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  REVOLUTION against Economic KINGS !!!
The NEW Boston Tea Party
DEFEATS - KING Obama Trade
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The NEW Boston Tea Party
REVOLUTION against Economic KINGS

( It Began on 4th of July 2015 )

*** SENATE Boston Tea Party FREEDOM Pledge ***

The first Boston Tea Party was a REVOLUTION against America being ruled by KINGS! Today there is a NEW THREAT of America being RULED by KINGS! Therefore, we need a NEW Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION against America being ruled by KINGS! The KING Obama Trade Deal would make members of the World Trade Organization and Global Economic Court Judges the KINGS over the LAWS of the United States of America!

Under the KING Obama Trade Deal if a Muslim company owner claims that Americans not living under Sharia Law may hurt their sales and profits, then the Global Court of Economic KINGS could order the United States to force American citizens to live under Sharia Law! Muslim Economic KINGS must never be allowed to force Americans to live under Sharia Law!

WE the Boston Tea Party VOTERS are opposed to passage of the KING Obama Trade Deal that would make Global Economic KINGS the RULERS over the LAWS of America! We REJECT the KING Obama Trade Deal that could give Global Economic KINGS the power to ORDER America to pass laws that could do the following.

Some may say, the agreement will not allow those things to happen. But, if that is true, then WHY will they NOT ALLOW the public to READ IT? And WHY will they NOT ALLOW public debate? The TRUTH is that the KING Obama Trade Agreement would give a Global Economic Court the POWER to tell America what laws we must and must not pass! We may ASSUME that the Global Economic KINGS would not use their power to: establish Sharia Law, Force women to have abortions, take away our guns, take away our FREEDOM of religion, and force people to take the MARK of the BEAST. However, IF the KINGS have the POWER to do those things and they SECRETLY WANT to do those things, then once the agreement is signed, it will be TOO LATE for America!

To SAVE America from being RULED by Economic KINGS we need a NEW Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION and we need to form a NEW Boston Tea Party Voter Coalition of FREEDOM Loving Voters in BOTH political parties that do NOT want America to be RULED by Economic KINGS! WE need to RECRUIT FREEDOM Loving Americans of BOTH political parties to JOIN the NEW Boston Team Party REVOLUTION against KINGS!

WE DEMAND that EVERY member of the United States SENATE sign a SENATE Boston Tea Party FREEDOM Pledge. That Pledge may be worded something like the following.

In the Spirit of the Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION against America being ruled by KINGS, we the signed members of the United States Senate will do everything in our power to keep America from being ruled by Economic KINGS. WHEN the KING Obama Trade deal is put before a vote in the Senate, we will support a FILIBUSTOR of the Bill and will vote NO on any attempt to end the FILIBUSTOR. And if the Bill does come to a vote, we will vote NO to defeat it.

WE the members of the NEW Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION against KINGS pledge to kick out of office ANY United States Senator, regardless of political party, who does NOT sign the PLEDGE to fight to DEFEAT the KING Obama Trade Bill and does NOT work to maintain a FILIBUSTER of KING Obama Trade! And WE will kick out of office EVERY member of the United States House and Senate, regardless of political party, who votes FOR the KING Obama Trade Bill!

WE the Boston Tea Party VOTER Coalition also DEMAND a Constitutional Amendment. The Boston Tea Party Amendment to the United States Constitution shall read as follows.

ANY Treaty or International Agreement that denies Americans their FREEDOM of SPEECH by limiting what can be posted on the Internet, is Illegal. No Law, Treaty, Agreement, Court, or Person in a position of authority, either inside or outside the United State of America, may deny any individual his or her God given Right to the FREEDOM of SPEECH to post on the internet or broadcast a message that includes documentation, evidence, or criticism of those in power politically or economically, either inside or outside of the United States of America. ANY Treaty or International Agreement between the United States and others that allows some entity to order the United States to pay money or economic value to any entity is NULL and VOID, and the United States is NOT obligated to make any payments of money or value. The entity may be a nation, corporation, business, individual, or any collection of individuals. IF the United States does agree to pay money or economic value to another entity, then before doing so it must first do the following. 1) Raise Income and Capital Gains tax to NINETY PERCENT on all people with a net worth of at least one hundred million dollars. 2) Raise Tariffs on all products and product parts to at least twenty five percent for any product or part that is even partially produced in a nation where the minimum wage does not exist, is not strictly enforced, or is below the minimum wage in the United States or any state within the United States. Payment of money demanded by the entity shall only come from this additional revenue. No more than half of the revenue collected from the additional tax on individuals and Imports may be used to pay the money demanded by the entity. Half of the remainder will be used to pay money to unemployed and low wage workers in America, as compensation for unemployment or low wages resulting from the off shoring of American jobs. The other half of the remainder will be used to pay into the Social Security Fund.

WE the members of the Boston Tea Party VOTER Coalition in BOTH political parties, are starting a POLITICAL REVOLUTION of Voters against Economic KINGS and all who serve Economic KINGS! WE will Meeting, March, Protest, and DEMAND the following.

WE the NEW Boston Tea Party VOTER REVOLUTION Against KINGS will do the following.

If you think the Boston Tea Party REVOLUION was BIG, and the Battle in Seattle REVOLUTION against the World Trade Organization was BIG, then wait till you see the NEW Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION against Economic KINGS and the International REVOLUTION against Economic KINGS!

JOIN the NEW Boston Tea Party
REVOLUTION against Economic KINGS!
Start a LOCAL Group with Friends
Meet weekly to Call Washington together
or Protest March and RECRUIT!
Be a LEADER in the NEW Boston Tea Party
REVOLUTION Against Economic KINGS!

Boston Tea Party - King Obama Trade

against the KINGS that RULE America !!!

What was THE PURPOSE of the Boston Tea Party?

It was to START A REVOLUTION against America being ruled by KINGS! It was the START OF A REVOLUTION against America being RULED by KINGS!


FREEDOM LOVING AMERICANS need to understand the following.

God FEARING and FREEDOM LOVING Americans need to understand that, the KING Obama Trade Deal came right out of the Pits of Hell, and could allow the laws of the United States of America to be ruled by The Anti Christ Religion of Money!

We MUST NOT have a KING Obama Trade Fast Track that makes Obama KING over Congress!!!

We MUST NOT have a KING Obama Trade Deal that creates GLOBAL Economic KINGS over the LAWS of the Unites States of America, with THE POWER to FORCE us to CHANGE our LAWS!


So, WHAT CAN WE DO? I suggest that ALL members of the FREEDOM LOVING TEA PARTY ask DEMOCRATS to JOIN THE BOSTON TEA PARTY! There could be both a Republican Based Tea Party Against Economic KINGS and a Democratic Based Tea Party Against Economic KINGS! FREEDOM LOVING Republicans and Democrats can UNITE behind the goal of DEFEATING the KING Obama Trade Deal and DEFEATING the plan to give GLOBAL Economic KINGS the POWER to RULE OVER the LAWS of the United States of America!

WE the FREEDOM LOVING people of BOTH the Republican and Democratic Party will UNITE under the banner of the Boston Tea Party to have a VOTER REVOLUTION against GLOBAL Economic KINGS!!! It will be a NEW REVOLUTION against KINGS! We the Boston Tea Party VOTERS will DEFEAT, through PRIMARY and GENERAL elections, EVERY NEW MONARCHY Politician who VOTED FOR either: (1) The KING Obama Trade Fast Track or (2) The KING Obama Trade Deal. We will ELECT ONLY candidates who JOIN THE POLITICAL REVOLUTION against the GLOBAL Economic KINGS!!!

WE THE PEOPLE and WE the Boston Tea Party will DEFEAT the NEW MONARCHY of Global Economic KINGS! We will kick out of office ALL the members of BOTH political parties who are servants of the NEW MONARCHY of Global Economic KINGS!

We will NOT VOTE based on whether someone is a Republican or a Democrat. We will rather vote based on whether a candidate is a servant of the NEW MONARCHY of Global Economic KINGS or is a servant of WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America!

The NEW REVOLUTION begins TODAY! WE WILL DEFEAT the NEW MONARCHY of Global Economic KINGS! WE will DEFEAT ALL candidates for office who are SERVANTS of the NEW MONARCHY of Global Economic KINGS!

of BOTH Political Parties will

from Global Economic KINGS,


The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will allow a GLOBAL Economic Trade Court to RULE OVER the United States of America! The GLOBAL Economic Dictatorship Court will allow Corporations to SUE countries and IMPOSE a PENALTY or TAX on Countries as compensation for the presumption that LAWS and DECISIONS by the nation could negatively impact the profits of the company.

UNDERSTAND THIS: the DECISION by the COURT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LOGICAL OR RATIONAL!!! There are NO CHECKS and BALANCES where the GLOBAL ECONOMIC DICTATORHSIP Judges can be Impeached for acting IMMORALLY or IRRATIONALLY! There is no APPEAL! So, IF the GLOBAL ECONOMIC DICTATORSHIP Judges decide that the United States of America having Child Labor Laws and NOT sending five year old children into coal mines to work is hurting some Coal Company, then the United States of America could be ORDERED to send five year old children into Coal Mines to work twelve hour days, or have to pay ONE TRILLION DOLLARS in damages!!! And NO ONE has the POWER to FORCE the GLOBAL ECONOMIC DICTATORSHIP Judges to be RATIONAL and REASONABLE!!!

They may not have outlandish decisions right away, or there could be a Global Revolution! However, they will use their power to SQUEEZE the LIFE out of the middle class till it has NO POWER to FIGHT BACK! THEN it will be TOO LATE, and they CAN make outlandish decisions and NO ONE will have the POWER to FIGHT BACK!

WHEN they have put America in TRILLIONS of DOLLARS in DEBT to Communist China, DESTROYED the American middle class, and made American citizens POWERLESS, THEN they will expose their REAL HIDDEN AGENDA!

The leader of the GLOBAL ECONOMIC DICTATORSHIP Trade Court will declare that ALL NATIONS MUST PASS LAWS that their citizens MUST take the Mark of the Beast in order to buy or sell!!! And the leader of the Global Economic Dictatorship will reveal himself to be the Anti Christ! THIS will FULFILL Holy Bible Prophecy that the Anti Christ will be a Global Economic dictator with the power to order people to take the Mark of the Beast in order to buy or sell!

So, if you do NOT want to be RULED by the Anti Christ and FORCED to take the Mark of the Beast then do everything in your power to keep the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) from passing!

I suggest we have a national Boston Tea Party Movement that will KICK OUT OF OFFICE EVERY member of the House and Senate who voted for the TPP, regardless of their political party! We may need a NEW Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION against being ruled by GLOBAL Economic KINGS and by the Anti Christ!

The Boston Tea Party REVOLUTION
against the Global Economic KINGS
and against the Anti Christ