FACT: 100 percent of Christians in American and 100 percent of Working Class Americans must vote for Progressives, who endorse the values taught by Jesus Christ and who are fighting for the very survival of the American Working Class!
QUESTION: How can WE open the HEARTS, MINDS, and EYES of the voters in America, so they vote FOR the values taught by Jesus and vote FOR the SURVIVAL of the American Working Class? To SAVE AMERICA we MUST THINK ABOUT and LEARN THE SECRET to opening their HEARTS, MINDS, and EYES!
While Corporate Media is a Megaphone for the Radical Super Rich Dictators of America to scream at and BRAINWASH the people of America, The People's Media is a Megaphone for THE PEOPLE to scream at politicians and demand that the Servants of THE PEOPLE actually serve THE PEOPLE.
We can END virtually ALL unemployment within TWO years by:
We can put those changes in effect, by doing the following:
To recruit the voters that we need to Rule America, we must:
See the above link for the FREE download of my Voters Training Class. It is based on the most advanced Spiritual Philosophy on planet Earth, which I, Dale Lee Harris, invented from years of spiritual studies and meditation, and also on the most advanced Positive Change Spiritual Psychology on planet Earth, which I, Dale Lee Harris, invented from years of experimental research. This web page also covers the following important topics, which can be found by searching for those phrases on this page. Topics:
We can SAVE America and SAVE The World. I can explain: the changes needed, how to install those changes, and how to gain the power to install those changes. See the section on "WHO IS DALE LEE HARRIS, Anyway?" for my ideas on how a Spiritual Transformation in three key areas, can lead to Ending All Human Suffering.
TRUE Christians Vote for the Values taught by JESUS CHRIST!!!
Are YOU a follower of JESUS CHRIST,
or are YOU a follower of your pastor and church members?
There IS a difference! IF the words of JESUS CHRIST say one thing, and your pastor says another, THEN WHO will YOU follow? IF the words of JESUS CHRIST teach one thing, and EVERYONE ELSE IN YOUR CHURCH believes another, THEN WHAT will YOU believe? Do YOU believe that following your pastor and gaining the social approval of your church members, will get you into heaven, or do you believe that following the values of JESUS CHRIST will get you into heaven? Are you willing to REJECT what your pastor says and REJECT what the church members believe, in order to TAKE UP YOUR CROSS, DENY YOURSELF church social approval, and FOLLOW JESUS into heaven? Luke 9:23-24.
Those who do NOT follow the values taught by JESUS CHRIST, regardless of what their pastor or church members say, may CALL themselves Christians, but are NOT TRUE Christians!!!
Jesus Christ rejects those who teach the Doctrines of Men and even rejected Peter for that sin. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9 To Peter Jesus said, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. Matthew 16:23 What does Jesus Christ say to false pastors of today who reject the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding taxing the Super Rich and the Super Rich providing for the poor, but rather teach their own human opinions? Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Matthew 23:24 ... the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. Matthew 21:31
If your pastor tells you to reject the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding compassion for the poor by voting Republican, then that makes him a servant of money and the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich, and therefore he is not a servant of God, but is rather a false pastor. The human opinions of your pastor will not get you into heaven! Listen to the words of Jesus Christ!
In Matthew 25:31-46 JESUS CHRIST taught that those who do NOT support providing for the food, drink, housing, clothing, medical, and connection needs of others, may go to HELL! JESUS CHRIST taught the SOCIALIST VALUES of paying taxes, Matthew 22:21, and the Super Rich providing for the poor, Luke 18:22. Therefore, IF YOU REJECT SOCIALISM, THEN YOU are REJECTING the teachings of JESUS CHRIST and YOU are NOT a TRUE Christian!!!
Jesus Christ said you can not serve both God and Money. Matthew 6:24 Republicans worship Money and serve the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich. Therefore, Republicans are not the servants of God, but are rather servants of Money and the Anti-Christ. Jesus commanded the rich to pay taxes and provide for the poor. Republicans rejected the commands of Jesus. Jesus will reject Republicans on Judgement Day.
To be a TRUE follower of JESUS CHRIST, you must ONLY vote for politicians who promise to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to create million of good paying jobs to give the poor what they need the most, good jobs that will provide for all of their needs. IF YOU do NOT vote for politicians who endorse the Taxing and Providing policies advocated by JESUS CHRIST, THEN YOU are NOT a TRUE Christian!!! Only Progressive politicians endorse the Taxing and Providing policies advocated by JESUS CHRIST!
It is unfortunate that many pastors and priests are sex offenders and child abusers, and yet church members look up to them. It is unfortunate that many pastors and priests are servants of money, rather than God, and yet church members follow them, rather than following the teachings of Jesus Christ. True Christianity is following the teachings of Jesus Christ. But Churchanity is following church leaders and the false doctrines of men. But, how can you open the eyes, hearts, and minds of those who follow church leaders, rather than following Jesus Christ? Maybe by asking them the following questions. Every Christian in America should be asked the following questions.
QUESTION: Do YOU Love YOURSELF, YOUR CHILDREN, and the United States of America? Do YOU want Almost ALL unemployment in America to END within ONE to TWO years, and America to maintain a NEAR ZERO unemployment rate for the next 100 years, to give YOU, YOUR CHILDREN, and YOUR GRANDCHILDREN the best chance to have a good paying job for life?
I can explain HOW America can quickly end almost all unemployment, and maintain a near zero unemployment rate. I can PROVE that:
The Republican Economic Policy Consists of:
The Progressive Economic Policy Consists of:
The Obama Economic Recovery has not been good enough, because it did not aggressively establish the full Progressive Economic Recovery Plan. That was due in part to Obama being forced to compromise due to the Senate Filibuster Rule, and in part due to Republican opposition to and sabotage of the Obama Recovery Plan.
In addition, while the Progressive Economic Policy is superior to the Obama Economic Policy, and far superior to the Republican Economic Policy, even it does not go far enough. I would suggest more aggressive measures, that include the following.
QUESTION: What should Voters do to assure a fast and long term economic recovery?
We can END virtually ALL unemployment in America within TWO YEARS!
IF we BAN the import of ALL factory imports where the workers make less than TEN Dollars and hour, THEN we would TAKE BACK the FIVE MILLION off shored factory jobs and the TWENTY MILLION jobs generated from the Cash Flow of those factory workers. IF we raise taxes on the Super Rich to NINETY Percent to finance TWO TRILLION Dollars to build and install Made in America Wind Mills and Solar Panels, that could create another TWENTY MILLION jobs. Adding FORTY FIVE MILLION jobs, would END virtually ALL unemployment in America within TWO YEARS, including the unreported unemployment of people who have given up on finding a job.
HOW can we get the politicians in Washington to enact these changes? IF we can give Progressive candidates, not just a Landslide Victory, but a Mega Landslide Victory, and put THE PEOPLE in power, THEN WE would have the power to make these sweeping changes to END virtually ALL unemployment in America within TWO YEARS!
HOW can we give Progressives a Mega Landslide Victory? IF we Educate and De-Brainwash Ten Million American voters, with my FREE downloadable Voter's Training Class, one-on-one Mini Job Creation Debates, and Grass Roots contacts, THEN we can win the hearts and minds of voters to convince ten to twenty million people to vote progressive. That would give us the kind of Mega Landslide Victory of Progressives that we would need to assure that programs would be enacted to END virtually ALL unemployment in America within TWO YEARS.
My class is a FREE DOWNLOAD, so we can easily have Twenty Million voters watch my class on their own, in house party viewings, and in public meeting viewings. If enough people are convinced that the ideas on this web page and the content of my class can change the hearts and minds of voters through Education and De-Brainwashing, then there will be enough effort to reach millions of voters with the message presented on this web page and in my FREE DOWNLOAD class. IF YOU read the rest of this web page and watch my FREED DOWNLOAD Voter's Training Class, then you will be convinced that presenting this material to millions of voters and potential voters who have given up on voting, can change enough hearts and minds to give us the kind of Mega Landslide Victory of Progressives that we need to END virtually ALL unemployment in America within TWO YEARS.
TRUTH: Some Americans do NOT HONESTLY LOVE themselves, their children, and the United States of America. That is because their psychological addiction to a pat on the head from the Puppets of the Radical Super Rich Dictators of America is far more important to them than the Economic Survival of themselves, their children, and the United States of America. By helping them to end their psychological addiction and brainwashing, we can get them to HONESTLY LOVE themselves, their children, and the United States of America, and therefore NEVER AGAIN vote for Corporate Republicans. My Education and De-Brainwashing class can reach even them.
Understand that I am not just talking about electing the candidates who are willing to make the kind of sweeping changes that we need, but also changing the power structure in America, so that THE PEOPLE, not lobbyists, tell politicians what to do AFTER the election. A Mega Landslide Victory of Progressives, together with other changes to give Power to The People, would convince politicians that THE PEOPLE are far more powerful than lobbyists and their money.
True Power to THE PEOPLE is moving America toward Political Direct Democracy and Macro Economic Democracy. As a first step toward greater power for THE PEOPLE, rather than elected politicians being in charge to what Bills are introduced into the House and Senate, THE PEOPLE need to have the power to order the Servants of THE PEOPLE, to introduce Bills and pass those Bills. When ten million Voters for Jobs are educated, immune from brainwashing, and demand the actions needed to quickly end almost all unemployment in America, then elected Servants of THE PEOPLE, will do what THE PEOPLE order them to do.
WE THE PEOPLE need to UNITE and form a National Coalition of Progressive Organizations. We need to use my Voter's Training Class to help recruit ten million voters to join progressive organizations in a national coalition. The national and state coalition of progressive organization representatives should have monthly meetings on a Saturday or Sunday to discuss issues and strategies. The People's Media of progressive talk shows, can collect issues that the people want to be discussed at the national and state meetings. While Corporate Media is a Megaphone for the Radical Super Rich Dictators of America to scream at and BRAINWASH the people of America, The People's Media is a Megaphone for THE PEOPLE to scream at politicians and demand that the Servants of THE PEOPLE actually serve THE PEOPLE. We need to identify and prioritize our goals. Then use Brainstorming and public discussion to form strategies. Then we will ask a team of Progressive Lawyers to draft Bills to be introduced into the United States House and Senate, as well as state legislative bodies. Then we will tell the House and Senate that ten to fifty million united progressive voters demand that you introduce and pass the following Bills.
With that kind of power and an understanding of the Economic Science of what creates jobs, WE THE PEOPLE can end almost all unemployment in the United States of America within two years!
I suggest that before the election, there be an Economic Recovery Debate, that would consist of the following.
Mitt Romney has HINTED that he will raise taxes on imports from Communist China. But, Mitt Romney is a PROVEN LIAR, who changes his mind with the political wind, and then denies what he said before. Mitt Romney would NEVER significantly raise taxes on imports from Communist China, or the other Radical Super Rich would oppose his candidacy. The ONLY WAY the Radical Super Rich and Corporate Republicans would back Romney, while he promises to significantly raise taxes on Communist China to take back American factory jobs, is if he SECRETLY promises to them that he is LYING to the American Voters, as he has done so many times before, and will "Change his mind" after the election, and claim that he really did not say that or people misinterpreted what he said.
The Republican Political Puppets of their Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters claim the virtue of Free Trade and assert that if we ever raise tariffs it would cause a TRADE WAR. They tell American voters to live in fear of the great Trade War with Communis China. When the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America can replace an American factory worker being paid over Ten Dollars an Hour, with a SLAVE in Communist China being paid less than Twenty Five Cents an hour, they can make themselves richer and more powerful. Their LUST for money and power is ALL they care about. Given that the Radical Super Rich are financially backing the candidacy of a fellow member of The One Percent, you can bet your last dollar that Mitt Romney has assured them, that he will NEVER do anything to bring factory jobs from Communist China back to the United States of America. Mitt Romney is LYING to the American people.
If Mitt Romney is NOT lying, then let him prove it by doing the following.
Will Communist China DESTROY America?!!!
As Patrick Henry would put it, Corporate Republicans cry Trade Peace, Trade Peace, but The War has already begun. Communist China has already stolen FIVE million American factory jobs and destroyed TWNETY million American support jobs. Corporate Republicans say that Free Trade is good for everyone, and trading with Communist China means we will gain by exporting more to Communist China. BULL SHIT!!! When you HAVE NO FACTORIES, you HAVE NO FACTORY PRODUCTS TO EXPORT, so HOW has Free Trade helped you?The Corporate off shoring of American factory jobs has bankrupted small businesses in America, because there are no middle class consumers to buy products from small businesses in America! But, what even the Radical Super Rich do not understand is that Communist China will stab THEM in the back, the same way they are stabbing the American people in the back.
The day will come when Communist China will NATIONALIZE EVERY FACTORY owned by American Corporations, and BANKRUPT American Corporations. The ONLY way to save America from BANKRUPTCY is for voters to demand, that America will not allow any imports of any factory products from Communist China, unless at least half of those factory products are made by American workers at American Unions factories. But, the GREED of the Radical Super Rich blinds them and keeps them from seeing the truth. Unless American voters DEMAND that at least HALF of all factory products that American consumers buy be Made in the USA, then America will be BANKRUPTED and Economically DESTROYED in the Communist China Economic War against the United States of America.
Does Totalitarian China already RULE America and Europe?
The Right to Vote has been TAKEN AWAY in America!
The off shoring of factory jobs to Totalitarian China, threatens Democracy and Freedom in America and Europe. In the United States of America, naturally born citizens are already being told that they no longer have the Right to Vote! The Corporate Republican Servants of Totalitarian China have looked at which citizens are registered to vote for Pro-American Progressive candidates who oppose the off shoring of American factory jobs to Totalitarian Communist China. The Corporate Republican Representatives of Red China have then TAKEN THOSE VOTERS OFF OF THE VOTER LISTS and sent those voters a letter, that MAY OR MAY NOT REACH THEM IN THE MAIL, to inform them that they no longer have their Citizenship Right to Vote! If the letter is not received in the mail, or gets lost in the junk mail, then those United States Citizens will not know until Election Day that they can NOT VOTE!!!
EVEN IF those citizens find out that they are being denied their Right to Vote, they will be required to PROVE that they have the right to vote. That includes PAYING a FEE to get what ever documents that they need to PROVE their right! That also includes LOSING MONEY by taking a day off work, even if they LOSE THEIR JOB for taking a day off, to come in and PROVE their rights! Dare not mail in copies of documents, or they will say, we never got those in the mail, and you will not be allowed to vote!
Understand that the democracies of America and Europe are Key Trading Partners. The off shoring of both American factory jobs and European factory jobs to Totalitarian China, has CRUSHED the Economies of America and Europe. The ONLY WAY to restore near full employment in America and Europe is for both America and Europe to BAN all low wage factory products from Totalitarian China, to TAKE BACK OUR JOBS! IF the democratically elected Representatives of The People in America and Europe worked for their citizens, then they would at least have a massive tariff on low wage factory products from Totalitarian China, if not an all out ban.
So, WHY are democratically elected officials in America and Europe not banning, or at least highly taxing, low wage factory imports from Totalitarian China? Because they have ceased to be Representatives of THE PEOPLE, and rather became Representatives of Red China! WHY has this happened? Because campaign money from Red China is paying for campaign Ads to elect Representatives of Red China in America and Europe! Totalitarian China is using Money Laundering through companies with factories in Totalitarian China to buy elections in America and Europe. The old, I will pay you more for your product if you contribute to candidates who will off shore more jobs trick.
The Corporate Republican Representatives of Totalitarian China are now taking the Right to Vote away from American citizens. Europe may be next!
To SAVE YOUR FREEEDOM American voters must PROVE that they are VERY VERY ANGRY at Corporate Republican Totalitarians and will PUNISH Corporate Republican Totalitarians for their War Against Democracy. For every ONE voter taken off the voter roll, ONE THOUSAND VOTERS, who normally do not vote or vote for Corporate Republicans will rather vote for Pro-American Progressives! WE ARE MAD AS HELL, AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!!! We will KICK EVERY Corporate Republican Totalitarian out of office and send a clear message to all politicians, that they will NOT take away OUR FREEDOM to VOTE!!!
WARNING: Obama, Progressives, and the American Working Class will LOSE the election, unless Progressives drastically change their strategy. The reasons are:
America will only be saved IF we EXPOSE, EDUCATE, and DE-BRAINWASH voters. The FREE DOWNLOADABLE CLASS may be the best way of doing that.
IF Obama does not DEMAND higher taxes on imports from Communist China, then Obama will LOSE the election. Millions of voters in key battle ground states will vote for Mitt Romney based on his campaign promise to raise taxes on Communist China imports to bring back millions of American factory jobs, even though it is a campaign LIE. It is a HIGHLY GUARDED SECRET that the Radical Super Rich Dictators of America have instructed the leaders of Communist China, that IF Obama threatens to raise tariffs on imports from Communist China, THEN they should respond by threatening a Trade War to destroy American Economic Recovery and also say they will help Iran to develop Nuclear Weapons. Thus, the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America and Communist Traitors have put President Obama in a Political Checkmate. Understand that helping Communists destroy the Economic interests of the United States of America is an act of Communist Treason.
my FREE Voter's Training Class
is watched by a million independent voters in swing states,
Obama, Progressives,
and the
American Working Class
will WIN the election!
To help save the American Working Class,
Download the FREE Voter's Training Class.
I also advise ALL Progressives in America to help save the American Working Class by winning the hearts and minds of voters. Besides inviting people to watch my class, a good way is to have one-on-one Mini Debates on Job Creation. I suggest that you meet with family members and friends, and do the following.
PROOF: Corporate Republicans are on the side of EVIL!
My book Jesus Christ's World Utopia documented the Spiritual Political Philosophy System that I invented. I explained my philosophy as follows.
The Liberal-Moderate-Conservative Political Spectrum reflects the three virtues of The Trinity Principle. Liberalism is based on the virtue of Micro-Humanitarianism, or compassion for the poor. Conservatism is based on the virtue of Macro-Humanitarianism, or compassion for the human species. Moderatism is based on the virtue of Unity and Progress through Compromise and Reconciliation. IF you embrace and combine the three virtues, then you will rise above the political spectrum to see a Higher Truth which combines the good of the three parts. But, if you reject the three virtues, then you descend below the political spectrum to see only Lies.
Just as the three primary colors of Red, Green, and Blue can be combined into White, or removed to leave Black, the three primary political virtues can be combined into a Utopia or removed to leave Doom's Day.
I am NOT a Liberal, Moderate, OR Conservative. I AM a Liberal, Moderate, AND Conservative. I am a Utopian, which combines the three primary Truths. Corporate Republicans are Doomers, who have rejected the three primary Truths.
Conservatives support a Capitalist Economic System, while Liberals support a Socialist Economic System. However, Corporate Republicans do NOT support Capitalism, but rather support an Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. That is the EVIL Economic System supported by Doomers. Utopians support the perfect Economic System, which is Macro Economic Democracy.
In my book I explain that there are two Life Orientations, namely Self-Other and Good-Evil. The Good-Evil person understands that the real division in the world is NOT between Self and Other, but rather between Good and Evil. So too, the real division is NOT between Liberal-Socialism and Conservative-Capitalism. It is rather between Good and Evil. The Utopian view is GOOD, since it combines the Good and Truth of Red, Green, and Blue. The Doomer view is EVIL, since it rejects the Good and Truth of Red, Green, and Blue.
Thus, Corporate Republicans are Doomers and are on the side of EVIL and FULL OF POLITICAL LIES!!!
In my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia, I revealed this Taboo Truth that those in power do not want people to know. No wonder my book was banned from Christian Bookstores. It would have led to a Voter REVOLUTION in America and SAVED America from the Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich and ENDED Almost ALL Unemployment in America!
This is a WAR between GOOD and EVIL. Corporate Republicans are on the side of EVIL! My Spiritual Political Philosophy is on the side of GOOD! When The TRUTH is no longer banned, but is heard my millions, THEN America will be SAVED from almost ALL unemployment!!!
To help save America,
Defeat: Anti-God Anti-American Corporate Republicans
Corporate Republicans are Anti-American because they off shored millions of American Jobs to Communist China and continue to oppose creating millions of American jobs through massive Job Creating Government Spending. Corporate Republicans are Anti-God because they reject the Spiritual Values of God. Most world religions teach that God wants people to love one another. The very core of the Christian religion includes Love one another as I have loved you and Love others even as you love yourself. The spiritual teachings of God especially emphasizes compassion on the poor, the rich paying taxes and providing for the poor, and society collectively providing for the poor. Republicans reject the principles of love for others and compassion for the poor. By rejection the Spiritual Values of God, Corporate Republicans are the enemies of God and Anti-God.
We can defeat Corporate Republicans by exposing them for what they are. They wrap their head in a church flag and wrap their body in the American flag. They chant "USA, USA, USA", while they are DESTROYING the USA by off shoring jobs. They say "Lord, Lord", while they are fighting a WAR against the values and teachings of God. They are LIARS! By exposing their lies and proving that they are at War with God and America, we can defeat them.
WARNING: Obama, Progressives, and the Occupy Movement will LOSE the 2012 Election, UNLESS SOMETHING CHANGES!!! Realize that:
We are fighting the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich, who are armed with the Serpent Power of Poisonous Lies and Mind Slavery Power of Advanced Brainwashing Psychology.
How can we defeat those powers? The only way, is with the counter powers of the Healing Truth and De-Brainwashing Psychology. To save America from slavery and death, Progressives MUST DEVISE a NATIONAL STRATEGY to EDUCATE and DE-BRAINWASH VOTERS!!!
To CHANGE THE FUTURE 2012 DEFEAT, at a BARE MINIMUM, ONE MILLION Independent Voters in Key Swing States must attend a Voters Education and De-Brainwashing Class.
IF this is NOT done, THEN President Obama, the Democratic Party, Progressives, and the Occupy Movement can BLAME THEMSELVES for the 2012 DEFEAT, and the resulting DESTRUCTION of the United States of America!
NOTE: There is a FREE Downloadable Voters Training Class at www.VotersForJobs.com, and linked to at www.VotersForJesus.com. It is FREE to download, FREE to copy, FREE to distribute, and thus it is FREE to help Educate and De-Brainwash American Voters, and therefore SAVE America! All you have to do to help change the future and save America is to watch the FREE class, and show the FREE class to family members, friends, and neighbors. And if you know anyone in key swing states, ask them to watch the FREE class! Did I forget to mention, that it is FREE!!! It is a $500 value, so you better download it soon, before I change my mind. The class is based on the most advanced Positive Change Spiritual Psychology in existence on planet Earth and the most advanced Spiritual Political Philosophy in existence on planet Earth.
GO TO: www.votersforjesus.comQUESTION: How is my Spiritual Political Philosophy Superior to that of politicians?
Unlike politicians, I am NOT a Liberal, Moderate, OR Conservative. Rather, I AM a Liberal, Moderate, AND Conservative! Those who reject Liberalism, reject the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the VIRTUE of compassion for the poor! Those who reject Moderatism, reject the VIRTUE of Unity and Progress through compromise and reconciliation. Conservatism has the VIRTUE of promoting the well being of the human species through competition and productivity. In my book Jesus Christ's World Utopia, I explained that by merging the three VIRTUES, of what I call The Trinity Principle, one goes above the political spectrum to a Utopia or the perfect Ideology. But, by rejecting the VIRTUES of Liberal-Moderate-Conservative, you descend below the political spectrum to Doom or the worst Ideology.
I am a Utopian who supports Jesus Christ's World Utopia that will be established when Jesus rules Earth for one thousand years. They are Doomers who support the Global Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich and the Anti-Christ The real division is not between Liberals and Conservatives, nor between Socialists and Capitalists. It is between Christian Utopians and Anti-Christ Doomers. That is the TABOO TRUTH that I revealed in my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia, which was banned.
While Corporate Republicans CLAIM to be on the side of Conservatism and Capitalism, THE TRUTH IS they are ANTI-Conservatives and ANTI-Capitalists! Monopoly and Oligarchy eliminates free competition for small businesses, and thus destroys fundamental Capitalism. Concentration of wealth in the pockets of a few Super Rich families, is a system of Economic Dictatorship, which is similar to Communism, which also concentrated economic power in the hands of a few. An Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich is a form of Communism, and it is ANTI-Capitalism! The perfect Economic System is Macro Economic Democracy, which is far superior to Socialism at ending poverty and far superior to Capitalism at economic growth.
By ENDING ALL UNEMPLOYMENT, you BOTH end poverty AND balance the budget. It is VERY VERY EASY to END ALL UNEMPLOYMENT through:
WE must offer voters a THIRD CHOICE! Rather than putting the Political Puppets of the Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters in power, we can put THE PEOPLE themselves in power. By electing Progressives AND changing the power structure of society, we can put THE PEOPLE in charge of the government and THE PEOPLE in charge of the National Conversation in the Media.
Corporate Media is little more than a mouth piece for their Corporate masters, to spread the sound bites and lies of the Radical Super Rich Economic Dictators of America. But, The People's Media is the voice of THE PEOPLE. It reveals the DEMANDS of THE PEOPLE, evaluates the BEST WAY to give the American people what they demand, and judges politicians on what they are doing to effectively give THE PEOPLE what they DEMAND. So, it is NOT a mouth piece of the Radical Super Rich yelling at and brainwashing the people, but is rather a mouth piece of THE PEOPLE to yell at and change politicians. Examples of THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA are the Norman Goldman Show and The Young Turks.
I would advise President Obama to give the following speech.
Members of Congress are supposed to be the Servants of The People. The People Demand massive job creating government spending to create millions of good paying jobs to END MOST unemployment in America. I call on The People to call members of congress and demand that politicians get to their work of Serving The People by passing massive job creating government spending. And if they refuse to do their job of Serving The People, then FIRE THEM and kick every DO NOTHING member of Congress out of office. Elect members of Congress who will DO THEIR WORK of Serving the People by passing massive job creating government spending to create millions of good paying jobs, stimulate even more economic growth, and END MOST unemployment in America. I call on Voters to ask every candidate for office, before you hire them for that office, the following question. Are you willing to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive Job Creating Government Spending, in order to END MOST unemployment in America?
The Progressive Movement calls upon the American Working Class to deliver a landslide victory for Obama in 2012, not because he deserves it, but to PROVE that WE THE PEOPLE have the POWER to do so. In return, we will demand that President Obama push for a plan so that every American under the age of 65 can buy into Government Health Care. And the American Working Class must only vote for candidates for the United States Senate who promise to END FOREVER the Senate Filibuster Rule, so the Universal Health Care Act will pass.
How did the Anti-Christ Big Brothers
manage to brainwash the Wisconsin voters
into voting to make Wisconsin
a dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Big Brothers?
How can The Occupy 99 Percent Movement, Progressives,
and the American Working Class
prevent America from becoming
a dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Big Brothers?
What LESSONS have we learnt,
and what must we do DIFFERENT
in order to SAVE AMERICA
from becoming a Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ?
The Anti-Christ Big Brothers had:
The Progressive Voters for Jesus and Voters for Jobs had:
Honestly, and I do not mean this as an insult, it was like a Political War Game between amateurs and professionals! Is it any wonder why Progressives got their butts kicked in the election? The only thing that Progressives had on their side was the TRUTH and the real interests of the voters.
Unless Progressives open their eyes, open their minds, and drastically change their strategy, then Progressives may LOSE in 2012, the same way they lost in 2010, America will become a Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Big Brothers, and USA Workers will be either slaves or dead. A friendly word of advise to Progressives: CHANGE OR DIE!
Do you want to BE FREE and LIVE? Then listen to what I have to say. I can teach you THE SECRET. But, you have to be willing to listen.
So, WHAT HAS TO CHANGE to WIN the war against the Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Big Brothers and save The United States of America from dictatorship and destruction? For starters, the following changes need to be made.
It is ESSENTIAL that all of the above is done, JUST FOR STARTERS! There is MUCH MUCH MORE that has to be done, if we are going to SAVE AMERICA! IF you want a SAMPLE of what I am saying, then download and watch my Voter Training Class. There is a link to it at the top of this web page.
Fully Understand that the Radical Super Rich in America are not seeking Coexistence with the American Working Class. They are after Complete Victory, where they enslave and destroy the American Working Class. As Patrick Henry said, Some may cry Peace, Peace, but the War has already begun! ... Give me Liberty, or give me Death! When you are fighting for your freedom and very survival, it is essential that you fully understand your enemy and devise an effective plan for defeating your enemy. Otherwise, you will be a slave or dead.
We are fighting the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich, who are armed with the Serpent Power of Poisonous Lies and Mind Slavery Power of Advanced Brainwashing Psychology.
How can we defeat those powers? The only way, is with the counter powers of the Healing Truth and De-Brainwashing Psychology. To save America from slavery and death, Progressives MUST DEVISE a NATIONAL STRATEGY to EDUCATE and DE-BRAINWASH VOTERS!!!
So, how can we effectively educate and de-brainwash millions of voters? I suggest a Voters Training Class, that can be downloaded, copied, given to, and viewed in millions of House Parties in America, to reach millions of voters with the TRUTH and with FREEDOM TO THINK PSYCHOLOGY! I suggest, the class that you can download from the link at this web page.
And, if YOU have a BETTER plan, then by all means, let others know about that plan. I DARE the LEADERS of the Progressives Movement to come up with a BETTER PLAN than what I have proposed!!! However, if what the Progressive Movement Leaders did in the Wisconsin Recall Election is an example of their "planning", with a complete lack of understanding of Brainwashing Psychology and not even trying to win the Christian vote, then frankly, they really really need a better plan.
I really hate to put it this way, but maybe putting it this way is the only way I will be taken seriously and will be heard. It may be time for the AMATURE Leaders of the Progressive Movement to STEP ASIDE and let a PROFESSIONAL take over the Campaign to SAVE AMERICA. American Working Class, I am YOUR ONLY HOPE.
Progressives, fully understand the following. If YOU do NOT support MY plan, OR come up with a BETTER plan for EDUCATING and DE-BRAINWASHING the masses of American Voters, THEN YOUR ENEMY will DEFEAT YOU and WIN THE WAR against YOU! Think about that, if you honestly love yourself, and do not want to become a slave. I am YOUR ONLY HOPE.
so we can SAVE AMERICA from Dictatorship and Destruction?
A first step would be for you to download and watch my
Voter Training Class,
so you more fully comprehend how we can
de-brainwash voters to have a land slide victory
of both the Christian Vote
and the Jobs Vote.
You really need to watch the class,
to get a full understanding of what I am saying.
Please watch the class.
OK, now that you have watched the class, you have a better understanding of what I am saying. A good second step is for the leaders of the Progressive Movement to be taught how the enemy is using Brainwashing Psychology. I can give some explanation of their methods here.
We all know that they use constant repetition, as a method of getting an idea into people's heads. We also know that they use strong emotions, like fear and hate. The reason why they use strong emotions is that the strength of a memory or an idea is determined to a large extent by the strength of the emotion associated with the memory or idea. This is a part of the psychology of how the mind works.
Let me go onto an example, which you will recognize, but maybe not fully understand why it works. Have you ever heard in Corporate Media or by Republican Candidates the phrase: You do not want to be a Socialist, do you? OK, here is an "exercise for the student" that you might try. Why is that phrase so effective? Think about it for a moment and see if you know the answer.
OK, lets see if you came up with the same answer I did. If you "go inside the mind of the listener", then you will understand that the reaction of the listener includes the emotion of fear of being attacked and fear of being wrong. The strong emotion, together with the fear of loss of social approval, easily installs into the weak minded person the beliefs that "Socialism is bad" and "being for Socialism means being kicked out of society".
One way to help de-brainwash the public is to use similar methods and phrases used by our enemy, but with things reversed. When the human mind is presented with contradictory programming, it can actually be triggered into doing something very amazing. It can actually think for itself and have independent thoughts!
So, if Progressives say to brainwashed voters: You do not want to be a Capitalist, do you?, it can be the beginning point of a conversation and an enslaved mind becoming a free mind.
There is much more I can teach, to go onto the second step of saving America. But, there is much much more that we must do.
How can Progressives not only avoid disaster, but go on to win two thirds of all voters, including Christian Voters and Jobs Voters?
Before I can explain that to you, first you must be able to listen. For you to be able to listen, I must first explain the Psychological Defense Mechanism that prevents people from listening to new ideas, unless they have been first assured that the "new ideas" are their "friends" and it is "OK and safe to listen to them".
The Animal survival instinct seeks to protect Self, viewed as "your body", from Other, viewed as threats to "your body". Unfortunately for the human brain, this "Self vs Other" view of the world extends to the point of people seeing "their beliefs" as Self and "the beliefs of others" as Other. I advise people to change from a nature of seeking the victory of "your beliefs" over "other beliefs", into seeking a victory of Truth over Falsehood. Watch my Voter Training Class again to see the reference.
Progressives in America need to go beyond its current set of beliefs, to a far greater truth which can End Almost All Unemployment in America in ONE Year!. And do not say to yourself, "I can not believe that we can do that, because that is not a part of my current belief of how things are, and so it is a threat to my current belief, and thus to me, and so I must not believe it, in order to protect myself, or my beliefs, from being attacked."
IF Progressives endorse what I am about to say, THEN 60 to 90 percent of ALL voters, including Christian Voters and Jobs Voters, will vote to elect Progressives in every election!!!
In 1984 I wrote the book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia. For non-Christians, please understand that you can accept the good ideas and philosophical teachings of Jesus, without endorsing all of the claims of the official Christian Church. While I believe Jesus is the Son of God, which is a debatable idea, I claim that you can agree with the good ideas Jesus taught without agreeing with the "official doctrine" and changing your fundamental religious beliefs. In fact, I would argue that many world religions contain spiritual truths, and we must not discard such religious beliefs, or the world may lose a Sacred Truth contained only in that world religion. In my Spiritual Psychology Positive Change class, I use the Aesop Fable of the "Seven Blind Men and the Elephant" to put forth the idea that each one of us may be partially right and partially wrong. So, let us not seek a total victory of one world religion over all other world religions, else we would be enemies of the real underlying truth of things.
Whew! Didn't lose the non-Christian listener.
My theory, reflected in the book, is that the teachings of Jesus Christ reveal the ideological system that he will establish on Earth when he rules for 1,000 years. I argue that this "perfect ideology" is a part of the key to ending almost all human suffering on planet Earth. I also argue that the traditional Political Spectrum of Liberal-Moderate-Conservative is based on an underlying conflict between what I call Micro-Humanitarianism and Macro-Humanitarianism. I argue that each of the three have both virtue and vice. I argue that by combining the virtues of the three, one goes above the Political Spectrum to the perfect or "Utopian" ideology that can help end all human suffering, but if combines the vices of the three, then one descends below the Political Spectrum to the worst or "Doom's Day" ideology that can destroy human society.
So, what does this have to to with Progressives winning? I can prove that the real struggle is not between Capitalism and Socialism, but is rather between the perfect economic system, which is Macro Economic Democracy, and the worst economic system, which is Economic Dictatorship. I can prove that Corporate Republicans are in fact Anti-Capitalists, who want to destroy real Capitalism, not just Socialism, and rather establish an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich. They are not only seeking to enslave and destroy The American Working Class, but they also work to enslave and destroy American small businesses and any honest capitalist that stands in their way to their total rule. Thus, Corporate Republicans are Anti-Business, when it comes to Patriotic Small Businesses in America that hire American workers.
When we educate voters to the fact that Corporate Republicans are Anti-Capitalists, then even those brainwashed into believing that Capitalism is the best system, will vote to elect Progressives. When we educate voters to the fact that Progressives are Pro-Capitalists who prefer a balanced mixture of the good parts of Capitalism and Socialism, and would ideally prefer a synthesis of the two systems, which would both END ALL UNEMPLOYMENT and therefore also END ALL WELFARE, then all voters could rally to such a prefect system that combines the virtues of all ideas.
Of course, a part of what I am saying is that I want to convert Progressives into becoming Utopians, who support the perfect ideological system. But, I believe most Progressives already do agree that both Capitalism and Socialism have virtues. So, the logical step for thinking Progressives is not that big at all.
Voters in America, who have given up on politicians of both parties and who feel that voting is hopeless, I can give you your DREAMS of a BETTER FUTURE, by allowing you to vote for a THIRD CHOICE.
Many believe that the only real choices you have is to vote for the candidate of one of the major parties. The alternatives of not voting or voting for a Third Party is seen as losing your voice. However, there is in fact a real THIRD CHOICE. The THIRD CHOICE is to put THE PEOPLE in POWER.
You ask: HOW can we put THE PEOPLE in Power? Answer: By CHANGING the way the system works!
Besides the VOTE on ELECTION Day to decide which politician gets the job, there are MANY VOTES AFTER THE ELECTION that ORDERS the elected politician on what to do! When voters write letters or make phone calls to elected officials, that is a kind of after election vote on the issues that people care about. When a lobbyist gives a bribe to the President, a Senator, or a Congressman, it is a kind of back room "vote", on what the elected official should do. That is WHY an elected official will PROMISE ONE thing during the campaign, but do ANOTHER after being elected!
And in TRUTH, the politician did not even promise enough to the American people in the first place. The candidate did NOT EVEN PROMISE to do what THE PEOPLE REALLY wanted! The PEOPLE'S CHOICE, was NOT even on the ballot. There really are THREE CHOICES, if you look at BOTH election day "candidate voting" and after election day "issue voting". The THREE CHOICES ARE:
THE KEY to putting THE PEOPLE in Power, is NOT ONLY for the people to vote for the better candidate on Election Day, but for the people to ALSO VOTE on THE ISSUES when they DEMAND ACTIONS from elected officials!
You Ask: HOW can THE PEOPLE ORDER elected officials to take the actions that THE PEOPLE want, rather than the actions that the Super Rich order them to take? After all, politicians need BIG MONEY to run political TV Ads, AND most DUMB VOTERS vote the way TV Ads tell them to vote! So, WHY do what THE PEOPLE want, when THE PEOPLE always vote the way the Super Rich ORDER them to vote, through their political TV Ads? IF YOU were an elected official and you KNEW that the people NEVER APPRECIATE politicians who work to help THE PEOPLE, but rather kick good politicians out of office, THEN would YOU work to help THE PEOPLE who NEVER APPRECIATE HELP and in fact PUNISH you for helping them? Honestly, can you BLAME politicians for taking bribes to stay in office, when THE PEOPLE vote AGAINST their own self interest?
The ONE and ONLY WAY that THE PEOPLE can ORDER elected officials to act in the best interests of THE PEOPLE, is for THE PEOPLE to HAVE THE POWER to VOTE in their OWN SELF INTEREST!!! That means, CHANGING THE SYSTEM OF POWER! To change the system of power, Progressives must do the following.
The THIRD CHOICE is to form a powerful organization of The American Working Class, win the hearts and minds of millions to join that organization to give it a Super Majority of the voting public, and then we will have the PEOPLE POWER to DEMAND changes that serve THE PEOPLE and elect only candidates who agree to serve THE PEOPLE. HOW can we do that?
I suggest that the AFL-CIO organization Working America become the center coalition of the Progressive Movement and Occupy Movement. I suggest perhaps a five dollar a year dues and perhaps ten dollars for a Working America Voters ID Card, that will have a photo, name, and address, together with membership acknowledgement. I suggest that representatives of Progressive Organizations, on the state and national level, meet weekly to discuss current and long term issues and propose the legislative issues that we should focus on. There can of course be "dissenting opinions" in the weekly report, just as the Supreme Court has dissenting opinions. I suggest further that members of the organization Working America be allowed to go to Union Halls and VOTE on their priority of the national and state issues. Thus, it will show THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. I suggest that some uninhibited Progressive Radio and TV shows support this by having a weekly 30 minute coverage called THE PEOPLE DEMAND Weekly Report. For example The Norman Goldman Show and The Young Turks. Thus, rather than only the President having a Bully Pulpit, THE WORKING CLASS PEOPLE OF AMERICA will have their own Bully Pulpit on a weekly basis to report to the United States President, Senate, and House, as well as State Governments, what THE PEOPLE DEMAND that MUST BE DONE. And when the President gives a speech, rather than having a response speech just from the other party and the Tea Party Puppets of the Radical Super Rich, we need a response from The Working Class People of America. It will no longer be the political puppets of their Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters who will determine the "legislative issues" that the media will cover. Rather, the WILL OF THE PEOPLE and THE POLITICAL DEMANDS OF THE PEOPLE will determine the "legislative news story"!!!
When WEEK AFTER WEEK the top news story is: THE PEOPLE DEMAND:
THAT is the THIRD CHOICE, namely changing the power structure so that THE PEOPLE RULE the government, which consists of servants of THE PEOPLE. No longer will the Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters rule America through their Political Puppets in government and their Zombie Mind Slave Voting Army at the ballot box. We will educate and de-brainwash American voters, to end the Zombie Mind Slave Voting Army! We will organize a SUPER MAJORITY organization of Working Class Americans to END FOREVER the Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich!
THEN, and ONLY THEN, will ALL Americans have a GOOD PAYING JOB with a LIVING WAGE. THEN, and ONLY THEN, will America be FREE from the Economic Dictators! Are YOU ready to VOTE for the THIRD CHOICE? Are YOU ready to JOIN a National Coalition of Working Class Americans, headed by the AFL-CIO? Are YOU ready to SAVE AMERICA from ALL UNEMPLOYMENT and ALL POVERTY?
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus taught that we should help the poor. The best way to help the poor is to change America, so that everyone has a good paying job, and poverty is eliminated. Ending Unemployment to END poverty should be the goal of every TRUE Christian. On Judgement Day, will Jesus say to you: I needed a good paying job to provide for my food, drink, clothing, housing, medical needs, and connection needs, but you failed to vote for Progressive candidates who promised to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to give me a job. Now go to eternal damnation. Save your Soul and Vote Progressive.
While I studied for eight years in college and earned a Master's degree in Computer Science, that is not the greatest love in my life. I also spent years in religious and spiritual studies. I spent years doing philosophical examination of the core truths about life and human existence. I spent years of psychological research on human social interaction and how the mind works. I invented the most advanced system of Positive Change Spiritual Psychology. I developed what I view to be the perfect ideological system, which I feel holds a key to ending most human suffering.
My theory is the following. When Jesus Christ rules planet Earth for one thousand years, he will save the world from almost all human suffering. He will do so, in part, by establishing the "perfect" or Utopian ideology, that is designed to help end human suffering. If we humans could only discover the perfect Ideology of Jesus Christ, then we could establish that system before the rule of Jesus on Earth, and ourselves end most human suffering on planet Earth! From my Spiritual Studies, which included meditation on the teachings of Jesus Christ, I discovered The Ideology of Jesus Christ, and the key to Jesus Christ's World Utopia, to be established for one thousand years on planet Earth. I documented my discovered ideological system in my books, including Jesus Christ's World Utopia, and in my online booklet: The Ideology of Jesus Christ.
How can we END almost ALL Human Suffering, including unemployment and sexual abuse? In my book, Self Transformation Psychology, I explain that there are three forms of human suffering: Society Based, Individual Based, and Nature Based. All human suffering is caused by EVIL. To end the Root Cause of Human Suffering, and thus end human suffering, requires a Spiritual Transformation from a Self-Other Life Orientation to a Good-Evil Life Orientation. To END almost ALL human suffering, we must Spiritually Transform human society, humans, and our relationship with nature. To END Society Based Human Suffering, including unemployment, we need to teach millions to billions of people my Voter's Training Class and related material. To END Individual Based Human Suffering, including sexual abuse, we need to teach millions to billions of people my Self Transformation Psychology class and related material. To END Nature Based Human Suffering, we must apply the Trinity Principle of Reconciliation between Micro Humanitarianism and Macro Humanitarianism.
Humans on a global level need to fully understand that if we continue down the path of using and exploiting nature, it will lead to the destruction of nature, which will lead to the destruction of the human species! If we do not openly talk about and deal with what some want to keep as a Taboo Topic, then the human species could be destroyed. I personally believe that the Four Apocalypse Horses, and their destruction of most of the population of the human species, is God's punishment of us for the sin of overpopulation. I agree with the author of the book The Population Bomb. Only the Spiritual Transformation of human society, individuals, and our relationship with nature, can END almost ALL human suffering and SAVE the human species from EXTERMINATION.
I can teach the world how to END almost ALL human suffering, and SAVE the human species. . But, is the human species Spiritual Ready for the TRUTH? There will soon be a Spiritual Rebirth of the Human Species. Like any birth, it will include pain and suffering and the death of the placenta. But, if humans are wise and seek to learn Spiritual Truths, then the pain, suffering, and death can be minimized. Millions to billions of people can be saved from human suffering, IF ONLY my classes can be taught to millions to billions of people. Human suffering continues, because Evil and Lack of Enlightenment continues.
YOU Can Choose the FUTURE of America and Europe.
America, Europe, and others stand at a Cross Roads to the Future. One path leads to ending almost all human suffering. The other path leads to the suffering and death of millions to billions of people, and perhaps the extermination of the human species. The only thing that can save humanity, is a Spiritual Transformation from Self-Other to Good-Evil. The real division is NOT between Self and Other, but between Good and Evil. We will either rise above the Liberal-Moderate-Conservative Political Spectrum to become Utopians, or descend below to become Doomers. We will either teach humans to change and live by Love, Good, and Truth, or they will live by Hate, Evil, and Lies.
Corporate Republicans are Evil Doomers and are on the side of a Global Economic Dictatorship of the Radical Super Rich. They are LIARS when they claim to be Conservatives on the side of Capitalism. Economic Dictatorship is NOT Capitalism!
The TRUTH is if the Corporate Republican Puppets of the Radical Super Rich win, then America will have chosen a future of massive suffering and death. But if the American Working Class puts itself in power, by not only a Mega Landslide Victory for Progressives, but also by establishing a National Coalition of Progressive Organizations, then America will have chosen a future of ending almost all Society Based human suffering. And, if my Spiritual Psychology class is taught to millions and Environmental Saviours teach Salvation Environmentalism to millions, then we can end almost all human suffering.
I understand that some will not believe the things that I say, because I understand human psychology. People do not like to go outside their Comfort Zone. People become emotionally attached to their Life Experiences and Way of Life. The idea of ending most human suffering is just not the kind of life people are used to. And there is the Human Ego Emotional Filter. People emotionally need Self Respect, and so can not learn some truths from others, unless those others are viewed as Leaders of the Group Self, and thus "them".
However, for those who have a stronger love of truth than attachment to Self, emotional barriers can be broken. I would ask you the following question. Do YOU HONESTLY want to KNOW the TRUTH? Many can not face a truth that makes them feel bad. Few can face an emotionally painful truth, without great effort. Remember every thought and emotion that is triggered when you hear or read various words and phrases. Which phrases do you decide not to believe, because it triggers negative emotions? If you can not take the Journey Deep Inside Yourself to see the Very Core of Your Being, then how can you ever be free to know the truth? I AM the Spirit Guide. Become the One.
As people go, society goes. When you and others take my classes and endorse the idea of spiritually transforming people and society from Self-Other to Good-Evil, then enough people will exist to actually push for a change in society. Thus, you can help change the fate of America and Europe, by watching my FREE downloadable Voter's Training Class.
For another example of my thinking, watch my You Tube video on "Who Created God? Origin of Existence." I believe it answers the Cosmological and Religious Question of Origin in the correct way, and thus explains a mystery that many in the fields of Cosmology and Religion have failed to answer. There is a link to the video on this web page. Also download and watch my FREE Voter's Training Class.
For more examples of my thinking, read my FREE online booklets:
How to End All Human Suffering
A Prophet is NOT believed because:
the TRUTH destroys the Power of Evil.
Evil People FEAR and Ban the TRUTH.
I have "heard" some say of me, "we do not believe him", and have closed their hearts and minds to the truth that I teach. By choosing to not believe, you have destroyed yourself. Spitting into the wind does not harm the wind. Choosing to not believe truth, is an act of self destruction. Choosing to not believe others, does NOT make you Powerful, as you think in your heart. It makes you dead. When I cry out, do not keep running in that direction or you will fall off a cliff, and you chose to not believe me, your choice is your suicide. YOUR unemployment and YOUR sexual abuse continues, because YOU choose to not believe, and reject YOUR salvation. I pity those who are blind by choice.
However, those who spread lies and seek to ban or silence the truth, in order to keep others blind and uninformed, are guilty of a far greater sin. Those who spread lies that cause the suffering and death of others, or silence truth that would save others from suffering and death, are guilty of the suffering and death of others. A special place in Hell is reserved for them.
Evil people who ban books that contain a Taboo Truth, are responsible for the suffering and death of millions, and will be punished in the depths of Hell. Their motivation for banning the truth, is a personal lust for power over others, and a hatred for anyone who they see as a threat to them satisfying their lust for power. In the Christian Roman Empire, Jews and even Christians with non sanctioned beliefs could be tortured or burnt at the stake for daring to oppose The Right Religious Beliefs. So too, in some Militant Muslim Theocracies, people can be beaten or killed for daring to question the sanctioned religious beliefs. Book Burning and Book Banning are some of the means that Evil Militant Dictators use to control the beliefs, and thus actions, of others.
One example is Evil Militant Women. Some have openly stated that they seek to ban books that dare to "criticise women". As a male victim of Sexual Harassment from Evil Militant Women, I will NOT be silenced! Telling a man that he can not "criticise women" for Sexually Harassing him, is like telling a women that she can not "criticise men" for raping her! Shall every book written by a woman that criticizes men who rape women, be banned from all bookstores? Seeking to ban from bookstores, books written by men that criticise Evil Militant Women who Sexually Harass men, is just as WRONG and EVIL!
The truth is, "criticizing women" often helps women, and banning "criticizing women" greatly hurts women and is thus an act of WAR against WOMEN! Evil Militant Women sexually harass men, rape other women, and promote the social values that cause sexual harassment and rape. Criticizing their Evil can help end it, and thus help to end the human suffering caused by their Evil. Banning that criticism means more women will indirectly suffer from male behavior that has been negatively effected by being sexually harassed, more women will directly suffer from being raped by Evil Militant Women, and many women will be sexually harassed or raped, due to the promotion of Evil social values.
However, some "criticism of women", is in fact Constructive Criticism or Sexual Advice to women, to help them have better sexual relationships with men. Denying women that positive advice, is denying women happier love lives. And some presumed "criticism of women" may not be a criticism of women at all. If I say that, "Republicans are greedy Capitalists", then some could construe that to be "criticism of women", since some women are Republicans, so I would be criticizing some women by the comment. But, it is not the nature of "being a woman" that is being criticized by the statement, but rather the nature of "being a Republican". Of course, I will have to apologize to Republicans, because we all know that Republicans are not greedy, but are charitable and want to raise taxes on the Super Rich in order to help the poor. Sure, we all know that we should never criticise Republicans.
When an Evil Militant Woman says she wants to ban a book because it "criticizes women", ask her to quote the exact criticism that she objects to, if she can, and prove that her quote is in fact accurate and is not a LIE. Then ask her if in fact the criticism is honest and in fact it is either justified or constructive. Then ask her how often her criticisms of men are lies, unjustified, and destructive. Maybe, someone should ban their books, like the ones that say "All men are rapists" and "We will kill all men".
In 1983, I published my book, Jesus Christ's World Utopia. It showed the path to a World Utopia, that was based on the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ. If millions of people had read and supported my ideas all those years ago, then by now The United States of America would be a Utopian Society where almost all human suffering would have been eliminated. That book contained no "criticism of women" in it. However, it may have departed from officially sanctioned religious beliefs, such as church endorsement of Conservative-Capitalism, so it was banned from Christian bookstores.
After writing a book on ending Society Based Human Suffering by establishing the perfect Political-Economic system, I worked to write a book on ending Individual Based Human Suffering by inventing the most advanced system of Positive Change Spiritual Psychology in existence on planet Earth. I actually wrote two books, The Quest for Love, which was the result of years of experimental research at bars to discover the most advanced form of Sexual Relationship Psychology. More years of reflective thinking led to my book, Self Transformation Psychology. which contains a complete model of human behavior. It is the basis of the most advanced Positive Change Spiritual Psychology Class in existence on planet Earth. The class teaches the student advanced spiritual ideas, contained in many world religions, together with a Psychological Model of human behavior. It teaches students to be free to question and change the deepest core of their being, and thus live happier lives and end destructive actions such as violence and sexual abuse.
Since during my years of experimental research at bars, I was subjected to Sexual Harassment by Evil Militant Women at work, my book, The Quest for Love, included and reflected my experience as a victim of Sexual Harassment. One militant woman at one job told men that if a man makes women happy, then he is not a lover, because that is not a lover. When militant women sexually slander and reject men for loving women, pleasuring women, and making women happy, it proves that they hate women and want men to rather hate women, hurt women, and make women unhappy. When Evil Militant Women reject men for being good to women, it proves that they want men to be bad to women. Evil Militant Women are the enemies of women, because they greatly harm women indirectly when they sexually slander and economically punish men for daring to make women happy. When they oppose and seek to ban a book that was written, in part, to help end the rape of women, it proves that they are NOT on the side of women, but are rather on the side of rape! How dare they attack and punish men for making women happy. How dare they oppose work to save women from rape. When a man's work to save others from suffering is opposed and banned, of course he will be angry at those who stopped him from saving people that he loved from great suffering and death. How would you feel if you worked to save a woman you loved from being raped and killed and an Evil Militant Woman stopped you from saving her? Would you feel anger? Be honest. Would you dare to criticise women who stopped you from saving people from suffering and death? Who is the greater "sinner", the man who criticizes women for murder, or the women who murder? Is it taboo to criticise women for murder?
Should a woman apologize for daring to criticise men who raped her? Then why should some demand that a man never criticise women who have sexually harassed him, abused him, economically punished him, and sabotaged his work to save millions to billions of people from great suffering and death? I would tell you how I honestly feel about the Evil Militant Women who abused me and opposed my work to save millions to billions of lives, but it might not be real nice language. All I can say is, there is a special place in Hell for them.
Realize that Evil Militants are NOT on the side of their own social group. When an Evil Militant Woman bans a book that was written to help avert the extermination of the human species, she in not just threatening to exterminate all humans, but is also threatening to exterminate all women. Thus, when Evil Militant Women wage a War Against Humanity, it is also a War Against All Women. The same can be said of Evil Militant White Supremacists, or Evil Militants of any social group. By attacking society at large, they are at war with their own social group. In fact, harming one social group also harms other social groups, so being militant makes them at war with their own social group.
Fully understand that the real division is NOT between men vs women, or one race vs another, or one religion vs another, or one social group vs another, but rather the real division is between Good and Evil. From the Spiritual Model that I invented and the Psychological Model that I invented, I can show that the division is between Good-Loving-Honest people and Evil-Militant-Lying people. In terms of gender relationships, "good and loving" men and women need to unite and form The Love Movement, to combat "evil and militant" men and women.
Based on my Spiritual Model and my Psychological Model, I can show that those with a Self-Other Life Orientation have a base personality of ( Hate, Evil, and Lies ), while those with a Good-Evil Life Orientation have a base personality of ( Love, Good, and Truth ). Since evil is the source of all human produced human suffering, and lies keep people from removing that root cause of suffering, it follows that all Individual Based Human Suffering can be ended by Spiritually Transforming humans from Self-Other to Good-Evil.
I try to teach my students the spiritual enlightenment principle that we are one, so people become One with God and One with Others. Jesus Christ taught, The two greatest commandments, and I add The Third Greatest Commandment. Thus, the three greatest commandments are:
Thus women should love men as much as they love women, and whites should love black people as much as they love white people. End hatred between the genders, the races, the religions, and between all social groups, and you end the root cause of a great deal of violence and abuse.
Until we Spiritual Transform the human social system, individual humans, and our relationship with nature, from Self-Other to Good-Evil, then there will always be human suffering. By doing that Spiritual Transformation, we can end the root cause of all human suffering.
Those with a Self-Other Life Orientation do not see the truth because they are blinded by hatred. The truth can only be seen when your heart is filled with love. They can not see that when they harm the Group Other, they indirectly harm the Group Self. They can not understand that when they harm the Group All, they directly harm the Group Self. So they continue to harm themselves and those that they claim to be on the side of. Humans, humans, humans, when will you ever learn? For how long will you continue to greatly harm those that you claim to love and persist in destroying the human species? Very sad.
On Men's Issues
I apologize to the reader for the diversion in my Life of Dale Harris discussion, since I wanted to focus on political ideas. But, when I am attacked and people who I love are greatly harmed, then I am forced to respond. The idea that militant women have the right to abuse men and kill others and men do not have the right to criticise women for that abuse and murder, is a taboo that should not exist in our society.
America needs a strong Egalitarian Men's Movement, to end the abuse of men and oppression of men. But the survival of human society and the human species may also require the existence of a strong Men's Movement, because only a strong Men's Movement will defend the survival of society and humanity by calling evil women to task, when Evil Militant Women attack the well being and survival of the human species, and they lie and claim they are destroying humanity to help women. Perhaps tens of millions of men and women should join an Egalitarian Men's Group, such as The National Coalition for Men (NCFM.org), in order to fight back against Evil Militant Women, in order to protect men from Sexual Harassment and Sexual Discrimination, as well as to protect the survival of the human species.
However, what I advocated in my book The Quest for Love is the rise of a Love Movement to promote greater love and understanding between men and women and equality for both genders.
In cases where men are sexually discriminated against, men must demand equal rights with women. Men die five years younger than women, but what is health care doing to find out why and work to give men longer lives? Often there is less focus on prostate cancer than on breast cancer. There is little work to try to prevent men from dying from cancer and heart disease at a much earlier age than women. Men die on the job at a much higher rate than women, but where is the social out cry for job safety for men? Coal miners continue to die in mines, but where are the government regulations for safety and why are mine owners not put in prison for safety violations? It is men who are drafted to die in war. In the Vietnam war, 67 American women died and 58,142 American men died. For every woman that died, about 1,000 men died. There is no public outcry to better protect men's lives. Men are supposed to "be a man", be tough, take it like a man, and never complain about pain, abuse, injury, and death. Men are Sexually Discriminated against in Sexual Harassment and Domestic Violence cases, due to social prejudice against men. Many do not even believe that men are victims of sexual harassment and domestic violence, because society is brainwashed into the idea that women are victims and men are abusers. Studies have shown that violence between couples is about fifty percent on each side. Women are more likely to attack with kitchen knives and other kitchen weapons. Sexual Harassment includes repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature. Women are far more likely to engage in Negative Sexual Gossip, and thus be Sexual Harassers. When there is crime prosecution, men are more likely to be sentenced to more years for the very same crime. Boys drop out of High School and fail to go onto college at a much higher rate than girls. Where is the public outcry and demand that boys be given equal educational opportunity? There is sexual discrimination against men in the case of child custody in divorce. There is wage discrimination against men, if a man who can lift 50 percent more weight than a woman and is 50 percent more productive on a heavy lifting labor job, does not get 50 percent more pay and benefits than the woman gets. A man experiences pay discrimination if he puts in far more unpaid overtime hours than a woman does, but does not gain a proportionately higher salary for the extra work being done. In truth, unpaid overtime is oppression of all workers, and men are often more victimized by this practice. Men need sexual equality. Much more can be said. Go to NCFM.org for more information.
Perhaps some day Egalitarian Men's Groups and Egalitarian Women's Groups will work together and form The Love Movement to promote Love, Understanding, and Equality for all.
2012 Save America and End All Human Suffering Conference.
God only knows if I will have the time and money to do this.
But, I believe it would be a good idea
for the AFL-CIO, Occupy 99 Percent Movement,
and Progressive Movement
to have a joint conference
after the political conventions
and before the election
to advertise to American voters
the plan to present America
Choice 1: Elect Corporate Republicans
to return to the policies that are DESIGNED
to DESTROY jobs,
and therefore have a NEW GREAT DEPRESSION.
Choice 2: Elect Democrats
to return to a half-ass fight for the middle class,
that results in recovery,
but a far too slow recovery.
aggressively push for the economic policies,
that under Bill Clinton,
led to prosperity and jobs.
Choice 3: Endorse a BOLD NEW IDEA
of replacing the FAILED Economic System
Unregulated Free-Trade Corporatism,
with a NEW Economic system of
Consumer-Protection-Regulations Job-Protection-Trade
perhaps in ONE YEAR!!!
NOTE to Progressive Democrats! Perhaps millions of voters would not stay home, if they were told about a "third choice". The third choice is to put THE PEOPLE themselves in power. That is done by first electing Progressive Democrats, but then after the election forming a national power base of THE PEOPLE to CONTROL GOVERNMENT, the same way the Radical Super Rich do now, to FORCE elected officials to make the sweeping changes that THE PEOPLE DEMAND!!! The "third choice" is to elect Progressives, and THEN organize to form a national POWER TO THE PEOPLE base, so that THE PEOPLE rule the government.
Who Created God? Origin of Existence.
Wisconsin Recall Walker - Jesus Christ
2012 Election Prophecy - Christians REPENT
To save Wisconsin and America from economic and moral destruction, and from becoming a dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich Big Brothers of Koch, every voter in Wisconsin and in America must be told the following message.
Jesus Christ taught the SOCIALIST Values of the Super Rich paying taxes and provide for the poor. Matthew 22:21 and Luke 18:22. Republicans oppose the idea of the Super Rich paying taxes and providing for the poor. Therefore, Republicans are Anti-Christian. Republicans who reject Socialism reject the teachings of Jesus Christ. Will they be rejected by Jesus Christ on Judgement Day?
On Judgement Day, will Jesus Christ say the following to Republicans who cut education to the poor? My children needed a good education to have a good life but you denied my children the hope of a better life by denying them a good education with your budget cuts. As you have done it unto the least, you have done it unto me. Now go to everlasting torment. Matthew 25:31-46
Do YOU want to END almost ALL unemployment in Wisconsin and America, within ONE to TWO YEARS?!!! The fastest way to end unemployment is to raise taxes on the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to quickly create millions of good paying jobs. It would not only directly create millions of jobs, but would also put more cash flow into the economy, which would create millions of more permanent jobs. Republicans oppose job creating government spending. Therefore, Republicans are Anti-Jobs.
Progressive Democrats support taxing the Super Rich to finance massive job creating government spending to provide the poor with good paying jobs. Therefore, Progressive Democrats are the servants of God and the servants of the people.
Jesus Christ said you can not serve both God and Money. Matthew 6:24 Republicans worship Money and serve the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich. Therefore, Republicans are not the servants of God, but are rather servants of Money and the Anti-Christ.
If your pastor tells you to reject the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding compassion for the poor by voting Republican, then that makes him a servant of money and the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich, and therefore he is not a servant of God, but is rather a false pastor. The human opinions of your pastor will not get you into heaven! Listen to the words of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ rejects those who teach the Doctrines of Men and even rejected Peter for that sin. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9 To Peter Jesus said, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. Matthew 16:23 What does Jesus Christ say to false pastors of today who reject the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding taxing the Super Rich and the Super Rich providing for the poor, but rather teach their own human opinions? Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. Matthew 23:24 ... the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. Matthew 21:31
Jesus Christ said people would go to heaven or hell based on whether they do or do not show compassion on the poor. Matthew 25:31-46 If your pastor tells you to oppose social security, medicare, food stamps, and other social programs that provide for the poor, then following the human opinions of your pastor, rather than the teachings of Jesus Christ, may send you to Hell.
True Christians follow Jesus Christ and care about the poor getting jobs to meet their needs, and elect Progressive Democrats. Voters for Jesus and Voters for Jobs elect Progressive Democrats.
All voters must be taught the following truths:IF Republicans FOOL YOU ONCE with the LIE that Lack of Regulations creates jobs, when the TRUTH is that lack of Bank Regulations DESTROYED MILLIONS OF JOBS THROUGH THE BUSH DEPRESSION, THEN Shame on Republicans.
BUT IF Republicans FOOL YOU TWICE with the LIE that Lack of Regulations creates jobs, THEN SHAME ON YOU for believing Republican LIES!!!! SHAME ON YOU FOR BEING BRAINWASHED!!!
Those who are brainwashed by the Corporate Media Brainwashing Experts, become Zombie Mind Slaves of the Anti Christ Radical Super Rich. They become a Zombie Army working to destroy True Christianity in America, Good Paying Jobs for American workers, and the SURVIVAL of YOUR FAMILTY.
I have a cure, for the Republican Zombie Mind Slaves of the Anti-Christ. I have a FREE downloadable CLASS that teaches people to be FREE to THINK FOR THEMSVES and QUESTION the LIES of Republicans. It is at www Voters for Jobs dot com.
Even before taking my de-brainwashing class, millions of voters can be freed from the Mind Slavery with a massive national Ad Campaign with the following simple message. Say it loud enough and long enough, and some may be freed from their brainwashing. The message is this.
Republicans are LIARS and YOUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON YOU QUESTIONING and REJECTING their LIES! THE TRUTH is that: EVERY Republican Economic Policy is DESIGNED to DESTROY American jobs, while EVERY Progressive Democratic Economic Policy is DESIGNED to CREATE American jobs. I can PROVE that FACT.
1) Republicans advocate FREE TRADE. But the FREE TRADE off shoring of FIVE MILLION American factory jobs and destruction of TWENTRY MILLION related support jobs, has cost America TWENTY FIVE MILLION JOBS!!! The Progressive plan is Job Protection Trade Policy to TAKE BACK TWENTY FIVE MILLION AMERICAN JOBS!
2) Republicans advocate ending Regulations. But lack of regulations on the Banks CAUSED the MULT-TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of the Bush Depression and the loss of MILLIONS OF AMERICAN JOBS. Lack of regulations also allows pollution that KILLS YOUR CHILDREN. The Progressive plan is regulations to PROTECT JOBS and SAVE LIVES!
3) Republicans want to cut taxes on the Super Rich even more, and cut government spending, especially on social programs that give economic aid to the poor. An Economic Model shows that the economy runs on Cash Flow from Consumer Spending to Business Income to Wages Paid to Consumer Income and back to Consumer Spending. It is simple to PROVE that the MOST EFFECTIVE WAYS to create property for all is either: (A) massive government paying of money to poor consumers to jump start consumer spending, or (B) massive job creating government spending that buys Made in USA factory products, especially in new Renewable Energy Technology. The Republican plan of cutting government spending DESTROYS JOBS. The Progressive plan of increasing job creating government spending can QUICKLY CREATE MILLIONS OF JOBS!
4) Republicans are trying to create an Economic Dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich. Concentration of Economic Power in the hands of a few, means the decisions of the economic systems are for the purpose of benefiting the few, and further impoverishing and enslaving everyone else. Anti-Trust laws against Monopolies exist, because Economic Dictatorship of the Super Rich is NOT Capitalism!!! Republicans are working to DESTROY CAPITATLISM and replace it with ECONOMIC DICATORSHP!!!
In my books and online books I PROVE that both Capitalism and Socialism have virtues and vices, and that the best economic system is one that combines the virtues of both systems while ending the vices of both systems. I PROVE that Macro Economic Democracy is FAR superior to Capitalism at promoting Economic Growth and FAR superior to Socialism and ending poverty. Therefore, all Americans must demand the immediate establishment of Macro Economic Democracy!
Wisconsin Recall Walker - Jesus Christ
Copyright © 2012 by Dale Lee Harris
Wisconsin and America are at a crossroads between Doom's Day and Utopia. If voters make the wrong decisions then Wisconsin and America will be destroyed. The Wisconsin recall of Scott Walker and the re-election of President Obama will set Wisconsin and America on a path to its destiny. The choice is between not between two possible futures, but is rather a choice between three possible futures.
The first future is a dictatorship of the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich Koch Brothers. Democracy will be destroyed and replaced with Corporate Rule. There will be a New Great Depression. And Americans will have to take the Mark of the Beast to buy food. If voters in Wisconsin and America vote the way the Koch Brothers want them to vote and tell them how to vote in their Mega-Million dollar TV Ads, then the future of Wisconsin and America will be enslavement and destruction.
The second future is a continued struggle between good and evil. Politicians will continue to be divided between honestly serving the voters and taking bribe money from their Radical Super Rich Puppet Masters. Slow economic recovery will continue, because Anti-Jobs Republicans will continue to oppose massive job creating government spending, which would in fact create millions of jobs and quickly end almost all unemployment in America. That is the future if Progressive Democrats win, but not by a landslide victory.
The third future is the establishment of a Direct Democracy political system and Macro Economic Democracy economic system, so that THE PEOPLE become the new owners and rulers of America. As a result, all unemployment will end in America, and everyone will have a good paying job that gives them a good life. That is America's future if-and-only-if Progressive Democrats have a landslide victory AND THE PEOPLE DEMAND the immediate establishment of Macro Economic Democracy. I can in fact prove that Macro Economic Democracy, combined with Direct Democracy would end all unemployment in America in one to two years.
We can SAVE America and SAVE the WORLD, IF we establish the Ideological system advocated by Jesus Christ, and which Jesus Christ will establish when he rules planet Earth for one thousand years. The Ideology of Jesus Christ can SAVE America from almost all human suffering, and I can prove that. All things are possible with God, even ending almost all human suffering. But, even if we can not save America, our compassion and our love for America demands that we must at least try.
In the mean time, I have a message for today. This is a message to the Occupy Movement, the Labor Movement, the Women's Movement, the Men's Movement, and to Progressives everywhere. If you can not defeat Scott Walker in Wisconsin with his Mega-Million Ad campaign to brainwash voters into believing LIES, then you have no hope of defeating Mitt Romney, because you can not imagine the Billions that will be spent to brainwash Americans to believe the LIES of the Anti-Christ Radical Super Rich Big Brothers of Koch. An army of grass roots believers may try to overcome a Billion dollar brainwash America campaign. But they will also have an Army of Zombies who can not think for themselves and have become Mind Slaves of their Koch Brother Masters.
Southern White Voters are the New Slaves in America. Rather than being slaves of the body, as were the black slaves, they are Zombie Slaves of the Mind who blindly believe what their Masters tell them to believe and obediently do what their Radical Super Rich MASTERS tell them to do. In a way, Southern White Voters are far more enslaved that blacks were, because Southern White Voters are SLAVES inside their OWN MINDS. The Radical Super Rich MASTERS of Southern White Voters will not allow them to think for themselves and question what they are told..
So how can Progressives defeat BILLION Dollar brainwashing of voters and a mindless Zombie army of brainwashed Southern White SLAVES?
Much of that can be accomplished by teaching my class nationally, which is featured at the Voters For Jobs web site. But, much can be accomplished with the following message.
Jesus Christ said you can not serve both God and Money. Republicans serve money, so they are not the servants of God, according to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ said the Super Rich must pay taxes and provide for the poor. Republicans oppose the idea of the Super Rich paying taxes and providing for the poor. That makes Republicans Anti-Christian. Progressives obey the teachings of Jesus Christ, by providing for the poor with social programs. Thus, Progressives are the servants of God. True Christians must follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and elect Progressive Democrat servants of God.
Also, it is extremely easy to prove that the only way to end almost all or all unemployment in America is to tax the Super Rich to finance massive jobs creating government spending. Republicans oppose job creating government spending, therefore Republicans are Anti-jobs and their ideas destroy jobs. Progressives support job creating government spending, therefore Progressives are Pro-jobs and their ideas create jobs.
If you want to know more, then check out Voters For Jobs dot com and watch my FREE downloadable class on how to SAVE AMERICA from UNEMPLOYMENT!!!