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  PROOF: Republicans are ANTI American
United States of America Budget Debate
Advice to President Obama
WE THE PEOPLE Demand JOBS and Democracy!!!

PROOF: Republicans are ANTI American

When Republicans oppose Job Creating Government Domestic Spending, which would quickly end most unemployment in America, it proves that they are anti American. Republicans off shored and destroyed tens of millions of USA jobs with their Free Trade. Republicans caused a depression with lack of regulations on banks. Republicans now oppose ending unemployment in America through job creating government domestic spending. Government domestic spending pays for itself in the long run because the created jobs increases the tax revenues.

Republicans are Anti American and want a high unemployment rate. The reason Republican are working to create and maintain a high unemployment rate is because Anti USA Corporate Economic Dictators want a high unemployment rate. When the unemployment rate is high, workers work longer hours for less money, just to have a job. Thus a high unemployment rate makes Anti USA Corporate Economic Dictators richer while making working class Americans poorer.

Republicans want a high unemployment rate and are working to keep a high unemployment rate by opposing job creating government domestic spending. That is Anti American. Republicans are Anti American.

The ONE and ONLY way that America will have an unemployment rate of less than five percent within the next two years is if there is Massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending. It would directly create millions of jobs for construction workers, factory workers, teachers, police, fire fighters, and others. It would indirectly create millions of more jobs from the cash flow in the economy from the government spending and worker spending. The ONE and ONLY way that it will happen is if WE THE PEOPLE demand it loud enough and with enough voices to kick every Anti American Corporate Republican out of office who dares to oppose Job Creating Government Domestic Spending.

To have enough voices to demand and get both a quick end to high unemployment and maintain a long term low unemployment rate is to create a super majority of Voters For Jobs. To do that, Voters For Jobs must educate and recruit independent voters and Republican voters to become Voters For Jobs. That means talking to friends and relatives, canvasing neighborhoods, passing out flyers, running radio and TV Ads, and showing public Voter Education Classes. Our conversion message to voters must prove that Corporate Republicans are Anti American and Anti God. We must PROVE to voters that Religion of Money Corporate Republicans are servants of Anti USA Corporations and the Golden Calf of Wall Street, rather than being servants of WE THE PEOPLE and God.

It is very easy to prove that Corporate Republicans are the servants of Anti USA Corporations. They used their Free Trade to off shore five million USA jobs and destroy another twenty million USA jobs from the resulting loss of cash flow. They took living wage factory jobs of ten to twenty dollars an hour away from America and the American people to give them to Totalitarian Communist China to create factory jobs for slaves who are imprisoned in barbed wire dorms and forced to work long hours for less than twenty five cents an hour. Replacing American jobs, democracy, and freedom with Communist jobs, Totalitarianism, and slavery is Anti American. They used their lack of regulations to allow a financial melt down that cost trillions of dollars and millions of jobs. They use their lack of regulations on factories to allow air and water pollution that kills American children. And they use their opposition to Job Creating Government Domestic Spending to prevent a quick end to unemployment. History has proven that Republicans are creating and maintaining a high unemployment rate. Their own words of opposing taxes on the one percent proves that they are servants of the one percent and not servants of the people. It should be obvious that the reason they are creating and maintaining a high unemployment rate is so that the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators will get much richer while the middle class gets much poorer. The Voters For Jobs demand more jobs and living wages through Massive Job Creating Government Domestic Spending.

It is easy to prove that Religion of Money Republicans are Anti God. Jesus commanded that the rich have compassion on the poor Matthew 25:31-46, pay taxes Mark 12:13-17, and provide for the poor Matthew 25:31-46. Religion of Money Republicans reject the commands of Jesus to the rich and rather follow the false doctrines of men who are servants of money rather than God. By rejecting the commands of God and following the commands of rich men, Religion of Money Republicans have proven that they are Anti God. They worship the false god of the Golden Calf of Wall Street. It is time for the Voters For Jesus to start a National Reformation of Christian Churches to turn from the false doctrines of men who follow money, back to the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the rich providing for the poor.

If you love God and you love America then you must vote Progressive. That is the message to all voters that will save America from unemployment.

Concise Argument and Action Plan
USA Budget - WE THE PEOPLE demand jobs.

I can prove that Religion of Money Corporate Republicans are Anti American. Using Free Trade to off shore millions of American jobs to Communist China is Anti American. It is in the vital interest of WE THE PEOPLE to quickly end unemployment. Therefore, opposing Job Creating Government Domestic Spending is Anti American. Religion of Money Corporate Republicans are guilty of both of those sins, which proves that Corporate Republicans are Anti American.

Jesus Christ commanded that the rich pay taxes and provide for the poor. Corporate Republicans reject the commands of Jesus and rather serve the Gold Calf of Wall Street with tax cuts for the Radical Super Rich. That proves that Corporate Republicans are followers of the Religion of Money.

I ask that all Pro USA Voters call the White House and members of the House and Senate and say the following.

I am calling about the USA budget. It is in the vital interest of WE THE PEOPLE to quickly end unemployment. Therefore, opposition to Job Creating Government Domestic Spending is Anti American. The elected Servants of THE PEOPLE can balance the budget by raising taxes on the Super Rich to the fifty percent rate of Republican President Ronald Reagan.


Corporate Republicans used Free Trade to off shore and destroy millions of American jobs, used lack of regulations to create an economic meltdown and massive unemployment, and now oppose ending high unemployment through Massive Job Creating Domestic Spending. Corporate Republicans are working to create and maintain a high unemployment rate in order to force workers to work longer hours for less money just to have a job. That is Anti American.

America must not be changed from a Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE to an Economic Dictatorship of Anti USA Corporations that off shore and destroy tens of millions of American jobs. Elected Servants of THE PEOPLE must actually serve the people with policies that promote a low unemployment rate.

WE THE PEOPLE demand Massive Job Creating Domestic Spending to quickly end unemployment. WE THE PEOPLE demand a budget surplus be maintained by raising taxes on the Super Rich to the Republican Richard Nixon rate of seventy percent until the unemployment rate remains below five percent for at least six months. WE THE PEOPLE demand that America take back its factory jobs by banning all factory imports where factory workers make less than minimum wage and by requiring all companies that import factory products to produce half of their USA purchased factory products in the United States of America with workers who are United States citizens. WE THE PEOPLE demand jobs!

National USA Budget Petition and Call Washington Drive

I ask all Progressive organizations in America to sponsor on their web sites a National Petition Drive and Call Washington Drive regarding the USA Budget. I suggest that the content of the petitions and phone calls include the following points.

Petition Drive and Call Washington Points:

  1. Before there is an agreement on the entire budget, Congress must immediately pass critical items including Extended Unemployment.
  2. Do not seek a compromise between the Political Democracy of WE THE PEOPLE and the Economic Dictatorship of Anti USA Corporations, but rather demand that the elected Servants of THE PEOPLE actually serve the people by doing the Will of THE PEOPLE in the national budget, or they should resign from public office.
  3. The USA budget must contain zero cuts in social spending and massive cuts in military spending.
  4. The budget must increase job creating government spending to create millions of construction jobs, new technology green jobs, and other jobs, to increase the tax base to create a long term budget surplus.
  5. There must be zero tax increases on the poor and middle class and large tax increases on the Super Rich and low wage factory imports.
  6. The tax rate on the Super Rich should be either the Republican Ronald Reagan rate of fifty percent or the Republican Richard Nixon rate of seventy percent.
  7. If Congress can not agree, then let the decision be made by a direct democracy vote of the people on taxing and spending issues.
The Progressive Get Out the Vote Grass Roots Movement must call and contact millions of voters to get them to:
  1. Read and answer the online budget survey questions.
  2. Sign the online budget petition.
  3. Call Washington and demand that Congress pass THE PEOPLE'S Budget.
THE PEOPLE demand the morality of helping the needy, the right of job creation, and the need for a budget surplus. In a True Democracy, government obeys the will of the people. If people want more details and logical arguments for THE PEOPLE'S Budget, then they can be directed to this web page.

If there are members of the House and Senate who refuse to obey the Will of THE PEOPLE on the budget, and they refuse to resign from their public office, then WE THE PEOPLE will have to invoke our legal right to alter or abolish the government. The United States Constitution states that it was established by the authority of WE THE PEOPLE and therefore asserts that the will of the people has greater legal power and authority than the constitution itself, since the legal authority of the constitution was derived from the approval of the people. The companion document, The Declaration of Independence states that THE PEOPLE have the right to alter or abolish the government, and therefore the constitution. The Supreme Court of the United States should agree that a National Petition Drive for a National Citizen Vote for an Amendment to the Constitution, has legal authority. THE PEOPLE may have to vote to amend the constitution to give THE PEOPLE the power to have a direct democracy vote on the budget of the United States, with that vote having greater authority than Congress or the President.

The people then will set a new budget that raises the taxes on the Super Rich to be the Ninety Percent Rate that existed under Republican Dwight Eisenhower. When the nation recognizes THE PEOPLE as the rightful rulers of the nation and unemployment rates have dropped to five percent, then the rate may be dropped to the Republican Richard Nixon rate of Seventy Percent. If the unemployment rate remains under five percent for six months to a year, then the rate may be dropped to the Republican Ronald Reagan rate of Fifty Percent. That is a low rate for those with incomes over a million dollars a year. And the nation needs money for massive investment in economic growth of the nation. Those investing in new technology green factory jobs in America may get much of their tax money back through government investment in economic growth that will create more factory jobs in America and through profits from that growth industry.

THE PEOPLE will also give themselves the power to end gerrymandering and establish congressional districts on every odd year when elections are generally not held, if the people petition for a new district map. A simple rule to end gerrymandering may be the following: If any part of a congressional district is within a city, then either the entire congressional district must be within that city or the entire city must be within that congressional district. All congressional districts that subdivide a city shall be drawn out by the mayor of the city, not the governor of the state.

We may also have to add an Amendment to the constitution on Corporations. Half of the members of the Board of Directors will have to be elected by the workers of that company who are United States Citizens. The CEO will have to be elected by the members of the Board of Directors who are elected by the workers. There will also be a National Economic Board which will be elected by the people and which will regulate all companies doing business in the United States of America. We will be forced to establish Economic Democracy in order to protect our Political Democracy. However, implementation of Macro Economic Democracy will include national Macro Economic Planning of the economy to minimize unemployment and maximize economic growth. National coordination of the economy under Macro Economic Planning will be good for workers and good for business.

The Anti USA Corporate Executives together with their Political Puppets are acting to subvert and overthrow The Political Democracy of THE PEOPLE and replace it with An Economic Dictatorship of Anti USA Corporate Executives. That is Treason against THE PEOPLE. If this treasonous resistance to the Will of THE PEOPLE on the budget persists, then WE THE PEOPLE will be forced to use our legal power to remove those Traitors from public office and establish direct democracy control over the budget.

POWER TO THE PEOPLE! We HAVE the democratic and moral RIGHT to RULE and we may have to TAKE THE POWER through our legal right to alter or abolish! It is time for the elected Servants of THE PEOPLE to in fact serve the people by doing the will of the people regarding the budget. If not, then they must be removed from office and we need to make some drastic changes in the way this nation is ruled.

THE PEOPLE Demand a Budget to END Unemployment

Budget talks must NEVER ignore the will of THE PEOPLE! The elected Servants of The People derive their just powers by the consent of the governed and have a duty to protect the rights of the people, provide for the needs of the people, and obey the will of the people. Those are the principles of democracy that this nation was founded upon. However, some politicians in Washington are in fact ignoring the will of THE PEOPLE by only talking about how to balance the budget. That is NOT what THE PEOPLE want! The people want to have BOTH:

By only talking about how to balance the budget, Washington is ignoring the will of the people. All budget talks must focus on the following questions. To find out what WE THE PEOPLE want, there should be a national survey of voters on what changes the people would make to the budget. How would YOU answer the following questions?

If you would vote the way I think you would, then send emails, mail petitions, or make phone calls to the President, your US Senators, and your US Representatives with the following message.

Short version: ( Petition Drive and Call Washington Drive )

  1. Do not seek a compromise between the Political Democracy of The People and the Economic Dictatorship of Anti USA Corporations, but rather be true to the foundation principles of American democracy by doing the Will of THE PEOPLE in the national budget.
  2. The USA budget must contain zero cuts in social spending and massive cuts in military spending.
  3. The budget must increase job creating government spending to increase the tax base to create a long term budget surplus.
  4. There must be zero tax increases on the poor and middle class and large tax increases on the Super Rich and low wage factory imports.
  5. If Congress can not agree, then let the decision be made by a direct democracy vote of the people on taxing and spending issues.

Long version:

I ask that the United States budget reflect both: the need to quickly end most unemployment in America and the need to greatly reduce the national debt. Given that the American people need more jobs, the budget must include massive job creating government spending. Any budget cuts should be made to the military, not to social programs like social security, medicare, unemployment, meals on wheels, food stamps, food for babies, etc. Any tax increase to balance the budget should be made to income tax on the Super Rich and tariffs on low wage imports. There should be a ban on all slave wage imports where factory workers make less than five dollars an hour, a limit on low wage imports below minimum wage, and a high tax on imports below American union factory worker wages and benefits. The higher tax rates on the Super Rich and low wage factory imports must remain in place until America gets its off shored factory jobs back, millions of new technology green energy factory jobs are created, the USA unemployment rate remains under five percent for over one year, and the national debt is cut in half.

A more readable format for the long message may be the following.

Please advocate for a USA budget that does the following.

  1. Protects the Political Democracy of The People by obeying the will of the people, rather than promoting an Economic Dictatorship of Corporations by obeying lobbyists for Anti USA Corporations that off shore USA jobs.
  2. Obeys the will of the people by protecting social programs that serve the Life and Liberty needs of the people, such as social security, medicare, unemployment, meals on wheels, food stamps, food for babies, etc.
  3. Serves the Life and job needs of the people by increasing job creating government spending to create construction, factory, and other jobs to more quickly end unemployment.
  4. Serves the Life and job needs of the people by banning slave wage factory imports, limiting low wage factory imports, and highly taxing low wage factory imports.
  5. Serves the economic needs of the people and the cash flow economic needs of the economy by protecting lower taxes on the poor and middle class.
  6. Balances the budget by raising taxes on the Super Rich to the Ronald Reagan rate of fifty percent or the Richard Nixon rate of seventy percent.
  7. Balances the budget by cutting the military budget, which is greater than that of the next fifteen nations combined.
  8. Keeps the higher taxes on the Super Rich in place until Americans get their off shored factory jobs back, millions of new technology Green Energy factory jobs are created, the unemployment rate remains below five percent for over one year, and the national debt is cut in half.
State that there can be no compromise on protecting Political Democracy of The People by obeying the will of the people on the budget. State that there may be some compromise on the tax rate on the Super Rich, such as accepting the Bill Clinton tax rate. State that, IF Republicans oppose massive job creating government spending, THEN Republicans will be personally responsible for any delay in ending unemployment in America.

Also, tell members of the US House of Representatives the following. If you keep doing the following:

then I will not only vote against you in the next primary election, but I will also actively work to defeat you.

Speech for President Obama

Speaker Boehner has publicly stated the need to indicate what cost cutting measures will be on the table.

Let me remind the speaker that we are elected servants of the people. It is not our duty to work out a compromise between what the people want and what wall street lobbyists want. The people elected us to serve the people by giving the people what they want and need.

The American people do not want any reductions in Social Security, Medicare, Meals on Wheels, Unemployment, Food Stamps, Food for Babies, or any other such programs. The American people want the vast majority of cost cutting to be to the military budget.

If you disagree with the will of the people, and you want to make cuts that are opposed to the will of the people, then you must explain that position to the voters of America. You must explain how cutting social security, medicare, and other programs actually helps the American people and convince the people to approve of those cuts.

Because Wall Street has off shored five million American factory jobs, which destroyed another twenty million USA jobs due to loss of cash flow, America does not have the tax base that it once had. As a result, the American tax payer can not afford a bloated military budget, which is larger than the military budget of the next fifteen nations combined.

The American people want the unemployment rate to be drastically reduced. The American people want to increase the budget for massive job creating government spending, to create millions of construction jobs, factory jobs, and other jobs.

We can have a national debate on how massive job creating government spending can quickly reduce unemployment in America. I can supply economists, not working for the super rich, who will honestly explain how the economy works and what is the best way to create jobs. We can use facts and honest science to tell American voters the real truth.

The American people want the budget to be balanced by increasing taxes on the Super Rich, increasing taxes on slave wage factory imports, and cutting spending on the military.

This is a democracy, where the elected representatives are supposed to be the servants of the American people, not the servants of lobbyists of international corporations that off shore American jobs. If you want the budget changes to be any different than what the America people want, then you must explain your ideas to the American people and convince them to approve of your proposals.

America must not be a compromise between a democracy of the people and a dictatorship of international corporations. In a democracy our duty is not to reach a compromise between the will of the people and the will of the lobbyists for international corporations who off shore American jobs. Our duty, as elected servants of the people, is to actually serve the people by giving the people what they want and need.

Ideally, we should have a direct democracy vote on the budget proposals, to let the people themselves make any final decisions on the major points of the budget. The last election, political polls, and the voice of the people has been very clear. We must do what the people want, not what lobbyists want. America must remain a Democracy of The People, and never become a Dictatorship of Corporate Rulers.

It is your duty to either support the budget that the American people want, or explain why your proposed changes would help the people more and get their approval for those changes. So, either vote with the will of the people, or convince the people that they are wrong.

But, have the humility to admit that the people may be right, and you may be wrong. And even if you do not agree with the will of the people, recognize that the final authority in a democracy is the will of the people. According to Thomas Jefferson, the right to rule of the members of government is derived from the consent of the governed and exists for the sole purpose of serving the people by protecting the rights of the people.

You must always view yourself as a Servant of The People in a Political Democracy of The People, and never view yourself as a Servant of Lobbyists in an Economic Dictatorship of The Corporations. Regarding the budget of the United States of America, including the taxing and spending of the government, the people have spoken in the election and the will of the people is clear. It is your duty, as a servant of the people, to obey the will of the people.

It is the duty of every member of the US House and US Senate to protect social spending and to promote job creating government spending. It is the duty of elected officials to balance the budget by raising taxes on the Super Rich, raising taxes on slave wage factory imports, and to cut the military budget. The people have spoken, and that is what the people want.

It is not the duty of elected officials to seek a compromise between a Political Democracy of The People and an Economic Dictatorship of The Corporations. It is rather the duty of every elected official to preserve the Political Democracy of The People and oppose an Economic Dictatorship of The Corporations. In fact, the divine principles taught by Thomas Jefferson apply to the Economic Government, not just the Political Government. As such, the American Economic System must become an Economic Democracy. It is the sacred duty of every elected official to make sure that the budget of the United States of America reflects the Will of The People of The United States of America. It is your duty to obey the Will of The People. If you disagree with the will of the people, then it is your duty to explain your reasons to the people and to seek their approval of your proposed changes. You may seek to educate and advise the people. But, the people have the final authority.

Obey the will of the people. Protect social spending that provides for the economic needs of the people. Promote job creating government spending to quickly end unemployment in America. Balance the budget by raising taxes on the Super Rich, raising taxes on slave wage factory imports, and cutting the military budget. If you can not obey the will of the people, then resign from your public office.