-Conservative to be similar to the Spectrum of Light, namely Red-Green-Blue. And just as one can combine the three primary colors to have white light, or remove all three to have the absence of light, one can combine the three political views to have the perfect view, or remove all three to have the worst view. That is, one can go above the spectrum to the Christian Utopian Ideology, that Jesus will establish when he rules Earth for 1000 years, or go below the spectrum to Satan's Doom's Day Ideology, that the Anti Christ will establish briefly on Earth. Thus, I see the larger political spectrum to be the following.
Utopian ( Good ) |
Liberal | Moderate | Conservative |
Doomer ( Evil ) |
What is the perfect Economic System?
Liberals support Socialism, while conservatives support capitalism. Socialism has the virtue of helping the poor and providing for the needs of individuals. Capitalism has the virtue of economic growth, which tends to help society and the species. Utopians favor Macro Economic Democracy, which is designed to maintain long term full employment, and is therefore far superior to even Capitalism at economic growth and far superior to even Socialism at providing for human needs. On the other hand, Doomers favor Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship, which is the absolute worst economic system.
What many do not realize is that the Radical Super Rich are not on the side of Capitalism, but rather want an Economic Dictatorship, where all money and power is centralized in their hands. Economic Dictatorship is the worst system, whether it is the Communist economic dictatorship of the Communist Party, or the Vampire Capitalist economic dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. Thus, the Super Rich and their Republican puppets claim to be on the side of Capitalism, but are rather really on the side of Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship.
Progressives are not the same thing as liberals. Progressives support mostly a combination of capitalism and socialism, which is more of a Moderate position. More innovative Progressives may suggest moving toward economic democracy, whether on the micro or macro level. Therefore, Republicans are evolving politically from being Conservatives to being Doomers. And Democrats are evolving politically from being Moderates to being Utopians. Thus, Republicans are becoming more evil, while Democrats are becoming more good.
The Holy Bible prophecy of the Anti Christ says that the Anti Christ will be an Economic Dictator, who will give his mark or stamp of approval for people buying and selling. The Radical Super Rich and their Republican puppets want to establish an Economic Dictatorship, and the Anti Christ wants to establish an Economic Dictatorship. If you can add one plus one to get two, then it is easy to see that the Radical Super Rich and the Anti Christ, have the very same goal. Perhaps the Anti Christ is a member of the Radical Super Rich Billionaires in the United States of America, and will seize leadership power over the Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. Since Corporate Republicans are political servants of lobbyists and the Radical Super Rich, and the Anti Christ wants the same thing as the Radical Super Rich, then it logically follows that Corporate Republicans are servants of the Anti Christ.
It should be clear that Economic Dictatorship will mean decisions will be made to favor perhaps one percent of the population, and thus economically destroy the nation and the vast majority of the people. Similarly, a Macro Economic Democracy means decisions will be made to help all of the people, and therefore the nation and all of the people will be economically better off.
It is very easy to show that EVERY Republican economic policy destroys jobs while EVERY Progressive economic policy saves and creates jobs. Republicans believe in Free Trade, ending regulations, tax cuts for the Super Rich, and opposing government spending. It is Free Trade that off shored five million USA factory jobs. Every one factory job creates four other jobs from the cash flow stimulation in the economy. Thus, Republican Free Trade destroyed twenty five millions USA jobs! Republican lack of regulations on banks led to the economic meltdown, depression, and loss of millions of American jobs. When a society taxes the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Spending, it creates millions of jobs directly from the people hired to do the work contracted, and millions of more jobs from the cash flow stimulus in the economy. Republican opposition to taxing the Super Rich to pay for Job Creating Government Spending, is thus opposition to creating jobs in America.
Do you want to be Free and Happy?
NOTE: I, Dale Lee Harris, am the inventor and copyright owner of the phrases Pleasure Happiness, Freedom Happiness, and Love Happiness.
To be free and happy, first you need to know what it is, then you need to know the psychological keys to obtaining it. Happiness is a state of well being. Pleasure Happiness is the well being of the body, which includes life, health, and the promotion of life. Freedom Happiness is the well being of the soul, which includes the freedom to think for yourself and make your own choices. Love Happiness is the well being of the spirit, which includes the need to be Love Connected to God and others and thus be One with God and others. All people on Earth, and every other planet for that matter, should live by the rules given by Jesus to Love God with all your being and Love others even as you love your self.
I teach people that Love Happiness is the happiness that you get from the happiness of others and from making others happy. People who are empathetic and can feel the emotions of others can enjoy the good emotions of others and be hurt by the bad emotions of others. In Sexual Relationship Psychology I teach men that when a women shows a desire for something, then offering it to her is a win-win. The act of offering is giving her the Freedom Happiness of having the option of satisfaction and the opportunity for Pleasure Happiness. If she says yes, then there is shared pleasure. If she says no, then support her choice to give her the Freedom Happiness of having a choice. And if you feel and experience her emotions, then you can enjoy her Freedom Happiness and thus experience the Love Happiness of enjoying the happiness of others. IF all people followed my advice of seeking the happiness that comes from giving others the freedom to say no, THEN rape would no longer exist!
Freedom Happiness is the freedom to think for yourself, question what you are taught, and make your own decisions. So, why do people give up the happiness of being free? And how can people learn how to live happier lives through greater freedom? NOTE: I discovered and copyrighted the insight that the three primary motivations are happiness, respect, and reward.
I teach that Motivational Psychology can be used to install Value-Beliefs in others, which in turn controls the behavior of others. To be free to think and thus be free from brainwashing, you must understand the keys that brainwash you and obtain the keys to free your own mind.
Peer pressure can cause people to accept the values and beliefs that are popular in the society that they live in. Social belonging, social respect, and self respect are strong forces that install values and beliefs. Not only will militant bullies in a society only respect you if you live by their value-beliefs, but they will also seek to control how much respect you can get from society, and how much respect you are allowed to give to yourself. If you walk around with a cocky self confident and self pride smile on your face, but you have value-beliefs that they do not like, then they will socially slander you to deny you social respect and may attack you to wipe that prideful smile off your face.
Clerics of religion may tell you that you can not go to heaven unless you have the right belief, which are the beliefs that they tell you, and you go to the right church, which is of course their church. In some societies you may be literally killed for converting from their right religion. The Catholic church burnt people at the stake for daring to be Christians who followed their hearts, rather than the Doctrines of Men, who were the church leaders.
One problem is that society has brainwashed people by teaching people that the path to social respect and self respect is to believe what you are told to believe, without having the freedom to question what you are told to believe. Another problem is that once you believe something, the desire for self pride makes you want to believe that you are right because your beliefs are right. But, are your current beliefs in fact an essential part of you?
To be Good, you must not seek the victory of your beliefs over other beliefs, but rather seek the victory of Truth over Falsehood. You must not seek the victory of your religion, consisting mostly of the Doctrines of Men, over other religions, but rather seek the victory of Good over Evil. Therefore, do not have pride in having the the right belief, but rather from having the freedom and honestly to question your beliefs in the pursuit of knowing what the real truth is. Have the courage to question popular beliefs, the humility to listen to the beliefs of others, and the honesty to question your own beliefs in the pursuit of truth. DEMAND social respect for the qualities of courage, humility, and honesty.
God will not send you to Hell for questioning The Church. God may rather send you to Hell for not questioning your church and turning from their false teachings and their Doctrines of Men. Some are afraid to question God. But, if you do not question God and ask God to explain things to you, then how will you ever understand God and have a close loving relationship with God? If you are free to question human opinion, including the human opinion of church leaders, in the pursuit of knowing the truth, then the truth will make you free.
Do Pro Life Christians Worship God in Vain?
Jesus said that many will worship God and will call on the name of Jesus, but will be rejected by Jesus on Judgement Day.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:21,22 KJV
What is the will of God, which will determine if people go to Heaven or Hell? Jesus taught that people should have compassion for those in need and will go to Heaven or Hell, based on whether they do or do not have compassion on those in need. We must have compassion so that we as a society give food, drink, housing, clothing, health care, and comfort to those in need.
... For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. ... Matthew 25:31-46
TRUE Christian Values are the Doctrines of Jesus, not the Doctrines of Men, who are servants of money and therefore not the servants of God. Christianity is following the Doctrines of Jesus. Churchanity is following the Doctrines of Men. Jesus taught in Mark 12:13-17 that the rich should pay taxes. Jesus taught in Luke 18:22-25 that the rich should provide for the poor. Religion of Money Republicans reject the idea of the Super Rich paying taxes to finance Massive Job Creating Government Spending to create millions of jobs to give the poor what they need the most; jobs. Holier than God Republicans believe that their human Doctrines of Men are more important than the Doctrines of Jesus. Jesus never said that a Zygote is a baby. That is the false Doctrines of Men.
Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commands of men. Mark 7:7
If you work hard to follow the Doctrines of Men, who happen to be church leaders, rather than following the will of God, namely taxing the rich to provide for the poor, then on Judgement Day you may say to Jesus, Lord, Lord, but Jesus will reply to you I never knew you: depart from me. According to the teachings of Jesus Christ, Pro Life Christians may be worshiping God in VAIN!
A church is supposed to lead people to God, so they can have a personal relationship with God. But a false church can stand between people and God and turn people away from God. When church leaders seek to turn people away from following the will of God, to rather follow the Doctrines of Men, it is an act of WAR against God! Jesus Christ said the following to such church leader.
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14. Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. Matthew 21:31.
I believe we need an End of Days Revival, not to get more people to go to church so pastors will have a higher salary, but to return the church to the teachings of Jesus. We need a new Christian Reformation Movement, to return the church to the teachings of Jesus.
If Jesus says that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor, and the followers of the Religion of Money reject raising taxes on the Super Rich, then reject those who follow the Religion of Money and who worship the Golden Bull of Wall Street. The Anti Christ Radical Super Rich may be the Economic Dictators of society and may rule Corporate Politicians, but they must not rule the church and sit on the Throne of God. If you do not want the Anti Christ to rule America, then help start a new Christian Reformation Movement.
Can Economic Democracy End All Unemployment?
You may hear a Wall Street Corporate Republican candidate for President make the following two statements: (1) I know how to create jobs and (2) Government spending does not create jobs. But, the second statement proves that the first statement is false. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that when the government spends money on construction projects, it means hiring construction workers and creating jobs! Elementary Economics teaches that Cash Flow in the economy creates jobs. Cash flow is in fact the blood of the economic system and Consumer Spending is the heart of the system. When the government spends money to hire construction workers, hire teachers, fire fighters, and police, or provide unemployment and food stamps to those who are in need, the cash flow in the economy creates more jobs. Only a LIAR or a Complete Idiot would say Government spending does not create jobs. I do not believe that Corporate Republicans are complete idiots, and they are in fact proven liars. The point is, only a fool would believe the lies of Corporate Republicans. If they fool you once, then shame on them. But, if they fool you twice, then shame on you for believing their lies.
What is the best economic system? And, do not say Capitalism. The massive economic melt down and depression in the United State of America has proven that, Unregulated Free Trade Vampire Capitalism is a FAILED economic system. It FAILS to give jobs to every worker, because it is fundamentally flawed. There is a much better economic system.
If you understand what I said about the political spectrum, then you can understand the view that there are five basic economic systems.
Economic Democracy ( Good ) |
Socialism | Capitalistic-Socialism | Capitalism |
Economic Dictatorship (Communism) ( Evil ) |
NOTE: Capitalism turns into Communism when economic wealth and power is centralized in the hands of a few! The Anti Christ Radical Super Rich are working to establish a form of Communism, or Economic Dictatorship, in the United States of America and the world!
Capitalism has the virtue of promoting economic growth, but the vice of not providing for all members of society. Socialism has the virtue of caring for the needy of society, but may not promote the greatest economic growth of society. Capitalistic-Socialism is a mixture of the two systems, which uses incentive investment for growth in areas of the economy where that is best, and uses caring for the needy in the areas of the economy where that is best. That compromise system is superior to either Capitalism alone or Socialism alone. For example, the socialism of unemployment payments helps to maintain cash flow in the economy and thus create jobs.
However, it would be better to not just have a compromise between Capitalism and Socialism, but a synthesis of the two. Two ideas are compromised when parts of each is used. Two ideas are synthesized when the inner core truth of each idea are combined to form a completely new idea, which includes the core truth of the two ideas. I propose that Economic Democracy is such a synthesis. I propose that we run the national economy like a business, and the business should be to provide jobs for all citizens. Just as a business does Micro Economic Planning on the Micro (business) level, we should do Macro Economic Planning on the Macro (national) level. I propose that the people elect a National Economic Board of Economists to plan national economic growth, where the number one goal is obtaining and maintaining an unemployment rate of less than one percent. That means planning for future economic development and training workers to be available for employment as soon as they are needed by industry. That means investing in new technology to create more jobs so that everyone in our society has the opportunity to have a jobs. With the smartest Economists in the nation working for the people of the nation to create jobs for all citizens, we would provide for the needs of people far better than Socialism can and promote economic growth far better than Capitalism can. With Macro Economic Planning that serves the people and the national interest, we would never have economic meltdowns and depression.
On the other hand, Economic Dictatorship is the worst possible system. Communism is NOT Socialism! Democratic Socialism is ANTI Communist. Vampire Capitalism is a form of Communism, or Economic Dictatorship. Realize that, like a lying politician, there is a big difference between what Communism claimed to be and what it actually was. The idea of a dictatorship of the people is an oxymoron because the democratic rule of the people is the very opposite of a dictatorship. They played a bait and switch game. After people got hooked on the idea of the people ruling, they said that instead of the people themselves ruling, they needed the Vanguard of the Proletariat to rule for them. That is, a real dictatorship. That is why Milovan Djilas wrote that Communists became the New Class of oppressors.
When a Monopoly or an Oligarchy rules an economic sector, it stops being a system of Free Market Capitalism, and becomes a Closed Market Dictatorship. When wealth is concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people, it stops being Free Market Capitalism with private ownership, and becomes Economic Directorship, where ownership is in the hands of a few, and the vast majority are denied the opportunity to have private ownership of any substantial wealth. The off shoring of jobs to the slave wages of 25 cents an hour and deceptive balloon mortgages designed to create foreclosures, ends up denying hard working Americans their private ownership. Whether the government seizes all wealth and property of the rich, or the Radical Super Rich Economic Rulers seize the jobs and property of the working class, economic dictatorship is economic dictatorship. When the Economic Dictators centralize most wealth in the hands of a few, then we have the death of real Capitalism and the emergence of Economic Dictatorship.
If the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich continue to centralize economic power and rule in the hands of fewer and fewer people, and bribed Corporate Politicians continue to do what they are bribed to do, rather than what they were elected to do, then we will continue to evolve toward Economic Totalitarianism. At that time, the leader of the Economic Dictatorship may emerge to be the Anti Christ. If, or when, that happens, we will see the worst economic collapse in history.
I believe that if people fight hard to oppose the Radical Super Rich and seek to establish Economic Democracy, then many nations can be saved from the economic disaster. We must fight to establish Economic Democracy, not just because it is the best system, but because doing so can help to prevent our society from evolving into an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ.
In my book, Self Transformation Psychology How to End Human Suffering, I reveal that the three forms of human suffering are the following.
I believe that if my Spiritual Psychology Class on Self Transformation Psychology were taught to tens of millions of people nationally, it would help people spiritually evolve from a Self-Other Animal Nature to a Good-Evil Spiritual Nature. As result, there would be a great reduction in the human suffering caused by individual actions. That is, we could see the near elimination of violence, rape, and murder. When people are guided by love and compassion for others, they do not act to harm others. My class is designed to help people understand that the True Self includes others, and therefore harming others is harming yourself. I also teach that the greatest form of happiness is what I call Love Happiness, so to be happy people must love others and work for the happiness of others. By teaching people Enlightenment, people can understand the wisdom of living a life of love and compassion for others.
Society based human suffering includes a dictatorship that denies people freedom and an economic system of greed that denies the poor jobs and a good living. In the conflict between Liberal or Micro Humanitarian and Conservative or Macro Humanitarian, each may seek the victory of their side over the other. Moderate compromise, while good, is often only surface. Rather than a compromise of ideas, we need a synthesis of ideas, which combines the core root truth of the two ideas and creates a new idea with the core root truth of both ideas. To end society based human suffering we need to move to a Pure Democracy political system and a Macro Economic Democracy economic system.
I believe that if my Voters Training Class were taught to tens of millions of people nationally, then educating voters in the critical skills of psychology, spirituality, and economics would help voters make the best political decisions for positively evolving the nation toward a political-economic system that would end most society based human suffering. We can end the War on Workers of denying workers good paying jobs. We can end the War on Women of trying to make women sex slaves who are forced to have the babies of rapists. We can end the War on America of the Radical Super Rich trying to economically destroy America in order to weaken America to the point where it can not resist becoming a part of a global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich. We can save people from society based human suffering.
Nature based human suffering includes disease and natural disasters. Nature based human suffering is caused to a large degree by a combat relationship between human society and nature. For example, when industry pollutes the water and air, the result is that children get diseases and cancer, and thus suffer and die. When we burn fossil fuel and cause global warming, it results in more powerful storms that cause the suffering and death of people. We need to end the War on Nature, if we do not want to suffer the consequences. Human society must become One with Nature, so that humanity and nature support each other's well being. It is important for people to support environmental organizations. More should be done to educate the public on the need to promote the health of our natural environment and to move toward renewable energy.
We also need to understand the danger of overpopulation. The book The Population Bomb by Stanford University Professor Paul R. Ehrlich warns society of the danger of overpopulation. Do we have to wait till tens of million of people die from starvation and war before we open our eyes and see that there is a problem that we must do something about? Why can we not be wise and prevent human suffering and death before it happens, rather than waiting to react after it happens and it is too late for many? Humans do not seem to be very forward thinking.
We need a national forum on the issues of the environment and overpopulation. It needs to be a part of a national discussion to fully understand the problems and come up with ideas to solve the problems. We have experts in the field to educate us and lead us toward ideas to solve these problems. Why are we not doing that? Political leaders who care about the nation should work to create a national discussion on the topics, led by the experts. Perhaps if tens of millions of people joined environmental organizations that also cared about the impact of overpopulation, then they could host local public discussions that included educational films. Concerned people need to work to move public opinion on these issues. Educational classes and public discussions is a good way of doing that. I look to those organizations, experts, and politicians for real leadership. Join with Progressive organizations to move society to help prevent human suffering and death.
Many Christians would argue the following. It is fate that the Anti Christ will establish a Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship, so you can not change fate and save people from the suffering and death of that time. Also, only Jesus Christ can save the world, so it is foolish for us to try.
I would respond as follows. Is it not the duty of every Christian to resist the Anti Christ even if it is hopeless and even if you are put to death? It may be fate that there will be a Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich, but it may not be set in stone that every nation will be ruled by the Anti Christ and which individuals will not be saved. By fighting against the Radical Super Rich in America, and their Corporate Republican Puppets, we may prevent the United States of America from being ruled by the Anti Christ. Even if billions of people will suffer and die under the Anti Christ, by opposing Economic Dictatorship now, we may be able to save hundreds of millions or even billions of people from suffering and death under the rule of the Anti Christ. I agree that Jesus Christ will save the world when he rules Earth for 1000 years. But, by teaching the social values of Jesus Christ now, we may be able to save hundreds of millions of people now from suffering and death. As Christians we have a duty to teach the social values of Jesus Christ, namely the rich paying taxes, providing for the poor, and having compassion on the poor. It is the duty of every Christian voter to demand that the government raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Spending to give the poor what they need the most, jobs. By demanding taxes on the Super Rich and job creation to help the poor, we can save tens of millions or hundreds of millions from suffering and death. That is the duty of every true Christian, who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
TRUE Christian Values are the values taught by Jesus Christ, not the Doctrines of Men, who happen to be church leaders. Christianity is following the commands of Jesus Christ. Churchanity is following the commands of church leaders. Jesus Christ taught that those who follow the commands of men, rather than the commands of God, worship God in vain. Mark 7:7.
Fundamental Christian doctrine is that only Jesus Christ can get you into heaven. The Pope can not get you into heaven. You must not worship a human as being in place of God on Earth. That is heresy! If the church seeks to have humans worship church leaders and put the commands of human church leaders above the commands of God, then the church is at WAR with God. Jesus Christ said to such church leaders, Harlots will go to heaven before you will. Matthew 21:31
So, if you are a Christian, then vote based on the commands of Jesus Christ that the rich should pay taxes Mark 12:13-17, provide for the poor Luke 18:22-25, and have compassion on the poor Matthew 25:31-46. Do not vote based on the false doctrines of men, that says a Zygote is the same thing as a baby. Jesus Christ NEVER said that, so it is the Doctrines of Men.
Sorry for the tangent. Since I know what people are thinking, I sometimes respond to what people are thinking before they have a chance to say it. Its a habit telepaths tend to have.
My point is that we can save perhaps hundreds of millions to billions of people from suffering and death, if we work to spiritually transform human society on the individual, social, and nature level from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature. We can do that by teachings classes to educate people. I suggest: my class on Self Transformation Psychology, my Voters Training Class, and Environmental Education Classes developed by organizations and educators.
End of Days Spiritual Revival - Spiritual Rebirth of Humanity
I am a Christian Mystic. I believe in most of the doctrines of Christianity, but I also believe that many world religions contain spiritual truths that we should live by and follow. I believe salvation is through the blood of Jesus Christ, but I also believe Jesus died for non Christians and that good people of all religions may be saved. I believe that we should not look at religion as a book of rules to live by, but rather look at the spiritual truth behind the rules and live by the deeper spiritual truths. ... the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. 2 Corinthians 3:6. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Galatians 5:14 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40.
I believe there will be a time when the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich do rule an Economic Dictatorship, which will cause great human suffering in the nations where they rule. I believe that Jesus Christ will then rule for 1000 years and establish Jesus Christ's World Utopia, the title of one of my books, which will include Pure Democracy and Macro Economic Democracy, which will lead to the end of most human suffering. I see this as the Spiritual Rebirth of Humanity from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature. I see the time of suffering before birth to be like the pain of child birth. If humanity is to be spiritually reborn, then it must pass through the time of suffering, where the Placenta of the Animal Self dies in order to give birth to the Spiritual Self.
We must work as Spiritual Midwives to help the birth be as pain free as possible. It would greatly help to have an End of Days Spiritual Revival. I do not mean just a Christian Revival, but a spiritual revival of all religions and also of atheists. I call on members of all religions to have a spiritual revival. I do not mean a church revival, to get more people to come to church and donate more money so the pastor has a higher salary. I mean a return to spiritual truths. Rather than following the Doctrines of Men, we should follow the Doctrines of God. Rather than following the rules and laws of God, we should follow the deeper spiritual truths at the core of the laws. That is, the people of all religions should be spiritually transformed from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature, by living by the two core fundamental rules.
A New Christian Reformation Movement
To spiritually transform humanity from the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature, the religions of the world need to also be spiritually transformed. Rather than living by the Doctrines of Men and a formal set of rules, religions need to seek to understand the deeper spiritual truths behind the message and the rules. Jesus taught the concept of Oneness when he said: that they may be one, as we are one John 17:11; that they may be one, even as we are one John 17:22. Humans must stop being animals governed by the animal nature, and become spiritual beings ruled by a spiritual nature. The ultimate goal is Oneness with God, so that God is in you and you are in God. That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us. John 17:21. The deeper spiritual truth is that we must be spiritually born again so that the divine nature of God is at the very core of our being. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34. By loving God with all our being, we may become One with God.
The New Christian Reformation Movement should do the following.
A Message to Progressive Christians
You follow the Doctrines of Jesus Christ, that the rich should pay taxes and provide for the poor, rather than the Doctrines of Men, that a Zygote is the same thing as a baby. You need to take a leadership role in a Christian Revival to return Christians to the teachings of Jesus Christ. When America returns to the values that Jesus taught, it will help to defeat the War on Workers to make them slave laborers, forced to work without living wages or health care, and the War on Women to make women sex slaves, forced to have the babies of rapists. Join with Unions, Women's Groups, Progressive Organizations, the Occupy Movement, and others to organize a movement to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ. It can be a New Reformation Movement. I suggest having huge tent revival meetings in the suburbs of cities and close to rural America. Ask Unions, Women's Groups, Progressive Organizations, the Occupy Movement, and others to help promote the Revival to return Christians to the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are fighting the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich, so the followers of the Religion of Money will be fighting hard against the Religion of Jesus Christ. Even Catholic church prophecy says the next Pope will be the False Prophet, who will serve and support the Anti Christ. So, of course church leaders, who want people to follower their Doctrines of Men, will be on the side of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich. Have faith in God, even if persecuted for your faith, and stand up for the truth that Jesus Christ taught. You can help save hundreds of millions of people. God will reward you in heaven for your work. May God Bless your work.
Jesus Christ said that those who teach for doctrines the commands of men do in fact worship God in vain. Mark 7:7. Pro Lifers are FALSE Christians, because they follow the doctrines of church leaders and reject the commands of Jesus regarding the rich providing for the poor. Jesus taught in Luke 18:22-25 that the rich should provide for the poor. Jesus taught in Matthew 25:31-46 that those who do not support providing for the food, drink, housing, clothing, health care, and connection needs of others, will go to Hell. Jesus taught in Matthew 7:21-23 that on Judgement Day many will say Lord, Lord, but Jesus will respond I never knew you. Jesus taught in Mark 12:14-17 that people should pay taxes. Jesus taught in Luke 12:48 that more is required of those who have more. True Christians demand higher taxes on the Super Rich, in order to provide for the food, drink, housing, clothing, health care, and other needs of the poor. The greatest needs of the poor is to have a good paying jobs so they can work to provide for their own needs. It would be best to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance Massive Job Creating Government Spending in order to end unemployment and assure that everyone has a good paying job.
We must see both sides of the issues.
Many talk about and complain about the taxes of the political government. But, they forget about the taxes of the economic government. We have a democratic political government, but the economic system is a dictatorship government of the rich and powerful. When banks charge a high rate on mortgage loans and credit cards, that is an Economic Tax on the poor. When corporations demand that professional workers work 20 hours a week overtime without pay, that is a thirty three percent tax on workers. When companies cut wages on workers, so corporate executives can have higher wages, that is an Economic Tax on workers. Who complains about the Economic Tax of the Economic Government in the form of lower wages, less benefits, and higher interest rates? WHEN will we establish Economic Democracy so that THE PEOPLE lower Economic Taxes on workers and the poor?
WHEN will we END Economic Dictatorship, where Economic Rule from ownership is inherited by children, the way Political Rule was inherited by Kings and Queens under Monarchy. The inheritance of great wealth and ownership maintains a system of Economic Monarchy. We had a Revolution against Political Monarchy. WHEN will we have a Voters Revolution against Economic Monarchy?
When Jesus Christ rules for 1000 years, there will no longer be the inheritance of great wealth, ownership, and economic power. Rather than the rich inheriting wealth and power, the poor or meek who work harder will inherit wealth and power. Jesus said, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5. I personally believe that there should be no taxes for anyone on the first one million dollars of inheritance, a fifty (50) percent tax only on the portion over one million, and a ninety (90) percent rate only on the portion over one billion. Society should reward people for contributing to society, not for being born the grandchildren of the rich. To maintain the Capitalistic principle of incentive payment to those who work harder, money should be given based on hard work and contributing to society, not based on who your great grandparents were. Just as we replaced Political Monarchy with Political Democracy, we must replace Economic Monarchy with Economic Democracy. That is the only way we will end all unemployment and assure that people are justly rewarded for working hard and contributing to the wealth of society.
There are of course counter arguments. In a conflict between two positions, one looks at the logical justifications of each side and one seeks to balance the two to meet all justifications. For example, while it is good to provide for the poor, if one provides too well, then one removes the incentive to work. A person on welfare should not have a higher income than someone working a minimum wage job.
One needs to balance Micro humanitarianism, compassion for individuals, with Macro humanitarianism, compassion for society and the species. Workers who limit their family size to one or two children, so they can afford to provide for their children, should not have a heavy tax burden placed on them so that those on welfare can raise twenty children on the backs of hard working tax payers. If people do not have the resources to feed children, then do they have the right to have children who will starve to death? Why should hard working tax payers deny their own children a better life, because they are forced to feed the children of those who will not work? If overpopulation is unchecked, it leads to massive starvation and even middle class families suffering from hunger. It leads to the rapid depletion of natural resources, the destruction of modern civilization, and the death of most of the population. Overpopulation threatens the very survival of the human species. Why should the rich be asked to sacrifice and pay higher taxes, if doing so promotes overpopulation and the destruction of the human species, and the poor are not willing to sacrifice and limit their family size to one child or zero children? Some would argue that anyone that gets on welfare must agree to sterilization and not have any children, while those who can afford children can have children. Some would argue that for the sake of society and the human species, the poor must be forced to limit their family size to zero children or one child. Some would argue that if the poor have the freedom to have as many children as they want, then the rich must have the freedom to not pay taxes to provide for the children of the poor. One idea is to give the poor an economic incentive to limit their family size. Should aid only be given to the first born child? Or should poor women be paid some yearly income for being sterilized and having no children or a limit of one child? Many ideas. One point is that if we are going to put on the table taxing the rich to provide for the poor, then we must also put on the table limiting the number of children of the poor in order to protect society and the human species, not to mention the tax burden on the rich. In any discussion on providing for the poor, we must also discuss the threat to the human species of overpopulation and what must be done to end that threat. We must look at both sides of the issue.
HOW TO SAVE Hundreds of Millions from Suffering and Death
The following must be done.
But, if these things are not done, then hundreds of millions of people who could have been saved will not be saved. If you want to help to SAVE THE WORLD from a great deal of human suffering and death, then look at the list and consider what you can do. If there is nothing else that you can do, I ask that you consider doing the following, if you have the time.
Only do what you can do. Do not put the whole burden of the world on yourself. That is way too much stress and way too much emotional trauma. If we get help from others, we can do more. If we do not get help from others, we can do less. As a Computer Programmer I know that many workers in my field must not only work 40 hours a week, but must also work another 20 hours a week for free, just to keep their job. So, there is little time left over to Save the World. Also, helping and teaching your children is far more important than the world. We can only do what we can to inform others that hundreds of millions can be saved from violence, rape, murder, unemployment, poverty, and other forms of human suffering. We can only do what we have the time to do. So, do what little you can. Enjoy watching my class. And may God Bless you.
It is not our job to change the hearts and minds of the world, to spiritually transform humanity on the individual, social, and nature levels, in order to save hundreds of millions of people from suffering and death. Humans have free wills and are free to reject the truth. Our task is only to offer humanity the opportunity to end most human suffering and plant the seeds of truth and salvation in the hearts and minds of others. Many are evil and choose to be evil, but we can try to explain the wisdom of being good. Many are blind and will not understand until after the seven years of Hell on Earth when half or most of the population of humans could greatly suffer and die. They may not listen and understand until it is too late to save billions of humans from great suffering and death! Only the experience of great suffering will open their eyes and make them understand the truth. To the degree we can lead humanity to spiritually transform, we can save millions from suffering and death. To the degree that humanity will not listen and understand, we can not save people from the time of great suffering. Our job is not to Save the World. Our job is to offer the world salvation from human suffering, and let humans be free to choose to continue to suffer or to end their suffering.
I do have something to say to those who will not listen. Million of men and women could have been saved from violence, rape, and murder, by teaching the world Spiritual Psychology. But, you did not listen, so violence, rape, and murder, which could have ended, did not end. Your unwillingness to question your own beliefs and listen to new ideas, is responsible for the rape and murder of millions of men and women. You are to blame, for not listening. Look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are responsible for not listening and therefore responsible for causing their suffering. Millions of women that you love were raped and millions of men that you love were killed because you could not question your beliefs and listen to new ideas. Shame on you. You deeply hurt those that you claim to love! Perhaps I am bitter and angry at those who will not listen. But, you have to realize. As someone who hears the thoughts and feels the emotions of others, when others suffer, I suffer. By your blindness and unwillingness to question your beliefs and listen to new ideas, you caused the rape and murder of millions of people that I love! By that, you ripped out my heart and my soul. No one should blindly believe what others say. But, people should have the courage to question popular belief, the humility to listen to the beliefs of others, and the honesty to question their own beliefs. By failing to have those qualities, you are responsible for the suffering and death of those that you love, and those that I love.
I see a future where hundreds of millions of people suffer and die from Economic Dictatorship, war, starvation, and disease. I see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride. I see people walking in the ruins of our civilization and crying in despair: Why did this happen? Why was this not prevented? Why did not anyone tell us what would happen and how to prevent this? There will be a response. You were told, but you did not listen. If you had only listened before it was too late. Now it is too late to save those who have already suffered and died. You should have listened when you had the chance. You should have had the courage, humility, and honesty to listen. Blame yourself for not listening. Blame yourself for rape, murder, unemployment, poverty, war, starvation, disease, and mega disasters. It is hard to explain what it is like to hear the sound of thousands of blood curdling screams echo in your mind. It is hard to explain the trauma of seeing a future that is unthinkable. It is hard to explain what it is like to know that when people do not listen, they cause their own suffering and the suffering of others. I am haunted by my vision of the future. It is my prayer that people will listen and change, so the traumatic future never comes true.
Will you listen now, before it is too late? Why can people not listen to the inner spiritual truths, that are taught in many world religions? Why can people not Love God with all their being, love others even as they love themselves, and seek Oneness with God and others, so that violence, rape, and murder would end? Why can people not establish a political-economic system of freedom, democracy, and equality, so that unemployment and poverty would end? Why can people not be One with Nature, rather than fighting a War Against Nature that will cause the suffering and death of the human species? I am sorry for showing you a painful truth that causes you emotional pain. However, if I did not tell you this truth now, so that you could avoid far greater suffering in the future, then you would be asking the question: Why did you not tell me? So, the You of the future is demanding that I tell the You of the present now. You want me to tell you that painful truth. I hear your voice from the future, and you really want me to tell you now. And the You of the future has a message to the You of the present. That message is the following. Please question your deepest most cherished beliefs, no matter how emotionally painful that is. Please listen to the ideas of others, no matter how much that hurts your ego. And please listen to the Spiritual Truth, no matter how bad it makes you feel. Because if you do not, the day will come when you will wish with all your heart, mind, and soul, that you could just go back in time and be willing to listen. Not listening will destroy you. The well being and survival of yourself and those that you love may depend on you listening, fully understanding, and telling others. Will You listen to the much wiser You of the future? In the future you will not have to ask the question: Why were we not told, because I am telling you now. The time to listen is NOW!
I believe that if the world is told how to avert the near Extermination of the Human Species under the rule of the Radical Super Rich Anti Christ, then hundreds of millions to billions of human lives can be saved. I believe that Holy Bible prophecy is both absolute and conditional. There must be a time when the Radical Super Rich Anti Christ rules at least part of the world, and there must be great suffering and death as a result of that occurring. However, I believe that all of the details of what happens, depends on what people do. When a prophet was sent to the people and the people listened, the destruction that was prophesied was averted. I believe humanity can avert great suffering and death under the rule of the Radical Super Rich Anti Christ. Perhaps there will not be the near Extermination of the Human Species. Perhaps over half of the population of the world does not have to suffer and die. If the people demand greater political and economic democracy, and resist political and economic dictatorship, then perhaps we can be spared great suffering.
Even if the Christian interpretation of the Book of Revelations, that an Anti Christ Radical Super Rich Economic Dictator will rule for a few years, is not true, logic and evidence does tell us a few things. The Evil Self-Other Animal Nature in humans on the individual, social, and nature levels, causes violence, rape, murder, unemployment, poverty, and destruction from nature. Spiritually transforming humanity on the individual, social, and nature levels can thus prevent a great deal of violence, rape, murder, unemployment, poverty, and destruction from nature. So, no matter what your religion or your interpretation of prophecy, it would be good to teach people to Love God with all your being, love others as yourself, and seek Oneness with God and others. A political-economic system of freedom, democracy, and equality is Good. Oneness between the human species and nature is Good. In the very least, much human suffering and death can be prevented.