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SAVE America from Unemployment NOW END the Sequester Political Democracy versus the Anti Christ Grass Roots Conversion of Voters God and Country Democrats The Christian Utopian Party |
End of Days Prophecy
Political Democracy versus the Anti Christ
The Four Horsemen Ride
by Dale Lee Harris
Copyright © 2013 by Dale Lee Harris
The Sequester and Government Shut Down are a part of the war between the American Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE and the International Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich. Honest political leaders believe in the democratic rule of THE PEOPLE, and view themselves as the elected servants of THE PEOPLE. Dishonest political leaders are driven by personal greed to take bribe money from the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich to become the Puppets of the Anti Christ. It is a part of the End of Days power struggle between the Democracy Servants of God and the Dictatorship Servants of Money. Evil politicians are seeking to force President Obama to do the will of the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America, rather than doing the will of THE PEOPLE. Will democracy be preserved in the United States of America, or will America become just one more nation that will be ruled by the Global Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ? The only thing that can save America from a Totalitarian rule of the Anti Christ is for WE THE PEOPLE to rise up and demand that the government does the Will of THE PEOPLE, rather than the will of the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators. The only way to get WE THE PEOPLE to rise up and protect the democratic rule of THE PEOPLE, is to open their eyes through massive education of voters to teach people what is happening.
The first step in protecting democracy in America is for the vast majority of voters in America to contact their representatives in the House and Senate and demand that the government do the will of the people, and not be pressured into compromising with the political puppets of the economic dictators of America.
SAVE America from Unemployment NOW
END the Sequester
I have an idea for helping to save Social Security and Medicare. Every Progressive in America should call every Republican friend and say the following. President Obama is planning on STEALING Social Security and Medicare benefits from you and your family members. Please call the White House and your representatives and demand that Obama not be allowed to take one dime from Social Security and Medicare. When Republicans in Congress explain to Republican Voters that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare, then a light will go on in the minds of Republican Voters and they will stop voting Republican!
I have advice on ending the Sequester. Every voter in America needs to call their representatives in the House and Senate and ask for the following: end the sequester, make zero cuts to Social Security and Medicare, and raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to quickly end most unemployment in America.
To SAVE America from unemployment NOW, the following must happen. Progressive voters, union workers, progressive organizations, unions, the occupy movement, and others must do two things.
The first thing is: call your representatives in the House and Senate and leave the following message. It is the moral obligation of the elected servants of THE PEOPLE to do the will of THE PEOPLE without compromising with anti-democracy lobbyists. THE PEOPLE of the United States of America want the following.
The Second thing is the following: Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors through door to door canvassing efforts. Progressive organizations, unions, the occupy movement, and others must have an aggressive massive grass roots campaign to canvass all voters in America. Pass out flyers, direct them to web sites, invite them to FREE Voter Training Classes, and otherwise educate all voters. Ask them the following.
If millions of progressive and independent voters call members of congress with those demands, then it will help to save social security and quickly end unemployment in America. But, if we can convince Republican voters to also call congress with those demands, then we can see a quick end to the sequester and a much faster economic recovery.
Corporate Republican servants of Anti USA Corporations that off shore American jobs, have proven themselves to be ANTI USA and ANTI Economic Recovery. The Radical Super Rich want a high unemployment rate because it forces workers to work longer hours for less pay just to have a job. The Corporate Republican Puppets of the Radical Super Rich are working to sabotage economic recovery in order to maintain a high unemployment rate. That exposes Corporate Republicans as being ANTI USA.
NOW is the time to use logic and evidence to prove to Republican voters that Religion of Money Corporate Republicans are stabbing them in the back. With massive grass roots conversations with Republicans, we can convert Republicans to reject the Religion of Money Corporate Republican Party and vote for PRO USA Progressives who want to quickly end unemployment in America. Following are a couple of examples of either flyers that could be distributed to all voters or arguments that could be presented to all voters.
FLYER 0: LOVE America - CALL Congress
by Dale Lee Harris
EVERY American, Republican or Democrat, must contact congress and demand the following, regarding the United States Budget.
* Super Rich: Income >= $500,000 per year or Net Worth >= $10,000,000.
Please make just FIVE copies of this flyer to give to others to SAVE America.
FLYER 1: LOVE America - END Unemployment NOW!
IF you LOVE America and want America to be economically stronger, then do the following.
Tell your Representatives that THE PEOPLE want the elected Servants of THE PEOPLE to end the sequester, make ZERO cuts to Social Security, and raise taxes on the SUPER Rich to finance MASSIVE Job Creating Government Spending to END unemployment and therefore to also create a long term budget surplus. Cutting Social Security is STEALING!
Everyone with common sense knows that government spending creates millions of jobs directly by hiring workers and millions of more jobs indirectly through cash flow in the economy. WHEN workers have jobs, they pay taxes into the budget, rather than drawing unemployment from the budget, which then creates a large budget surplus. Government spending creates jobs and a surplus.
I respect Christian voters who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes (Matthew 22:21) and provide for the poor (Luke 18:22 and Matthew 25:31-46). It is the moral duty of Christians to demand an increase in taxes on the Super Rich to finance MASSIVE Job Creating Government Spending to quickly end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, and homelessness.
The Anti USA Radical Super Rich have STOLEN 30 million jobs and trillions of dollars from THE PEOPLE of America through the Free Trade off shoring of jobs to SLAVES in barbed wire cages in Totalitarian China and through the Bank FRAUD Economic Meltdown. THE PEOPLE want their JOBS Back and their MONEY Back and do NOT want their Social Security STOLEN!
Rather than giving THE PEOPLE back their 30 million jobs and trillions of dollars, the VERY LEAST that must be done is to raise the income tax and capital gains tax on the SUPER Rich to 50 percent to finance MASSIVE Job Creating Government Spending, and only lower those tax rates once the unemployment rate has remained below five percent for over a year!
Join or form a local Grass Roots Organization to make copies of this flyer and give to others. To END unemployment, EVERY voter in America MUST read this flyer! (NEVER place a flyer in a mail box. )
FLYER 2: LOVE God and LOVE America
I respect you for loving America and wanting to make America economically strong by quickly ending almost all unemployment in America. The question is, what is the best way to quickly end almost all unemployment in America. Everyone with common sense knows that government spending creates millions of jobs directly by hiring workers and millions of more jobs indirectly through cash flow in the economy. The second best way to create millions of jobs is for the government to tax the Super Rich and give that money to the poor to spend in order to create consumer demand and cash flow in the economy. A third candidate for quickly ending unemployment would be if companies either raised the wages of their workers or hired more workers that they do not need, in order to create more consumer spending. The government raising the minimum wage is one way to increase the money in the pockets of workers in order to finance more consumer spending, which in turn creates more jobs. In regards to companies hiring more workers, unless the government passes laws to end unpaid overtime hours and thus force companies to hire more workers, companies are not going to hire more workers on their own. If the current work force has low wages and high unemployment, then consumers do not have enough money to create demand for products. Why would companies hire more workers to make more products that will not sell? Businesses do not have an economic incentive to hire more workers unless either government spending or increased consumer spending has increased a demand for the products that they sell. Question: Can you think of any other ideas for quickly ending almost all unemployment in America within a few years? Include the logical arguments and evidence to prove that such an idea would in fact work. I respect you for loving America so much that you want to quickly end almost all unemployment in America. I respect you for having the honesty to base your opinion on logic and evidence, rather than based on brainwashing. I respect you for loving America so much that you call your representatives in the House and Senate and demand an increase in taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to quickly end almost all unemployment in America. If you honestly love the United States of America, then make those phone calls and demand higher taxes on the Super Rich and massive job creating government spending.
I respect Christian voters who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes (Matt 22:21) and provide for the poor (Luke 18:22, Matt 25:31-46). It is the moral duty of Christians to demand an increase in taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to quickly end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, and homelessness. Jesus Christ will judge us on judgement day based on whether or not we demand that congress raise taxes on the Super Rich in order to end the suffering of the poor.
If we do not ban or highly tax low wage factory imports where factory workers make less than $10 an hour, then slaves in China will keep making less than 25 cents an hour while laid off American factory workers are poor, hungry, and homeless. We must end slavery and end human suffering in America by banning or highly taxing low wage factory imports. If there is an international minimum wage for factory workers of $10 an hour then most factory jobs would return to America, slavery would end in Communist China, Communist China would become a democracy and an ally of America, and economic suffering would end in America.
I respect you for loving God and wanting to do the will of God. But, can we determine God's will by directly listening to God in prayer, by studying the written words of God, or by listening to imperfect humans? While Christianity is following the teachings of Jesus, churchanity is following the false doctrines of men who happen to be church leaders. Jesus Christ said that prostitutes would go to heaven before church leaders who teach the doctrines of men. Matt 21:31 Jesus Christ said: "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:9.
It is very easy to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Pope, priests, and pastors are imperfect and teach the false doctrines of men. In the Holy Bible Paul said that Peter was teaching false doctrines. (Galatians 2:11-21.) That PROVES that Peter was NOT "infallible", and therefore NO Pope is "infallible". WHEN a Pope opposes efforts to punish Catholic priests for the CRIME of RAPING BOYS, it PROVES that the Pope is NOT infallible. Do you HONESTLY believe that priests who RAPE BOYS will go to heaven? Jesus Christ said that those who follow the doctrines of church leaders, rather than the commands of God, are "worshiping God in vain" and therefore will go to HELL! (Matt 15:9)
What is the best way to know God's will? Jesus Christ said, "Ask and you shall receive." "Ask and it will be given to you; .... For everyone who asks receives; " Matt 7:7,. "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matt 21:22. Before reading the Holy Bible, pray and ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit and reveal the meaning of the verses. Through prayer, fasting, and Holy Bible reading you can know the will of God. Also, if you pray to God, God will answer you and will reveal spiritual truth to you. God grants some spiritual gifts like psychic abilities, so they can see and prophecy the future or know the hearts of men through telepathy. God wants everyone to be filled with the Holy Spirit so they can "Become One with God" and know the will of God. Members of the Pentecostal Church seek to be Saved, Sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ preyed that we should become "One with God" as he was "One with God". "that they may be one, even as we are one" John 17:22. Prey, fast, and read the Holy Bible so that you may see visions from God and hear the voice of God.
If the Pope says that priests should not be punished for raping boys, then the Pope is wrong and must repent of his sins. If the Holy Bible says one thing and the Pope says another, then the Pope is wrong and must be rejected. Jesus Christ said that following the teachings of church leaders, rather than the commands of God, will send you to Hell. The Pope, priests, and pastors may teach the false doctrines of men, just as Peter taught false doctrines.
It is easy to prove that the idea that a Zygote is a Baby is a false doctrine. Your soul is the spiritual part of you that thinks and makes decisions. A birth defect baby born alive without a brain, but with a brain stem, can not think and make decisions and therefore has no soul. Would you honestly artificially keep a baby alive if it were born without a brain? Likewise, a Zygote has no brain and therefore has no soul. No Brain, No Soul. Forced pregnancy is rape. Being Anti Choice is being Pro Rape.
Religion of Money Corporate Republicans worship the golden calf of wall street, serve money rather than God, reject the teachings of Jesus, and teach the false doctrines of men. Corporate Republicans advocate for the Free Trade off shoring of American factory jobs to Communist China. That makes them Anti God and Anti American. Those who Love God and Love America vote for God and Country Democrats.
Please call your representatives in the House and Senate and ask that the Sequester of automatic spending cuts be replaced with automatic tax increases on the Super Rich in the same amount. Ask that the income and capital gains taxes on the Super Rich be increased to 50 percent to finance massive job creating government spending to quickly end unemployment in America and create a long term budget surplus.
Political Democracy versus the Anti Christ
The Four Horsemen Ride
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the white horse of conquest, the red horse of war, the black horse of famine, and the pale green horse of death. As with any Holy Bible prophecy, there are different interpretations put forward. It is similar to the way Cosmological Scientists have different theories on how the Universe works, unlike experience has proven one to be true. Is the white horse the military conquest of most of the world by the Anti Christ?
It is possible that the Anti Christ might not yet reveal himself, and so the white horse may be the allies and servants of the Anti Christ. Who are these allies and servants? The Anti Christ wants to establish a Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship. The Radical Super Rich are working to establish an Economic Dictatorship of Corporations internationally and in every nation on Earth. They are seeking to establish a Global Corporatocracy. When the people of a nation are brainwashed by Corporate Media to believe and vote the way the Radical Super Rich want them to, then the elected leaders of the nation are Puppets of the Radical Super Rich, rather than Servants of THE PEOPLE. The military of the nation then acts, not to promote the National Interest, but rather to promote the greater profits of the Corporate Economic Dictators. The armies of nations that are already ruled by Corporate Economic Dictators may invade other nations to force those nations to also become Corporatocracies. Once a Global Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich has been established, it may be that only then the Anti Christ will rise to supreme power over that dictatorship and reveal himself to be the Global Economic Dictator who will not allow anyone to buy or sell without his mark of the beast or stamp of approval.
In the United States of America there is a power struggle between the Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE and the Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. In a democracy, the elected representatives are supposed to be the servants of the people and give the people what they want and need. When dishonest greedy politicians take bribe money from lobbyists to do what Corporations want them to do, rather than what the people want them to do, then democracy has been eroded. Over time, more and more economic power and political power has been concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer people. When politicians become puppets of the Radical Super Rich, rather than servants of the people, then the United States of America has become a democracy in name only.
WHEN Religion of Money Corporate Republicans use sequester and shutting down the government to try to force President Obama to do what the Economic Dictators of America want, rather than what THE PEOPLE want, then it is an effort to destroy political democracy and make the government a mere puppet of the Shadow Government of Economic Dictators. If they succeed, then the United States of America may become a part of the Global Totalitarian Economic Dictatorship of the Anti Christ.
America must not be a compromise between a democracy of the people and a dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. It must only be a democracy of the people. The only way to protect democracy in America is for the voters to become informed and politically active to pressure their representatives to do the will of the people. THE PEOPLE do not want any cuts in Social Security and Medicare. Therefore, there must be ZERO cuts, whether the 100 richest families in America like it or not!
President Obama must not STAB THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THE BACK by agreeing to cuts in Social Security and Medicare, just to get an agreement. The duty of elected servants of the people is not to work out a compromise with the Puppets of Economic Dictators, but rather to do the will of THE PEOPLE. When Religion of Money Corporate Republicans demand budget cuts, the response must be to provide only the budget cuts that the American people want, together with the revenue increases that the American people want. THE PEOPLE want and must be given the following.
I advise President Obama to do the following.
ONLY IF THE PEOPLE agree to cuts in Social Security and Medicare after being fully informed that Corporate Republicans are forcing them into accepting those cuts and being fully informed of the consequences and alternatives choices to accepting those cuts, should such cuts even be considered. IF THE PEOPLE fully understand that Corporate Republicans are threatening to destroy America unless the cuts are made and that the long term cost of agreeing to those cuts may hurt them more than letting America be destroyed and THE PEOPLE then agree to allowing Corporate Republicans to STEAL there Social Security and Medicare benefits, ONLY THEN can there be an agreement to STEAL from Americans who retire.
THE PEOPLE must be fully educated and informed to the fact that Social Security and Medicare can be protected and almost all unemployment in America can quickly end through massive Job Creating Government Spending but Corporate Republicans will not allow that to happen. Then an educated and informed voting public will kick every Corporate Republican out of the House of Representatives in the next election. If anyone is going to STAB THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THE BACK then make sure that it is Corporate Republicans and make sure that their fingerprints are all over that bloody knife!
When Religion of Money Corporate Republicans use political and economic power to try to change America from a Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE to a Corporatocracy, then that is just the beginning of the Ride of the White Horse. International Corporatocracy is the White Horse of the Apocalypse. It will lead to the Red Horse of civil war when they try to enslave everyone, the Black Horse of famine when their pollution and climate change has destroyed crops, and the Pale Green Horse of death when all Hell breaks loose on Earth. The rise to power of a single Global Economic Dictator will later force people to take the Corporatocracy Mark of the Beast.
We must do as much as we can to preserve democracy in America as long as we can. Americans must demand that politicians do what the people want them to do, rather than what the Radical Super Rich want them to do. We must return both political power and economic power to THE PEOPLE.
The Radical Super Rich in America have STOLEN Thirty Two Million JOBS and Fourteen Trillion Dollars from American workers! The Republican Free Trade off shoring of American jobs to Communist China, has resulted in the loss of Five Million Factory Jobs! According to the American Manufacturing Association, every factory job results in four or five other jobs. That is because cash flow in the economy creates jobs in the economy. By adding the additional twenty million lost jobs, we can see that Republican Free Trade has cost America Twenty Five Million Jobs! Since the average wage in America is over forty thousand dollars a year, a loss of 25 million jobs times 40 thousand dollars means a loss of One Trillion Dollars a Year to American Workers! Taken over the eight years Bush was President and the first four years of Obama as President, Republican Free Trade has cost American workers Twelve Trillion Dollars! The Bank FRAUD Economic Meltdown cost Americans one trillion dollars in tax payer money, and trillions of others not publicly disclosed. It caused the unemployment rate to change from less than 5 percent to about 10 percent. The American workforce is over 150 million people so a loss of 5 percent of jobs means over 7 million lost jobs. Thus, the years of unemployment from the meltdown has cost American workers over another Trillion dollars. Since the off shoring of American jobs and the Bank FRAUD were choices made by the Radical Super Rich, their actions have cost American Workers Thirty Two Million Jobs and Fourteen Trillion Dollars! It is TIME for American Workers to rise up and demand Give us our Thirty Two Million Jobs Back and our Fourteen Trillion Dollars Back NOW!
As a compromise, American Workers must at least demand raising the income and capital gains tax on the Super Rich to fifty percent until the unemployment rate in America is less than five percent for over a year, and only then lower the tax rate on the Super Rich. In addition, we must reverse the off shoring of American factory jobs to create SLAVES in Totalitarian China who are in barb wired prison and forced to work for less than 25 cents an hour. American Workers must demand an international minimum wage for factory workers of ten dollars an hour. There must be a BAN on the import of any factory products into the United States of America where the factory workers are paid less than ten dollars an hour.
Why did the United States government allow the off shoring of five million factory jobs to Totalitarian China without a ban, limit, or tariff on low wage factory imports in order to stop the economic loss to the United States of America? Was it just the greed of the Radical Super Rich, or was it something else? Did Totalitarian China see that if they did not create jobs for their people and their people were starving, then they would be a revolution to establish democracy? Did they threaten to invade other nations and start World War Three unless factory jobs were taken away from American Workers and given to their workers, even at a pay rate of less than 25 cents an hour?
If there is an international minimum wage for factory workers of $10 an hour then most factory jobs would return to America, slavery would end in Communist China, Communist China would become a democracy and an ally of America, and economic suffering would end in America.
Grass Roots Conversion of Voters
How can Progressive Voters in America convert Brainwashed Zombie Mind Slaves of the Radical Super Rich to be free to think for themselves and vote to help their families and the United States of America?
The answer is to understand how the Radical Super Rich have brainwashed them into Zombie Mind Slaves and use psychology to free their minds from slavery.
The problem is that the Zombie Mind Slaves will not listen to you, because their minds have been programmed with a defense mechanism that prevents them from listening to any ideas that conflicts with the teachings of the Religion of Money. They worship the Religion of Money and consider it taboo and an emotional threat to listen to any ideas that question the doctrines of the Religion of Money. They have been taught to associate being Liberal with being hated and disrespected. So, they hate and disrespect family members and friends who they consider liberal. And they close their ears to all ideas from Liberals, because they are deathly afraid that if they accept liberal ideas then they too will be hated, disrespected, and will be a social outcast. To convert others to be free and happy, you must do the following.
In the case of the Religion of Money Zombie Mind Slaves, use the emotional triggers God, country, and family and teach them that mental slavery is not the path to social respect, social acceptance, and self pride.
Since the Radical Super Rich have used TV and Radio to cause them to hate, fear, and distrust even family members who are liberals, the first challenge is getting past their hate, fear, and distrust. One approach is to get them to see you as a source of social respect and social acceptance. In the days of the Hippie Movement, the Jesus People would say to people Jesus Loves You as a first step to people seeing belief in Jesus as a source of Love, Respect, and Social Acceptance. Given that the Religion of Money Zombie Mind Slaves have been brainwashed into believing that mind slavery to the Corporate Big Brother News is the only way to get respect and social acceptance, you must demonstrate to them that the foundation of their defense mechanism is completely false. How can you do that? By offering them respect and social acceptance for listening to logic and reason and basing their beliefs on logic and reason, rather than based on brainwashing.
For example, you might say something like the following. I respect you for loving America and wanting to make America economically strong by quickly ending almost all unemployment in America. Everyone with common sense knows that government spending creates millions of jobs directly by hiring workers and millions of more jobs indirectly through cash flow in the economy. I therefore believe that the best strategy for quickly ending unemployment in America is to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Spending. Do you have any other ideas for quickly ending most unemployment in America, and please provide the logic and evidence to show that such an approach would work.
God and Country Democrats
What does it really mean to love God and love America? According to the spiritual teachings of Christianity and other religions, love for God is shown by loving others and having compassion on the needy. Thus, raising taxes on the Super Rich to create jobs to provide for the needs of the poor is a sign of true love for God. Loving America means wanting the citizens of the United States of America to have greater happiness and well being. That means ending unemployment, poverty, hunger, and homelessness in America. Raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending is one way of proving your love for America. Democrats want to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to help end unemployment, poverty, hunger, and homelessness in the United States of America. Therefore, the Democratic Party is the "God and Country Party". If you love God and you love America, then you will elect Progressive Democrats.
Open Letter to President Obama, Progressives, and the AFL-CIO
I ask every voter in America who loves America and therefore wants America to be Economically Strong by quickly ending almost all unemployment in America, to call, email, or write to President Obama, their representatives in the House and Senate, their AFL-CIO union, and Progressive Organizations and make the following requests.
PLEASE change the National Budget Conversation from balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class, to rather quickly ending almost all unemployment in America, by doing the following. President Kennedy announced a national goal of putting a man on the moon. That was an example of Presidential Leadership. I ask President Obama to announce a National Goal of lowering the unemployment rate in the United State to five percent within one to two years. That IS an achievable goal, if the Democratic, Independent, and Republican Voters will each contact their representatives in the House and Senate and demand action to achieve that goal. And, there is a way to persuade Democrats, Independents, and Republicans to devise and implement a plan to achieve a goal of five percent unemployment before the next congressional election in 2014. It can be done!
WE THE PEOPLE ask our representatives in the House and Senate to ask President Obama to announce that national goal. And if the President will not do that, then the Progressive Caucus in the House and Senate must act at Servants of THE PEOPLE to serve THE PEOPLE by announcing that as their goal and working for that goal, even if Democratic Party Leaders order them to not fulfill their democratic obligation to actually serve the people. IF the Republican Party can be divided into the Party Faithful and the Tea Party Rebels, then so too can the Democratic Party be divided into the Party Faithful and the Progressive Caucus Populist Movement. The Progressive Caucus Populist Movement should Serve THE PEOPLE whether President Obama and Party Leadership likes it or not! The duty of elected politicians is not to promote the interests of their political party, but rather to serve the people and promote the interests of THE PEOPLE. And if none of the Elected Servants of THE PEOPLE actually wants to Serve THE PEOPLE with a plan to quickly end unemployment, then the AFL-CIO together with all Progressive Organizations in America, must announce it as their stated goal and priority, together with kicking every politician out of office who will not serve the people by working to quickly end unemployment.
If President Obama or the Democratic Progressive Caucus announced a National Goal of reaching five percent unemployment within the next year or two, then it would almost guarantee a Democratic majority in the House and Senate after the 2014 election. Either President Obama, the Progressive Caucus, or the AFL-CIO can change the national budget conversation from balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class to a National Goal of five percent unemployment within two years, by doing the following.
Once the AFL-CIO and Progressive Organizations have persuaded either President Obama or the Progressive Caucus in the House and Senate to announce the National Goal, document the Progressive Democratic Plan, and demand a Corporate Republican Plan, it will be Check Mate. It will be very easy to prove to voters that Corporate Republicans do not want unemployment to end in America and that any plan they propose simply will not work. An effective education of Progressive Voters on how to conduct Grass Roots Political Discussions will give them the power to convert Republican voters. As a result, Democrats will control both the House and Senate after the 2014 election.
Open Letter to USA Voters
Subject: Warning - Obama may cut YOUR Social Security
Obama may hurt your family by cutting Social Security income from you and your family members. If you love your family, you do not want that to happen. Also, the budget is not doing enough to make America economically stronger by quickly ending most unemployment in America. If you love America, then you want America to be stronger by quickly putting Americans back to work.
If you love your family and love America, then please do the following. Contact the White House and your representatives in the House and Senate and ask for the following budget changes.
Subject: SAVE Social Security - END Unemployment NOW
There are simple and effective ways to both SAVE Social Security and quickly END most unemployment in the United States of America.
WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America must ask members of the House and Senate the following.
Please change the national budget debate from the foreign interest of International Corporations, namely balancing the budget on the backs of USA workers, to the national interest of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, namely quickly ending most unemployment in America within one to two years. WE THE PEOPLE want the following. Every budget proposal must contain a plan for achieving a five percent unemployment rate before the next election, and must have ZERO cuts to Social Security and Medicare!
There must not be a compromise between the Political Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE and the Economic Dictatorship of International Corporations. Government derives its powers from the consent of the governed. America must remain a democracy that works only for the national interest of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America. If an agreement cannot be reached, then let the budget be decided by a direct democracy vote of THE PEOPLE!
IF the United States government serves the foreign interests of Economic Dictators, rather than the national interests of WE THE PEOPLE, then it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish that Form of Government. The people should demand and get a direct democracy vote on an Amendment to the United States Constitution to give the people the right to a direct democracy vote on the United States budget on an item by item basis. The items to be voted on should include Social Security and Medicare, domestic spending, military spending, income tax rate and capital gains tax rate on the Super Rich. Each voter will be allowed to enter a numeric value for each. The choice elected will be the median value of the voter entries. This may be the only way to protect democracy and the rights of the people.
For more information see:
WE THE PEOPLE can SAVE Social Security and END unemployment.
Voters who LOVE their family and do not want family members to lose Social Security retirement income must do the following. Contact relatives and friends who are both Republican and Democrat and say the following. Say that President Obama may cut Social Security retirement income from the family members that you love. Ask them to protect their family income by calling members of the House and Senate and demanding that Obama not be allowed to make any cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Ask them to tell members of the House and Senate that they will vote against any candidate who supports cuts to Social Security and Medicare. When both Republicans and Democrats know that supporting cuts to Social Security and Medicare will mean they will be kicked out of office, then the majority of the members of both political parties will take that idea off of the table.
Voters who LOVE America and want America to be economically stronger, by ending most unemployment in America, must do the following. First go to the web side Voters For Jesus dot com. Download the sequester.doc flyer titled LOVE America - END Unemployment NOW! Read the page titled Economics 101 Explained. Then call family members and friends who are both Republican and Democratic to have a discussion on how to quickly end most unemployment in America. At the informal get together, first read the one page flyer. Then ask if anyone has any ideas on how to achieve a five percent unemployment rate within one to two years. Ask those with ideas to give the logical arguments and evidence to support their ideas. Then have an open discussion that looks at the presented logic and evidence and considers what is the best way to achieve an unemployment rate of five percent in one to two years. The evidence of course points to raising taxes on the Super Rich to finance Job Creating Government Domestic Spending. Then ask all who participate at the meeting to do the follow.
When members of the House and Senate see that there is a growing Voters for Jobs Movement, that will kick out of office those who do not work to quickly end unemployment in America, then the majority of the members of both parties will work together to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending. And if there are not enough votes to pass it now, then the 2014 Congressional election will create a new majority who will make those budget changes. The key is to convert voters through logic, evidence, and respect at Grass Roots Meetings.
The elected Servants of THE PEOPLE can better serve THE PEOPLE by having a National Direct Democracy Survey of Voters with the following questions.
Please call or email other voters, Republicans and Democrats, who love America and ask them to also contact the House, Senate, and White House.
Also, ask Progressives in the House and Senate, the AFL-CIO, unions, AARP, Progressive Organizations, and the Occupy Movement to work together to change the national budget conversation from balancing the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class to doing what WE THE PEOPLE want, namely quickly ending most unemployment in America.
Do so by proposing an Alternative Populist PEOPLE's Budget, designed to achieve a five percent unemployment rate in one to two years. The Grass Root's PEOPLE's Budget must be posted on the web site of AFL-CIO Working America and linked to by the AARP web site, Progressive Organizations, and members of the House and Senate. It should reflect ideas from Progressive Economists and be a bullet list summary of the most important ideas. It must be posted there, because it is THE PEOPLE's Budget, reflecting the will of THE PEOPLE without compromise. IF the United States of America were a democracy working for America's national interest, THEN there would not be an effort to reach a compromise between the interests of WE THE PEOPLE and the foreign interests of Anti USA International Corporations. The elected Servants of THE PEOPLE would actually serve THE PEOPLE by doing what is in the interests of THE PEOPLE of the United States of America. Therefore do not post a compromise budget that you think may pass, but rather one that reflects the needs of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America to end most unemployment in one to two years, even if you believe that there is a zero percent chance of it passing. It must reflect what we want in our heart of hearts.
It will then be our job to conduct nationwide education and training of Pro USA Voters who LOVE America and want America to become economically stronger by quickly ending unemployment. The Voter Training Classes will teach voters how to conduct Grass Roots Political Discussions with family members, friends, and neighbors. It will teach voters how to teach participants to:
This will lead to a Grass Roots Voter Conversion of voters so that the vast majority will pledge to only vote for politicians in the next election who support THE PEOPLE's Budget. WHEN the vast majority of voters, Republican and Democrat, demand THE PEOPLE's Budget, THEN it will pass, now or later.
For more information, download the following educational flyer:
Thank you for helping the United States of America become stronger.
The Christian Utopian Party
Why do people hold to one belief system over another? One reason is perceived self interest and a willingness to lie to themselves and others, if spreading and believing in lies is assumed to promote self interest. Another reason is the honest viewpoint that a belief system is actually true. Belief systems often contain an inner core truth, covered by half truths, and coated by lies and false beliefs. Those who have been Spiritually Transformed from what I call the Self-Other Animal Nature to the Good-Evil Spiritual Nature never seek the victory of one belief system over another. They rather seek the victory of the inner core truths found in many belief systems over the lies, falsehoods, and half truths found in many belief systems. Only then can we find a greater truth, which encompasses all core truths, and arrive at a greater Whole Truth belief system.
It is like Aesop's fable of the blind men and the elephant, where each saw a part of the elephant and stubbornly clung to the truth that they experienced and which was real to them, while rejecting the truths that others witnessed. The blind man who felt the tusks knew that an elephant is like a spear, while the blind man who felt the trunk knew that an elephant is like a snake. Recall that those who felt other body parts had other views that they knew to be the truth, because they had experienced it. Each knew the truth and therefore knew that all of the other blind men were wrong. They each did not realize that they each did not experience the truth, but only a partial truth. Only those who are Enlightened end the conflict between my truth and your truth, and merge all truths to see the Greater Whole Truth. The wise man sees through his own eyes and also sees through the eyes of others. He thinks with his own mind and also thinks the thoughts of others. He feels and gets in touch with his own deepest inner emotions, and also feels the deepest inner emotions of others. With his own experience, he may have felt the tusks and thus knew that an elephant is like a spear. But by sharing in the experiences of others, and combining all core inner truths, he then has a moment of Clarity, Inspiration, and Enlightenment to see the Greater Whole Truth. By seeing both through his own eyes and through the eyes of others, he sees the elephant.
Progressive Democrats naturally want to convert Conservative Republicans from the evil values and false beliefs of Conservatism to the good values and true beliefs of Liberalism. However, we must each learn to no longer be loyal to our beliefs and our truth, but rather be loyal to TRUTH itself! Progressives must also seek to have Conservatives convert them from the evil values and false beliefs of Liberalism to the good values and true beliefs of Conservatism. Hmm. Did I just sense an emotional reaction in my liberal minded readers and an ego based question of, what evil and falsehood do we have? It takes humility to listen to others and see faults in yourself. Everyone wants to be the superior teacher and no one wants to be the inferior student. Yet, the true Zen Master never stops being a student and a listener to the ideas of others.
A part of the reason people cling to their opinions is due to the imperfections of selfishness and egotism. However, another part of the reason is an intuitive feeling that there is a deep inner truth in our beliefs that must be preserved and protected so that society may benefit from that truth. We become Guardians of a Sacred Truth. In my books I wrote about the divided mind effect of the Law of the Endangered Motivation. In a divided mind each side fights and sabotages the other side in an effort to protect and promote its own side. So too does each side sabotage the other in an ideologically divided society. For a Progressive Democrat to convert a Conservative Republican from his evil values and false beliefs, do not threaten the Endangered Motivation of Core Inner Good and Truth. Do not seek to convert a Conservative into becoming a Progressive. Rather, first seek to convert him into becoming a Better Conservative, who rejects his outer evil and falsehood, while clinging even strong to his inner good and truth. Likewise, seek to become a Better Progressive.
When there is a Grass Roots Town Hall Discussion between Progressives and Conservatives, we can all Politically Spiritually Evolve by going through the following steps toward greater understanding.
The Grass Roots Town Hall Discussion needs to have rules of behavior that includes the following.
What I have described is the Scientific Method of Seeking Truth and Deeper Understanding. Political viewpoints, like scientific theory, should be based on the pursuit of the greater truth, which explains everything. In a Grass Roots Town Hall Discussion the goal of each side must not be to prove to their Self Centered Ego that they are superior because they won the argument. It must rather be to actually be superior by having the humility and honestly to work together to discover the Greater Truth. Rather than play the one-upmanship game of who is the teacher and who is the student, we must see what we can learn from each other so that we can each see the truth of both sides and arrive at a deeper understanding of a deeper greater truth.
The meeting must not just include Democrats and Republicans, but must include people from the Green Party and other political ideas. The more ideas and viewpoints, the better chance at learning more and seeing a greater truth.
Some may argue that the United States of America is an ideological backward society, in part because it has a two party system rather than a multi party system. When there are more parties with a greater diversity of political ideas, it is easier for imaginative new ideas to draw attention and therefore for society to ideologically evolve at a faster rate. A multi party system works when there are several parties with a list of candidates and voters vote for their favorite candidates from members of all party candidates. The percentage of votes for candidates of a given party determines the percentage of candidates selected from that party. The ranking of voter support for candidates of that party then determines which candidates from that party will be chosen. Such a system would encourage the election of candidates who gain support from several voting groups. It would promote greater cooperation and end Washington Gridlock.
Defenders of our system may argue that in our system the people of a district can elect someone who is devoted to representing the people of that district. But with gerrymandering districts are arranged so that people of a given ideological bent have less representatives of their viewpoints in Congress than their percentage of the population in the state. Our system is in dire need a reform so that third party innovative ideas get representation and the percentage of representatives of a given ideology correctly reflects the percentage of voters in the state that supports that ideology. If we can not amend the Constitution to have a Multi Party Parliament then we should reform elections. To allow more votes for third parties, voting should include voting for a first and second choice for an office so there would be an automated run off election, and therefore voting for a third party would not be a wasted vote.
One idea for overcoming gerrymandering is to record the percentage vote for each party for all congressional races in the state. The percentage of representatives for each party must reflect the percentage of votes for that party in the entire state of congressional races. All candidates for a given party would be ranked in the order of the percentage of votes for him or her. The number of candidates elected from each party would be determined by the percentage of votes for candidates of that party. Which candidates elected would then be determined by the ranked list of candidates for that party. A candidate might lose the vote but win the election, if gerrymandering has worked against his party so that less people of his party get a majority of votes from districts and therefore would be underrepresented. Other ideas include putting restrictions on how districts can be drawn up and by whom, in order to prevent gerrymandering.
Some would argue for a Two Party System. One merit is that one party can represent Micro Humanitarian compassion for the poor while the other can represent Macro Humanitarian compassion for the species. But, the problem is that the Republican Party is no longer on the side of Capitalism and compassion for the species. It is been corrupted into being on the side of Economic Dictatorship and obedience to the powerful greedy few. It has become the Evil Party that works for the ideas of the Radical Super Rich, the Anti Christ, and the Religion of Money. To keep the United States of America from being ruled by the Anti Christ, the Religion of Money Corporate Republican Party must be destroyed.
Utopian All Virtues |
Liberal Micro Humanitarian |
Moderate Compromise |
Conservative Macro Humanitarian |
Doomer No Virtues |
Some do not want to destroy the Republican Party, because they are afraid of losing the two party system. Have no fear, when the Republican Party dies, a new second party will rise to take its place. In my book Jesus Christ's World Utopia I advocated the rise of the Christian Utopian Party. It would seek to establish the perfect ideological system, which Jesus Christ will establish when he rules Earth for 1000 years, and which are advocated in part by his teachings when he was on Earth. It would thus support compassion for the poor and taxing the rich to provide for the poor, as advocated by Jesus Christ. But, besides supporting Micro Humanitarianism it would focus more on promoting Macro Humanitarianism, or compassion for society and the species as a whole. Since so called Conservative Christians are currently allies of Religion of Money Corporate Republicans who care more about the Radical Super Rich than the poor, it may be natural for some Christians to side more with compassion for the species than with compassion for the poor.
Micro Humanitarianism cares about providing jobs to the poor to end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and disease. Macro Humanitarianism cares about limiting population growth and genetically evolving the human species in order to promote the long term survival of the human species and the greater economic growth of society as a whole. Rather than paying the poor more money to have larger families, poor families would be paid more money to have smaller families and therefore reduce the population and tax burden on those taxed to pay for those on welfare. Members of the Super Rich who want to pay less taxes, want a smaller population with lower unemployment rates in order to reduce taxes for welfare. They would pay women in poor families to take birth control pills to prevent them from becoming pregnant. Those who honestly want less taxes being paid for people on welfare demand that the government pay poor women to take birth control pills in order to limit the number of people on welfare! If the word Conservative is used to mean being on the side of the rich paying less tax money for welfare, then Christian Conservatives demand that the government pay poor women to take birth control pills, have an abortion, or be sterilized in order to prevent pregnancy. Being Conservative means to be against the rich being overly taxed to pay for an overpopulated poor society, and therefore means being for birth control pills, abortion, and sterilization. Poor women would not be forced to reduce population growth, but would be given an economic incentive to do so. A Conservative Church is one that teaches poor women that God wants them to take birth control pills in order to limit population growth and the tax burden on the rich. A Liberal Church is one that teaches poor women that God does not want them to take birth control pills, so that the rich can pay more taxes in order to provide for the babies of poor people. An Evil Church says that women should not take birth control pills so they have more children than they can afford and says the rich should not have to pay taxes to pay for the babies of the poor, and therefore millions of poor babies are tortured with poverty, hunger, disease, and death! A Good Church both teaches the poor to have Macro Humanitarian compassion on society by taking birth control pills to limit the tax burden on society and the rich, and teaches the rich to have Micro Humanitarian compassion on the poor by paying taxes to finance job creation to end the human suffering of unemployment, poverty, hunger, disease, and homelessness.
I believe that the genetic breeding and evolution of the human species is the Christian Conservative thing to do. The Holy Bible includes the genetic breeding of humans. King David had hundreds of wives. When a male with genetically superior qualities, that enhances the survival of humanity, is allowed and encouraged to produce more children, that is genetic breeding. If people are economically encouraged to have children with genetic code for psychic abilities, intelligence, strength, dexterity, health, music and art skills, and other characteristics that enhance species survival, then the survival chances of the human species are increased. When the species is genetically evolved, then people will be smarter and stronger and able to work harder to produce more wealth. That means reducing human suffering caused by poverty. True Conservatives demand an economic incentive to limit population growth and to genetically evolve the human species. The TRUE Christian Conservative Party demands population control and genetic breeding of the human species!
America and the world is at a Spiritual Cross Roads. One path leads to Satan's Doom's Day with the suffering and death of one hundred million citizens of the United States of America and the suffering and death of billions of people globally. The other path leads to Jesus Christ's World Utopia where almost all human suffering has ended. which path will the nation and world take? What ideas and forces can tip the balance in favor of good, so that tens of millions of people nationally and billions of people globally can be saved from suffering and death? Can my words help save America and the world from much of the human suffering from the Child Birth of the Human Species?
According to some interpretation of prophecy, the world will take both paths at the cross roads. Some will be raptured and later return for the thousand year rule of Jesus on Earth. Others will remain and suffer during the seven years when the Anti Christ rules. Some interpretation of the Book of Revelations will have Christians living through a time of great human suffering and persecution on Earth in the Seven Seals before the Anti Christ comes to power. I believe that the Spiritual Rebirth of the Human Species will be a time of great suffering, like the time of child birth. I believe the suffering can be decreased and many can be saved from suffering and death by educating people and helping people to spiritually evolve.
Maybe some day I will have the money and therefore the time to work full time to helping to Save the World. For now, I can only work full time to make money to provide for my own economic needs. Someday I need to ask for donations of money so I will have the money and therefore the time to Save the World.